tp07022 Enthusiast

Joined: 08 Apr 2005 Posts: 6 Location: NJ,USA
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:44 pm Post subject: A Few Suggestions |
First off I think you will have a very successful board here. I would suggest having a forum for advertising so your members can post without worrying about getting banned. Also, possibly an area for members to exchange links or offer other members free advertising. That seems to be popular these days. I myself implemented it on my board. Possibly making it clearer what you consider blatant advertising would be helpful also. I was trying to be very careful with my posts yet helping some of the members. I have a parenting site with a home employment section but to many things just to list them for members so I referred them to the site to get the free resources. But I was not sure if me telling them they could take advantage of free resources I offer on my site was considered advertising. Much success to you.