Getting the most mileage out of this or any forum...

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Vishal P. Rao, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. Vishal P. Rao Administrator

    timhale: I hope I can be a valuable contributor to this community!
    Cheers Tim [IMG]
  2. PhilipT07 New Member

    WOW!!! There is really a ton of good information on this forum! I can't wait to share my ideas, methods, and get the same in return!

    I hope I can be a good contributor!
  3. MargaretJones New Member

    Thank you for the sound advice, and I appreciate your welcome.
  4. duke28 New Member

    Great Tips. I'm new here and spent a couple of hours looking through the forum. I've been working at home for some time now, and have learned a lot. This has made me realize I still have a lot more to learn. Some valuable information here.
  5. baby_femme New Member

    It can never be said enough Vishal!!! Thanks for this message the quality of the posts provides quality customers and indeed we should not be impressed with people who have posted thousands yet neither had relevance nor attribute...[IMG]
  6. Newbutlearning New Member

    Thank you Vishal for the gentle reminder.

    Being a newbie myself I do tend to sit back and read more than I post mainly because as my username implies I am new but learning. Those with more experience have more to offer than I currently do but I am getting there and taking the great advice from others really helps.

    I truly like what you said about being real, there are those out there that tend to push the hard sell and to me that adds no "real" value to what they are saying. In my mind an honest informative approach is the best way to earn trust.

    I am thankful for the knowledge that I gain from this forum as its members have a sincerity that seems to be lacking in some others that I visit.

    Keep up the good work and I look forward to gaining more insight as I read along.

  7. Vishal P. Rao Administrator

  8. duke28 New Member

    I'm still trying to make Work at Home my main occupation. I didn't get in to forums until recently. I've picked up some good advice and have a few tips. Most of what I learned was from mistakes or bad advice. Looking through the forum I found I'm still making some mistakes, and have more to learn. This is the place to be. Awesome!
  9. tommykrank New Member

    duke28: I'm still trying to make Work at Home my main occupation. I didn't get in to forums until recently. I've picked up some good advice and have a few tips. Most of what I learned was from mistakes or bad advice. Looking through the forum I found I'm still making some mistakes, and have more to learn. This is the place to be. Awesome!
    I feel you, haha!
  10. scottc New Member

    Couldn't agree more Vishal. New here and look forward to add input to the many searching for tid-bits of advice. We all begin NM for one reason, and that is to make money. Only , the ones who actually make money and go on to build a great and powerful business and lead others in the process, are the ones who serve for the right reasons. To serve is the opposite as to receive. I am living proof. Thanks Vishal for the positive post...make it the best day ever!!
    scott coletti
  11. Vishal P. Rao Administrator

    scottc: Thanks Vishal for the positive post...make it the best day ever!!
    Cheers Scott [IMG]
  12. brownlickie New Member

    Thank you for your introduction. I am very new to working from home and I hope to get benefit from this forum on exactly which way to go. I have submitted articles on SQUIDOO,HUBPAGES,AND EHOW under the name brownlickie. So far this has only been a pastime as there are no earnings except from Squidoo who gave me 8 cents for the month. I don't really want to earn millions, just enough to pay off my credit cards as I am a pensioner and every bit helps. Thanks once again and I will read your posts with interest. regards Brian
  13. bigtex3006 New Member

    Thank you for your advise i am new at this and will take any "sound advise" such as yours to heart
  14. ThePaidGamer New Member

    well said and i will respect that as a new internet marketer.
  15. businessworks New Member

    Wow, this is some great information. I'm fairly new to the online business world and I know that I hate pushy sales people just as much as the next guy, so I try really hard to just be genuine about my product and give the facts.

    Being genuine is really the best way to go, because people can spot a money-grubber a mile away if you use the wrong sales pitch, that's for sure !

    I hope everybody takes your advice because this is really something that can make or break a beginner!

    Thanks so much!
  16. Tharaocc New Member

    Thanks Vishal for your timely advice from the outset. I will keep it in mind in my interraction with my fellow members. Forums are meant to be educational and for sharing experiences.
    I will ensure my contributions are relevant and add value to the overall forum integrity

    Charles Chege
  17. waltgem New Member

    Thanks Vishal. I'm relatively new to forums and appreciate this advice.

    Walt Gemmell
  18. Mal Tindle New Member

    Hi Vishal,

    I think what you have said makes a lot of sense. I love forums and have picked up a tremendous amount of information, support and in some cases real friendship from people who are very successful but willing to spare their time to offer help and guidance.

    If people only join forums to push programs onto members and attempt to spam the forum then they are usually found out very quickly and removed.. As a new member it is nice to know that the forum has strong rules and I hope to be here for a long time.


  19. Dallas New Member

    Hi, Everyone. I just want to say hello, I'm Dallas. I hope this is the right place to make this post. Anyway, I just signed up today and I'm happy to be here and look forward to talking and sharing with all of you! Dallas
  20. JoyBringsWealth New Member

    Wow, this is actually my first time posting on any kind of forum[IMG] I'm very excited to have found a place that focuses on work at home information. I've just started out in my own affiliate marketing adventure and could use as much valuable information as I can get my hands on. Thank you so much for creating this forum and I look forward to this new chapter in my life and hopefully making new friends and connections here! I'll think I'll look around a little bit now and get familiar with the place...

    Much appreciation,