We have recently begun to generate a lot of leads by using Facebook and Ibotoolbox which is a site for promoting your business and we've had a really good response from some free advertising we signed up for too.
For those of you who have considered the "buying fans" approach. It is said, that Facebook has been removing accounts and revoking page & app likes that come from fake profiles, malware, hacks and other illegitimate approaches.
Getting the right kind of traffic to your site is indeed the main question. But, there are so many avenues for one to take, that I find that I, personally get lost in the maze sometimes. How does one avoid wasting time on those sites that really do nothing to help you. And which is the best way to get targeted traffic for free is what I too would like to know.
Read every word in both of my posts from top to bottom and I will help you with your problem. Join Linkedin, IBOtoolbox, mosaicHUB. Find as many forums that will let you advertise in your signature as possible and then do it! Get banner exchanges and link as many sites to your site as possible! Use free advertising as much as possible, Google it and then use it! Place ads and links everywhere, post articles and press releases with links in them a lot! Do it everyday and do it all over the Intenet. You can post a comment on the blog on my website under the comment "Affiliblog Invites Businesses" which is there just for anyone with a business to self promote. I'm not trying to self promote by telling you that, I'm just offering you a place to do it. There are many places like that where you can self promote, use all that you can find. At first it seems time consuming, but after you get in the swing of things you'll be surprised at how much traffic you can generate for free.
I agree with a lot of what is said. I think the saying, "it is a marathon, not a sprint" is the attitude to take. Just do some link building each day, getting your name and links out there.
Thanks Wayne, I already have joined a number of the sites you have recommended, but gosh, trying to figure them all out takes a lot of time. But, slowly but steadily i am getting there.
Here is a sure fire method to start getting you 50 visitor to your site a day! first you want to update your blog, website everyday! Then you want to ping your updated blog. Then you want too bookmark each post. go to socialposter.com and summit your site! Focus on building your twitter account by following like minded people in your niche. Join 10 facebook groups in your niche. Post each update to your blog to the facebook group. Then Create a youtube video 3 to 4 mins long talking about your blog post with a link back too your website for more info. Do that! And you will be getting traffic to your blog.
Like everything in internet marketing, the rules change constantly, and now blogs are being attacked as I have seen my top ranked blogs vanish in recent weeks after being on top of organic Google search for over six months. I think Google is starting to block blogs which use the typical template system most use, in fact, templates are the target as I have seen. Who knows what else Google will attack, but no doubt, changes are happening at a rapid rate with Google.
I have a blog on my site, but it's part of a much larger matrix. We have only seen increases in our traffic and our site rankings have been going up on a constant basis. Having the blog as part of a larger format has helped because people come from all over the world to read and comment. It's really helped us bring traffic to the site.
We also use free advertising, that has brought us a lot of traffic. Learn as many ways as you can to get people to come to your site and use all of them often.
Has anyone advertised on BackPage, if so, then you know how labor intensive it is to post one by one ad, I know for I have used them for years, and it pulls traffic best of all the free classified sites. Now I can post hundreds to hundreds of cities in minutes, less time than it takes to post one ad manually. Secret new software does it all in auto-pilot, and the traffic just keeps on flowing to my landing page websire. BlackPage Business Plaster does it all.
So far everyone we've used has produced meager results compared to what they advertise. The best practice is to learn every way possible to drive traffic to your site and then do it your self. The days I spend doing that produce significantly higher results!
Two Words: Solo Ads. Most of my list is comprised of leads from solo ad mailings, and once you find a good provider, you then ask them for an auto- mailing sort of deal. Usually they give you a discount once you do that. Solo ads have been my best tool, usually I can write some killer copy, and get a 40-60% optin rate... To the top, Zach Andary
There are many type of traffic for a website which includes organic traffic, referral traffic, paid traffic, traffic from social media etc. You have to work on all types of medium to get traffic on your site. Moreover you can try buying the traffic from a website. I would recommend you to try SEOclerks for a cheap rate.
Hi srama3, I think Angie (happywife) had it all. If you just want 50+ visitors, join the Traffic Exchanges and post regularly to Tweeter, of course not forgetting to put your link on your posts. Traffic Exchanges are websites which you can join for free and get people to visit your site in exchange to visits you make to their sites. Don't just join any TEs, they have rankings. Decide on the number you can join, you don't have to waste all of your time there. The best way to get targeted traffic is by use of keywords. Start by typing the search term in Google, the longer the better. Then send it to the Keyword Tool, for example, the adwords Keyword Planner. Refine your search term and find the number of searches it gets per month and its competition. Use a tool to get the QSR (Quoted Search Results). The lower the QSR, the higher are your chances of ranking your search term on the first page of the search results. To know how many of your keywords have been indexed on Google and their positions, use The Webmaster's Tools. I think that will help. Laurian.
Wow Im new to forums and Im loving ll the great advice Ive done most of my marketing threw word of mouth and some google ads as well