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rsr64 Just Joined

Joined: 09 Aug 2004 Posts: 2
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Narnarhilar Just Joined

Joined: 23 Aug 2004 Posts: 2
Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 11:44 pm Post subject: Submssion Magic |
Yeah, I was wondering about this company as well. It seems legit, being that it is back by Dish Network, but I guess you always have to be cautious when things seem too good to be true. Let me know if you decide to go for it, or hear anything else. Thanks.
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justcurious Just Joined

Joined: 24 Aug 2004 Posts: 2
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 3:23 am Post subject: |
I ran across this in my local newspaper to day just searching for a job. Where did you guys here anout it at. It's got to be something new because this is the first I have heard of it and I seem to get all of the spam mail.... My question is why would Dish Network pay people $50 to sell their dish on your website when they could advertise themselves on the search engine. Also, when their are more than 10 people than sign up, how are they going to keep everyone in the top 10 search responses??? It may be legit, but It goes back to the old saying that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
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Narnarhilar Just Joined

Joined: 23 Aug 2004 Posts: 2
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 4:25 am Post subject: Submission Magic |
It's true, I don't understand why they need all of our help to sell their product. But, I did go to Google and type in Dish Network, some websites like the sample one on the Submission Magic website did come up. I found out about this by searching my local paper's website today looking for a job. I tried to look it up on the Better Business Bureau website, but they didn't have any information.
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justcurious Just Joined

Joined: 24 Aug 2004 Posts: 2
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 4:44 am Post subject: |
Hey, that's a really good idea. I never thought about doing a search, but they could have made up several websites and posted them. I have been doing research on home based businesses at They pretty much stated that no home based business is a long term successful one unless you are selling a product. I know Dish Network is a product, but why wouldn't they just try to get people straight to their site. I thought if it is a scam, since this is in conjunction with a company promising control over search engine results, could they manipulate bad ones as well?
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kaaahunaaa Just Joined

Joined: 31 Aug 2004 Posts: 1
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 9:29 pm Post subject: Submission Magic - or Magic Trick? |
One of the ways I check on a company or its reputation is by going to Google and typing something like "submission magic sucks" or "submission magic fraud," or "submission magic scam."
Using the last set of words, I came up with the comments on your forum, but I'm still looking. I, like probably a few other of you visiting this forum, am desperately in need of a job in which I can incorporate either my writing or customer and vendor service experience. So far, it's been tough!
If I get involved with this deal, I will post something; in the meantime, it would be great if someone else could pass their experience on to me and others curious about it.
(I found out a lot of information I didn't expect to find about companies such as Wal-Mart and Best Buy using the "sucks" keyword after entering the company name. It's a good indication of poor customer service when you get 100 results after searching for "Best Buy Sucks!"
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jeepwiggs Just Joined

Joined: 23 Sep 2004 Posts: 1
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 3:57 am Post subject: |
I clicked on a banner for this tonight out of curiosity. I would be careful with this. It appears that one might think this is backed by Dish Network. I have included links to a couple of sites that look identical.
The domain names have a private registry and are hosted in Arizona. Upon further digging, it looks like this is just a reseller for Dish Network in Ohio. Click on the "Contact Us" on either of the sites I have listed. I may be wrong. If anyone does this and makes any money, let me know. I really don't mean to bad mouth anyone, but if it is legitimate, I am not sure why they are hidding behind a private domain registry.
Here is a tip for anyone who is interested. If you come across a site that looks to good to be true, go to and click on WHOIS LOOKUP. From there enter the website address and you should be given some details about who owns the site and where it is hosted.
I hope this was helpful.
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Stephen-99 Just Joined

Joined: 05 Oct 2004 Posts: 1
Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 7:53 pm Post subject: Dish Network/Submission Magic |
I joined the 25$ program that Submission Magic is advertising. And just to clarify, Submission Magic is not "backed" by dish Network. Submission Magic is one of the more prosperous affiliates to VMC Satellite, some gig that Dish Network has it's name on.
Although I don't complain since I really haven't done much with my VMC affiliate account, I have not recieved a dime through this program. I signed up in August of this year and I have not recieved a return on the +500$ promise.
In fact I found this forum trying to find submission Magic to get back in touch with them (the hardest thing in the world if you couldn't remember the name). Still I can't find out where to log into the account that I setup with them to use the search engine lister.
As the general theme of this forum has gone, Submission Magic is legit; It's not going anywhere any time soon. But its staments/claims are a whole lot less than half truths.
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jmurp997 Just Joined

Joined: 21 Oct 2004 Posts: 1
Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 2:25 am Post subject: SUBMISSION MAGIC |
I believe the standard fee received from Dishnetwork (through it's affiliate program) is $20.00 a system. How does Submission Magic make any money by losing $30.00 per sale?
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BalooMoon Just Joined

Joined: 23 Oct 2004 Posts: 1
Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 10:04 am Post subject: Doesn't look promising. |
I also searched both the BBB and for Submission Magic, and found nothing. I then searched VMC Satellite (the affiliate you're selling the dishes for) and found an undesireable report on
Just proves that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
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