Makemoneyonline, I am very impressed with your use of the system and your blog set up. Thank you very much for leading by example. All of the posters have made valid contributions towards my decision to go with Profit Lance, but you stood out. Thanks again! AAbleHome
Thanks! Hey are you using the turbo blogging method? Just checked out your blog. I just started another new blog today using the turbo blogging method.
Is any body having a lot of success with Profit Lance? I find it pretty informative. If you are new or old in online marketing the Profit Lance will help. If any body have any ideas of what's working for them right please let me know. Thanks, [Link removed - Admin]
HI Guys, I'm new to this site! I bought into Profit lance last week and I'm impressed! I was wondering if you guys had an email address I could use to contact Mike? Cheers, Sean
Quoting: Sean ByrneI bought into Profit lance last week and I'm impressed! I was wondering if you guys had an email address I could use to contact Mike? It should be listed on the website. If should also be listed in the receipt when you purchased the product.
Quoting: jccelIf any body have any ideas of what's working for them right please let me know. I suggest you read through the projects and set one up as it is a great starting point and a potential earner if done effectively. personally i have left the sites provided alone and created my own as well as serveral blogs using the affiliate and adsense method taught in the course and have had a small amount of success to cover costs. You must however remember benefits most of the time reflect your efforts and if you have little time on your hands don't expect instant cash. keep us posted on how you get on
Try to learn the adsense section in the projects tab. Try setting up your own google adsense website with what u learnt in the project section.
Did you gals and guys take a look at the AWESOME Dubai photo's Mike just added to his Blog? I want that Ocean in my back yard! hahah makemoneyonline I would love to see you blog~ what is the addy?
Should i purchase the original profit lance or the profit lance pro version? I'm open to any suggestions thank you
Quoting: HemjoeI suggest you read through the projects and set one up as it is a great starting point and a potential earner if done effectively. Thanks alot Hemjo for your answer to my question. A long with the profit lance I just bought the Super Affiliate Handbook. It does a great job at breaking down affiliate marketing. But you know what I'm having the biggest problem with is finding a niche. I have spent 6 to 10 hours just looking at possible niches; nothing it. If anyone found a great way to find a niche let me know. I would really appreciate it. [Link removed - Admin]
When I'm thinking of a niche, I try to think of a type of problem that people would search the net for. Training your dog, acne, anxiety, depression, credit problems, etc.
Quoting: JCPAre you mostly making money from pomoting the PL thru click bank? No. It is one of the ways i'm making money, but I'm making money through other clickbank products and adsense
If you limit yourself to making money by just promoting profit lance then you will struggle, you will be more successful by ranging your income streas like make money online
Well, the reason I asked was because of looking at your review site, the screen shots of your click bank seemed like they were from your commission of the Profit Lance, I noticed when Mike increased the affliate commission, it seemed your commissions were increased, just an observation. I know that promting PL is not the WHOLE game plan, I have other stuff in the works. I am presently working on my Quaity Content sites, and adsense. I am such a perfectionist, and I work close to 50 hours a week as a hair dresser.... Yeh I work ~~~>ALOT so I work on the sites before and after work and in between making dinner, doing dishes. I look forward to the day when they will be done, and ALIVE online, hahaha.... I have a few sites that I earn some some money from thru adsense right now..... I have one project that is almot FINISHED! I will do the happy dance..........
Quoting: JCPWell, the reason I asked was because of looking at your review site, the screen shots of your click bank seemed like they were from your commission of the Profit Lance, I noticed when Mike increased the affliate commission, it seemed your commissions were increased, just an observation. I only added the screenshots from my profit lance clickbank account onto that website. Most of the sales in those screenshots were from profit lance sales. I should probably update that site again and add my other clickbank accounts.
makemoneyonline I'm new and confused as to where people are looking at your blogs. Can you tell me how to go see them and understand what you are doing. If you can't post here you can email me. [email protected]