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rsr64 Just Joined

Joined: 09 Aug 2004 Posts: 2
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Narnarhilar Just Joined

Joined: 23 Aug 2004 Posts: 2
Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 11:44 pm Post subject: Submssion Magic |
Yeah, I was wondering about this company as well. It seems legit, being that it is back by Dish Network, but I guess you always have to be cautious when things seem too good to be true. Let me know if you decide to go for it, or hear anything else. Thanks.
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justcurious Just Joined

Joined: 24 Aug 2004 Posts: 2
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 3:23 am Post subject: |
I ran across this in my local newspaper to day just searching for a job. Where did you guys here anout it at. It's got to be something new because this is the first I have heard of it and I seem to get all of the spam mail.... My question is why would Dish Network pay people $50 to sell their dish on your website when they could advertise themselves on the search engine. Also, when their are more than 10 people than sign up, how are they going to keep everyone in the top 10 search responses??? It may be legit, but It goes back to the old saying that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
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Narnarhilar Just Joined

Joined: 23 Aug 2004 Posts: 2
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 4:25 am Post subject: Submission Magic |
It's true, I don't understand why they need all of our help to sell their product. But, I did go to Google and type in Dish Network, some websites like the sample one on the Submission Magic website did come up. I found out about this by searching my local paper's website today looking for a job. I tried to look it up on the Better Business Bureau website, but they didn't have any information.
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justcurious Just Joined

Joined: 24 Aug 2004 Posts: 2
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 4:44 am Post subject: |
Hey, that's a really good idea. I never thought about doing a search, but they could have made up several websites and posted them. I have been doing research on home based businesses at They pretty much stated that no home based business is a long term successful one unless you are selling a product. I know Dish Network is a product, but why wouldn't they just try to get people straight to their site. I thought if it is a scam, since this is in conjunction with a company promising control over search engine results, could they manipulate bad ones as well?
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kaaahunaaa Just Joined

Joined: 31 Aug 2004 Posts: 1
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 9:29 pm Post subject: Submission Magic - or Magic Trick? |
One of the ways I check on a company or its reputation is by going to Google and typing something like "submission magic sucks" or "submission magic fraud," or "submission magic scam."
Using the last set of words, I came up with the comments on your forum, but I'm still looking. I, like probably a few other of you visiting this forum, am desperately in need of a job in which I can incorporate either my writing or customer and vendor service experience. So far, it's been tough!
If I get involved with this deal, I will post something; in the meantime, it would be great if someone else could pass their experience on to me and others curious about it.
(I found out a lot of information I didn't expect to find about companies such as Wal-Mart and Best Buy using the "sucks" keyword after entering the company name. It's a good indication of poor customer service when you get 100 results after searching for "Best Buy Sucks!"
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BenS1987 Just Joined

Joined: 29 Nov 2004 Posts: 1 Location: Tyler, TX
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 3:14 am Post subject: |
I've been a member of this affiliate program for three days now.
VMCSatellite allows you a tracking system which shows the number of visitors and page views to your affiliate site, the one that you paid the one time 25$ nominal fee to advertise on 100+ search engines.
In the time that my site has been up, I've seen that my page has been viewed 45 apparently it's working. I've also been able to find my website by typing it in on several of the search engines, so the program is legitimate.
I would like to note however, that I have not made a sale in the three days that my web site has been operating. However, I'm fairly confident that I will soon, sale to user ratio and all.
If you'd like more information on the affiliate program, visit my website;
I'd love to hear from you!
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bizatchslap Just Joined

Joined: 02 Dec 2004 Posts: 1
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:16 am Post subject: Here's the scoop on this biz. |
It is 100% legit.
The issue is not wheter it is legit, or if it costs too much...its an issue of wheter you want to promote the address that gets created for you. SM builds a cheap little cookie cutter site for you; adds it to the search engines and thats it. The plain and simple is that if you want to make any money off of this you have to go out and promote your site. They are essentially trying to create a marketing/sales team. If you don't promote your site then you will make 0(THATS ZERO) money. Just think about it: If 2000 people do this, then you will have 2000 of the same exact site show up under the search engine. Dick, Tom or Harry won't care if its yours or the guys across the road. And neither does SM. SM gets far more than $50 for the activations, I know becasue I worked for DISH. Plus they made $25 off people for a $2.00 site.
So, if you decide to shell out the cash...remember - Only hard work makes money! This will work, but it will cost you more than $25. Make some business cards and flyers with your site address. Send out flyers. Talk and chat up your site.
This whole scheme is not new...Tupperware, Pampered Chef and other have done this for years.
Hope this helps.
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Deathfire Just Joined

Joined: 17 Dec 2004 Posts: 1
Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 10:40 pm Post subject: Ah |
Well, thanks, that really will help out. I also tried to get some responses from their company (Through Internet) by asking them about all this and about the having to promote the site to sell. But I was also wondering, they say that they gurantee people 500 bucks by the first month, then that's a somewhat strong point. Well, if I get a response, I'll post it up here....Laterz
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mleacock Just Joined

