Getting the most mileage out of this or any forum...

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Vishal P. Rao, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. plcbase New Member

    Thanks Vishal,

    Great advise. I look forward to spending time here and hopeful getting help and giving help
  2. dadcallsmebo New Member

    well I don't know what this is but I got here bygoogling that paul guy. I had posted an ad on a site to sell bedroom set to make the rent. Or a lead for employment. Someone sent me pauls website and said very real and god bless. I was so excited. I only have 218 dollars to my name. well something said google this guy. glad I did. thank you so much. I see this is what you are told by many. I am grateful you saved me my 10 bucks. again thank you
  3. jaesun16 New Member

    I agree with everyone here said,

    Honestly, I used to come this forum make posting just without

    any reasons... But, Since couple weeks ago, I changed my attitude.

    toward this forum, cause I post a question about my urgent problem

    less than 1 hour, some left me for answers and very infomative~[IMG]

    Somebody just helped me for nothing.~[IMG] Bang!~~

    "What have I done here so far".... I was self reflected..

    I finally, decided that I want help someone instead of selling my self

    here. I am considering myself as Internet Marketer, there are

    many I can make answer or help people. If I can, I do!!

    I would recommend to all of newbies, "You will need good

    feedback or reputation in this forum not catching people's eys just


    Just enjoy surfing forum, and share your information with people

    it' fun[IMG]

    Happy day~[IMG]
  4. Occam New Member

    I couldn't believe the wealth of information when I first found the site. It took me the good part of a day to just read through and get a grip on how to work at home. An A+ forum!
  5. Vishal P. Rao Administrator

    jaesun16: I finally, decided that I want help someone instead of selling my self

    here. I am considering myself as Internet Marketer, there are

    many I can make answer or help people. If I can, I do!!

    I would recommend to all of newbies, "You will need good

    feedback or reputation in this forum not catching people's eys just

    Cheers Jaesun!
  6. zedra71 New Member

    Vishal the easiest thing to do is to try to sell something directly but the hardest part is, will the person actually buy or see the value of what you are selling. Most Newbie starts out by just pushing to sell and not try to gain trust and reputation first. In a brick and mauta business you might just survive on pure sales but in the online business you must gain trust to have a great following!
  7. meb12 New Member

    Hi all,
    hopefully I can add to the 'family' atmosphere I can sense in this forum.

    Will help where I can and hopefully others will return the favour[IMG]

  8. wealthcreation New Member

    Hi Vishal,

    Thanks for the wisdom words. It is true that by being ourselves and being honest we will attract more people than by trying to scam them into some dodgy business opportunity.

    I'm here to provide value and hopefully help newbies with my advice and experience.

    Looking forward to network with many of you guys.
  9. Vishal P. Rao Administrator

    wealthcreation: I'm here to provide value and hopefully help newbies with my advice and experience.

    Looking forward to network with many of you guys.
    Cheers Monika!
  10. judson New Member


    I agree with your message. I have been in direct sale for over 20 years and have just closed my art gallery due to my wife's accident. Being honest and patient with people is the best advice. You will be suprised how and when it comes back.

    I am new to online business and can use all the help I can get.


  11. topstring New Member

    I have noticed at the bottom of just about all of the entries, there are hperlinks to various items. How do I get a hyperlink on my member page.
  12. darpon56 New Member

    Thanks. There is great advice here. I have heard so many people say it's important to find something you love and then love what you do. Perhaps it's not so much finding something you love as it is allowing what you love to come from inside and then do it passionately. The heartbreak is most folks are trying so hard just to make a living they never have time to really do something they love except as a limited hobby as in fishing a week during the summer.
  13. drawnear New Member

    I am so grateful for this forum and a few others I have found. When I first was looking into online marketing/affiliate etc. I didn't know what a treasure of information was available in forums or that they even existed[IMG] It would have save me a lot of $$$ had I found it sooner. I hope that something I am able to share in a forum or blog or whatever will do the same for someone else. Thank you to everyone who comes in here and helps the newbies. I always check the forums now before I buy anything!
  14. colettef New Member

    thank you for your words of wisdom and your authenticity.


    Colette Feinberg
  15. masdumas New Member

    I'm so grateful for finding this website and this forum. i hope it can really help me move my business forward.
  16. jaesun16 New Member

    Yes, your are right~[IMG]

    I started my online business with this forum~

    I got a lot of help from people in this forum~~

    I wish for your succeed.

    Good luck

    Happy day~^^[IMG]
  17. jpiper1 New Member

    Glad to see all the advice out there. Not just for the newbies, but also good advice for people that are feeling frustrated. Thanks to all who have given the any advice.
  18. ateamfuntimer New Member

    This forum is a gold mine. My name is Adam and for over 20 years ive been involved somehow in the home based business industry. It all started 20 years ago with Amway and has taken me through various opportunities and the ups and downs to go with it.

    When I first started there were no forums like this but rather we did home and hotel meetings. The forum allows us to interact from the privacy of our own home. Id suggest doing as many of us do. Post often and give good info and ideas. I have seen huge traffic from this site. That's one benefit. The second is I learn a bunch. There are so many talented people doing so many things I learn more about business everyday.

    The mileage you can get from here is huge. Post often and sit back and read and observe. You can learn about new opportunities as well as tips and strategies to flourish in any home based business.
  19. roncorbin New Member

    Vishal P. Rao: Always remember this: People who visit you signature links after being impressed by the information you have posted, are far more likely to do long-term business with you than casual visitors, who visit you, being impressed by the text in your signature.
    Said beautifully my friend.
    One day, One day, the entire world will get it. These concepts, and unite under one flag of integrity and prosperity.
  20. timhale New Member

    Great advice Vishal,

    I've run a number of businesses and worked with so many people along the way - it's really just about being real and adding value when you can!

    Sure, many of us are business owners always open to opportunities, but I'm a firm believer in GIVING first, before receiving!

    I hope I can be a valuable contributor to this community!
