Getting the most mileage out of this or any forum...

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Vishal P. Rao, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. mountainmom5 Gold Member

    Welcome Dallas - JoyBrings Wealth - Charles and all the rest.[IMG]

    Welcome to my very favoritest forum on the net.[IMG]
  2. RDowe New Member

    Vishal P. Rao: Majority of the newbies into forum marketing make this mistake of being too assertive in their approach, often using explicit texts to coax readers into looking into their signature. I would like to stress on the fact that such an approach will hardly deliver any lasting results in the long run. You may make a sale here and there, but you'll miss the gold mine lying underneath.

    If you truly want to get the maximum results from forums, spend some quality time here and share real information. Be real. Don't force yourself into making n posts every time you make a visit here. It doesn't matter how many posts you make but how many people that have benefited from reading your posts. The feedback you get will be far more heartening to read than seeing the posts counter below your member name. And these are the very people you'll most likely be doing business with.

    Always remember this: People who visit you signature links after being impressed by the information you have posted, are far more likely to do long-term business with you than casual visitors, who visit you, being impressed by the text in your signature.

    Haste never delivers. Anything that's built with love, care and patience will always deliver the most. Be it an ice-cream or a house. The longer the time you'll spend on them, the better they'll turn out to be. So don't rush and take it easy.
    That was well expressed Vishal. Thank You for welcoming me.

  3. Zaloshka New Member

    Thank you, Vishal! I just joined this forum today and I must say that out of all forums I have joined so far your greeting and initial advice were absolutely the best... The forum seems super interesting and I cannot wait to exchange info and learn something new...
    All the best to you and all the memebers! [IMG]
  4. Craig New Member

    This is so true and yet people buy from people who are forward and assertive all the time.
    In sales, professionals will do something called "mirroring" where they will take on similar characteristics that their prospects display. In other words develop rapport.
    Obviously, online is different. Writing online to express your personality can take some time to perfect and even then is a work in progress.
    I've always enjoyed Ken Evoy and his trainings with

    Best of days to you and yours,
  5. Craig New Member

    My mom lives in Montana for the last 10 yrs. Just sent me Flathead Valley cherries. Boy, were they ever good.
  6. softzephyr New Member

    Thank you, Vishal.

    I am new here, but already feel at home. There's been just too many hoaxes, scams and more these days, that arriving here and reading your welcome message made me check reality. I'm hoping to learn and find insights that will lead me to the right direction of online marketing. I want to find myself among the ones who are "real" and make it even more "real" for the newbies like me.

    Appreciate your effort!
  7. kgrasberger New Member

    I recently lost my job, and have just started looking into these types of forums related to work at home opportunities. I've signed up with only a few companies, mostly for paid surveys, one of which is working out very well. I started at the website less than a week ago and I have already met the minimum and cashed out once, but it's somewhat small money. It seems like everything is like that, just have to put a lot of time and tedious effort, is that pretty true?
  8. mdbailey915 New Member

    Thanks Vishal. Hopefully i can gain useful and pertinant information in my quest for a viable, no upfront expense, full time career as a telecommuting CSR.
  9. Vishal P. Rao Administrator

  10. TowneKrier New Member

    thanks for the advices
  11. Ann Williams New Member

    Thanks Vishal

    That is good advice, that I will be glad to follow. I hope to add useful information to this forum that helps someone in some way. I am sure I will read interesting posts as well.

  12. TCharmLady New Member

    Thanks Vishal - I am happy to be a part of such a wonderful group of people. Forums are fairly new to me, however, I find that there is so much we can learn from each other. Even if we stumble, that is all part of learning and finding the right way to our individual success.

    Business is relationship oriented that we forget sometimes because we might get pressured to make that next mortgage payment or car payment.

    I especially like your statement about . . . " don't rush and take it easy." That is something I truly am working on each and every day!
  13. brian1980 New Member

    Great Advice, not cool when people try and get something for nothing, the Law of Karma should be taught in elementary school.
  14. ZiggyZoo New Member

    If the truth be told forums are like our play ground [IMG]

    It gives us a chance to take a breather from the hard work we are all putting in and to just relax a bit.

    And... if we can help along the way ... thats even better (although sometimes i wonder if I help at all ... I just love commenting [IMG] )
  15. KarlFabian New Member

    I visit forums to share and learn knowledge. I enjoy the unpressured quit time. Mostly I enjoy it when I can be of assistance to someone by offering them helpful hints and tips that I have learned during my life's trials.
    Be Well,
  16. Ann Williams New Member

    hischicklet: Thanks Vishal for your words of wisdom. I am hoping to get an education out of this forum and others as well. As to what I may be able to contribute, I only hope it will help at least one person.

    I also hope to add helpful comments that are on topic. I must admit to getting caught up in the discussions and forget to do more than just read. It is a pleasant surprise to find all the professional and experienced advice here.
  17. Matt Lee New Member

    Well said everyone, it's nice to see a work from home forum that everyone isn't in your face about what want YOU to sign up for.

    Like most of you, I will pick though some of the links that intrigue me, without preasure. Those are your best customers anyway!
  18. fastaction New Member

    You make some very good points here. Thanks for your advice.

    Too many newbies just try and push themselves onto everyone and this is totally the wrong thing to do . One needs to provide quality content and help others in order to help themselves. Trying to force themselves on others only succeeds in turning them off. Trying to help them makes them feel better towards you and are more likely to want to visit your site.

    Thanks for providing a great forum for people to learn the intricacies of marketing on the internet.
  19. Andyee New Member

    Yes) forums are supposed to be for communicating))) The next step will be advertising on "self-help" courses[IMG]
  20. Cashminter New Member

    This well said because I strongly believe that socializing should go beyond selling.One should be able to merit a visit.Hoping that many new entrants here and other forums take these stuff you wrote here to heart and abide well for their own maximum benefits