Joined: 18 Dec 2004 Posts: 1
Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 7:22 pm Post subject: Re: Ah |
[quote="Deathfire"]Well, thanks, that really will help out. I also tried to get some responses from their company (Through Internet) by asking them about all this and about the having to promote the site to sell. But I was also wondering, they say that they gurantee people 500 bucks by the first month, then that's a somewhat strong point. Well, if I get a response, I'll post it up here....Laterz[/quote]
What I noticed is that they say "[b]UP[/b] to $500 the first month" So, even if you make nothing you still have made "UP to $500" like they said so my guess is you wouldn't get your money back even if you wanted it back.
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dunwill Just Joined

Joined: 20 Dec 2004 Posts: 1
Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 3:56 pm Post subject: |
This is a pyramid scheme.
You spend a certain amount of money to get in. Then after the setup, you need to sign up more people that you get a small amount of money for signing up. Then the people you signed up go through the same process; and they sign up some people. You get paid a small amount and they also get a sum of money for signing up more people. This continues.
A pyramid scheme is illegal. People do go to jail for this.
Do a search for Pyramid Scheme.
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speacher1 Just Joined

Joined: 28 Dec 2004 Posts: 1
Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 5:13 pm Post subject: Submission Magic and BBB |
I've looked up Submission Magic on the Better Business Bureau website...good news and bad news
Good news--under the BBB in Canton, OH, Submission Magic has had no complaints registered with or resolved through the BBB in 2004. Bad news--Its parent company (or the company Submission Magic acts as an affiliate for), VMC Satellite (named in fine print at the bottom of the Submission Magic homepage), has had numerous complaints registered with and resolved through the BBB in Washington, DC. According to the BBB in Washington, DC, many of the resolutions of complaints resulted in refunds to customers. According to the BBB in DC, the main complaint filed against VMC Satellite is unsatisfactory customer service.
Neither company is registered in the BBB Online for web-based businesses; but both are registered as legit businesses under the regular BBB.
I've been considering this work at home op as well; this new info now has me thinking even harder. Hope it helps anyone considering this work-at-home op make a better decision. And FYI--VMC Satellite has its own affiliate program that has no cost posted on its website www.
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laobt Just Joined

Joined: 29 Dec 2004 Posts: 1
Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 2:19 am Post subject: submission magic stinks |
I'm now looking for another opportunity besides Submission Magic/Dish Network. I joined a couple weeks ago, and only got a couple hits, and NO sales. Noone calls or writes you back. There are way too many people doing it, obviously, because my site is so far down on search engines noone goes to it!
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markgenaux Just Joined

Joined: 07 Mar 2005 Posts: 1
Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 8:28 pm Post subject: funny scam.... |
I been getting phone calls for about two weeks from a company that wants to set up a "website" for me, at the price of 150.00. the key word they where using was "Affitation with".
you could say I went blank for about 24 hours because I looked over what they did and here in a nut shell is well what they do for you... (not much)
they set up...I think they said something LIKE BUILD, yea we know what shake and bake is all about but the website that they build for you is bascly no more than what you could get for free from, what your down stream is are banners with clik links "within" ,thats when the banner is click by the user he is routed to a site that user carriers a "tag".
you have a banner that for Ebay to be an affiate to do this you must pay 250.00 to ebay, but for all NEW users that sign up throught your web site and makes a or lose ebay pays you the affiate 10 dollars, but they only pay out IF your account is over a curtain limit each month.
some may be leaning forward and reading this a little more close, please forgive my type O's, Many site on the internet provide FREE PAID Affialtes that if you make a I did to Piss of Traffic Design, and then get Linkshare (for free) to give it some juice you basicley can just do what they say they will do for you OURSELF.
My biggest draw is linking to gambling site and BELIVE it or not paying cash Survey Companys (not groups) most if not all of the affialtion programs that I use ARE free.
it is realy funny how I got sign into linkshare, Trafficdesign called me for the forth time, this is after the sent me a url to look at which I did, but what they didn't know I pluged the url into my search engine comando program....after 25 pages on ALL the search engines their URL for this website didn't even show up, I expained to them what I did...and of coarse they where not happy, but they said instead of 150.00 buck for 99.00 dollars they would set me up with an even better website, on with Overstock Auctions...
realy I said, hum what happen to e-bay?
come to find out I signed up with overstock auction affiate program and it made me a member of linkshare...FOR FREE!
don't buy the BS when you can make your own as the farmer next door to me use to say.
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irlobrienkn Just Joined

Joined: 11 Mar 2005 Posts: 2
Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 3:25 pm Post subject: |
No I am having NO success with it. They guarantee that you will make at least $500 the first month. Bull #$%^. I have not made a dime and I have spent hours upon hours advertising. I have tried to contact them for help with numberous emails and no responses. There is not even a contact us number or email on the website. You can just respond to their emails, if your lucky you'll get 1 or 2. Don't waste your money!!
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