hamoon Just Joined

Joined: 11 Jan 2005 Posts: 2
Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:50 am Post subject: Traffic : Let�s share our experiences |
I want to share my experiences about improvement home-business with others. If you have any experience or idea please write it.
I found 4 most effective and powerful methods for generate traffic:
1-Write articles for ezines and websites that accept article submissions
I tried to write a profitable and perfect article about my business .it wasn�t simple for me, but I could and published it to many ezines and websites .every week I try to write another one. For More information about write an article visit :
2-Google Adwords
For those who don't know what Google Adwords is: with this service, you display your ad on Google and Google's partner sites. Whenever a visitor clicks on your advert, Google charges you a predefined sum. For beginning I used this service with a little money and everyday I tried to be better than yesterday in results. https://adwords.google.com
3-Link exchange
I tried to exchange my link with other famous and powerful sites about my business via �page rank� in �google toolbar�. As soon as find any sites that had 4 or higher for page rank and it was include this section I dived to it !!!!!
4-Tracking results
This is very important, you must track every step .if that step was include good results, continue it, otherwise drop it !!!! I used a web tracker service on internet. Everyday I see on it how many visitors i have and from where they come? Without this service you can�t improve your results. http://sitemeter.com
5- Business-building resources
In my opinion, all of us must access to powerful business-building resources. I searched on the internet more than 2 months for articles, books, magazines, WebPages for find a book or magazine that be profitable for my business. Finally, I found .it is really the best . I introduce it in my website and recommend it to all .
I used these 4 methods for gain targeted visitors to my websites and generate more sales. If you have any idea or experience about generate traffic please write it to me. Thank you.
To your success and apologize for my English !!
Author: Hamoon
URL: http://homebusiness.nexuswebs.net/iahbe.htm