silke247 Enthusiast

Joined: 23 Aug 2004 Posts: 35 Location: My home!
Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 12:40 am Post subject: News on the new Nettle magazine! |
The Nettle prides itself on being �The Most Controversial Ezine on The Net�, and is run by David Congreave of the UK.
It closed it's old ezine format at the end of last year, and decided to launch under a whole new format in 2005. Launch date has yet to be announced, hopefully March or shortly after.
Yours Truly has been signed up as a Staff Writer to write to Web Marketing/Home Business column, and will be focussing on "A Woman's Touch" (the working title):
Obviously I'm delighted to be involved in this venture so am sharing the news with my friends here at WAHF.
Obviously I'm not trying to plug or promote the mag - you guys know me better than that - and it gets enough publicity anyway. Though if you did choose to subscribe I would highly recommend it - The Nettle was always a fascinating read:
The full writing team of 10 experts now includes:
Jon Olson
Joshua Ditty
Dylan Campbell
Chris Genge
Silke Stahl
Andy Henry
Jody Michelle Solis
Pat Lovell
Scott Eggleston
David Congreave
Joel Viney
It's not that I'm in it that makes it great - it's because it's so great that I agreed to be in it!
If you want to read any of the back issues - they have some fantastic articles - you can access them here: