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LittleCabbage336 Just Joined

Joined: 09 Jan 2005 Posts: 3
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 10:40 pm Post subject: The Truth About Cash Junkies: The Good, Bad, & Ugly |
It took me a long time to find out what, exactly, this business was about. I will now share the good, the bad, and the ugly (and the Really ugly) of what this company has to offer, so others can avoid mistakes or find good work, whichever works.
The Good...
This company is not a scam. If you do the work, you will get paid. The customer service is a bunch of the friendliest people i've ever met online. They run a good business, and customer satisfaction is very high. There is a variety of "assignments" available: Ad Typing, Article Writing, and various assignments involving recruitment that, i will admit, i didn't even look into. The idea is to get people interested in CashJunkies so that they eventually work their way into CashJunkies' affiliates (BusinessJunkies, SupportJunies, TemplateJunkies, etc. There's a whole "Junkies" network) These affiliates, unlike CashJunkies, offer work that results in some sort of material service. There's a lot of really good press on this service.
The Bad...
The service has a lot of good press bcs. upon signing up, you find out that your job is to generate good press.
The website is not very descriptive in what work it offers. There are a variety of assignments, but don't even try getting someone to describe an assignment to you, they remain very elusive on the subject. It's always, "Oh, there are so many, and they're all different." Well, there's not that many, and they're all very similar. And you can't look at the assignments until you cough up $59.99. So, here's the low-down.
Ad Typing: You type ads for Cash Junkies saying "Work available at" There are different payment options for different workloads.
Writing Articles: The website fails to provide any guidelines such as subject, length, format, or purpose of the articles.
Recruitment: Again, i didn't really look into these as i was only interested in Ad typing. Basically, you get paid a certain amount for every member you bring on board. Sounds okay, but if you're not into recruiting, you're not going to find a lot of work. There are "other ways to make money with CashJunkies" (as per everything i've read on it) but the subscription costs more and it seemed like more of the same to me.
The website also says you can make up to $40 a project, but there was not a single project that paid $40.
The Ugly...
If you feed a dog, it loves you, if you try to take its food away, you'll get your hand bitten off. The people at CashJunkies were very kind to me while i was interested in the company. After i signed up, i discovered that i didn't like the selection of work available. I tried it, though, and found it very annoying. The ad typing is to be done on forums, classified ad sites, etc. Many of the sites CashJunkies provided for posting either said "No work-at-home ads" or already had Cashjunkies ads on them. Besides that, you have to register for the sites before posting (this is what takes so long). I posted 4 ads in 2 hours. (I would have made 40 cents had i turned my work in) There is software available to mae the job go faster, but i really thought about it: It's a loophole in Spamming laws. You're posting ads all over the internet saying "work available at" but the onlny work really available is typing ads saying "work available at" It kinda goes in a circle.
Some people don't have a problem with this. I did. And furthermore, i didn't like having no way of discovering this until i paid my subscription fee.
The Really Ugly...
Upon discovering i didn't want to continue with this work, i wrote a very polite letter the very next day asking for my money back. Now, they say upfront they don't offer full refunds. So, i specifically asked for a partial refund. I got a response merely saying "we don't offer full refunds." Obviously, they didn't read my polite and well-thought-out letter. I wrote them back to this effect and got a better response, saying they'd pass my letter to their director.
It has been 2 months, and there has been a great deal of correspondence between myself and the company. About 90% of that correspondence has been mine. Most of my letters go unanswered. I have been led in circles, i have been told i'm asking for something they don't offer (which i'm not) and i am VERY frustrated. My request was simple enough, and i am being jerked around. I have let the company know that i can't afford to just let go of $60, and if i could, i would. I have tried to be personal, i have tried to be formal and businesslike, i have tried to be ouitright legal with them. They simply don't care.
Now, i'm not into "slamming" companies. I hate when people are dissatisfied with a company so they totally slam it. This company has its good points, but it has its bad ones, too. I would like to state again, this company is legitimate. My issue is not with the legitimacy of the company. It has many happy customers. If all this sounds like work you want to do, i would highly recommend CashJunkies to you. It's ideal work for stay-at-home mothers and people who want a supplemental income. But be warned: once you're in, there's no way out. It can be VERY frustrating work, and VERY slow to start. You probably won't make back your subscription fee for a month or two if you lead a normal life. And if you don't like recruiting, there's very little work for you, don't get into it.
I'm writing all of this because it's information the website doesn't give, and i think it should. I don't get "taken in" very easily, and i'm a pretty smart person. But i must say i regret ever having gotten involved with this company. But that's just my personal experience.
I hope someone out there will find this helpful, and that everyone will find it fair.
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LittleCabbage336 Just Joined

Joined: 09 Jan 2005 Posts: 3
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 4:32 pm Post subject: Follow-up! |
Hi! A follow-up from me, the one who wrote this article. I finally just got a partial refund. I hope i wasn't too hard on the company in my article. They really are a decent bunch of people (even though getting a refund was like pulling teeth)
The best advice i can give to anyone looking for a work-at-home job is:
Know exactly what you're getting into. Even if it takes days of questioning people in the company, hundreds of e-mails, etc. I spent a few days researching, and even made use of every informative tool available to me, and i still couldn't get straight answers. A big red-flag is "You have to sign up to find out" (which is what i was repeatedly told. This was not the company's fault, but that of someone representing it.)
As for refund policies, even if they say one is available. Partial refunds are like vasectomys. The doctor may say it's reversible, but you really shouldn't count on it as an option. IS a legitimate company, and their customer service is pretty good. Don't let anyone tell you it's a scam. Just, before you sign up, find out all you can. If you have any doubts, don't put down the money!
Happy job hunting!
I hope everyone finds this follow-up informative and fair.
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