johmac1 Just Joined

Joined: 31 Mar 2005 Posts: 4 Location: Montreal, Canada
Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:56 pm Post subject: Newbie - Hi Everyone..... |
Hello, I have read your Forum over the last couple of days and find it to be very helpful. The people are very real and friendly and I find that quite heartwarming considering there isn't any human contact.
Sorry if this is long-winded. I will soon be unemployed after 26 years with the same company (most seniority and an excellent track record as an employee but evidently that means nothing in this day and age). After 32 years of steady working and commuting, at age 49 I am not relishing the prospect of pounding the pavement and starting up again. I do have a little time to build on a working at home business since I finish end of June and begin Unemployment Insurance for almost a year. I have been groping my way around the internet but like most people I am deluged by what's there and reluctant and skeptical to sign up for anything. I've taken baby steps and signed on for free surveys (like chicken soup - can't really do any harm). Typeinternational was my best hope so far with a lot of testimonials but then I found 2 complaints (although they were backed up by 2 happy customers who found it legitimate). I don't know much about designing websites and think that would be something to evolve into. My preference is data/order processing field, proof-reading or other clerical skills. My question at this point in time is that there seems to be so much of this adtyping out there. TI pays .25cents - does anyone know how long it takes to do one of these. If I'm spending 10 minutes on one then it is hardly worth my while but if I can do 50 in an hour it would probably be a place for me to start. Appreciate anyone who can give me advice on this adtyping for now at least. Thank you for listening and have a nice day.