Getting the most mileage out of this or any forum...

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Vishal P. Rao, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. Doggy Minder

    Doggy Minder New Member

    Very well said Vishal..I am new to this site and I am looking forward to share ideas with other members.....This site should not be only use for marketing but also a place of learning.
  2. luxe

    luxe New Member

    Wow great advice. Very insightful. Everytime I visit this forum I learn something that is truly valuable, because I have tried some of the ideas posted and they are slowly working [​IMG]
  3. wazzat61

    wazzat61 New Member

    Good advice.
    I know I'm fairly new here, but I do hope to make some meaningful contributions to this forum, and add some real value to people who are trying to make a good income working from home.
  4. Mytyme

    Mytyme New Member

    I am a new member of this site but I have often come here since 2007. I have often succumbed to what I call the triple "d" threat: discouragement, distraction, and doubt. I also became a victim of the "tmi" syndrome. I have found the members here give good advice and give a lot of support and encouragement to each other. I am starting over at ground zero in starting my business and I am finally understanding that one of the keys to success is not making the sale but making the connection. It is more important to ask the question that someone else may not know to ask or are too afraid to ask then provide the answer that they need or tell them how to find the answer. I hope to become a member who can ask the questions, give the advice, encouragement, and support that this site is known for.
  5. tmrt23

    tmrt23 New Member

    Thank you for your advice. Will certainly bear it in mind and try to my best to help my fellow readers and users and to learn as much as I can to enhance my business. Good luck all!
  6. mreese601

    mreese601 Member

    one of the things I'm learning is you have to create value and once you do that then the money will come. Read, get educated, test, share, and repeated. Then and only then with the cash start coming in.
  7. CashcrateTips

    CashcrateTips New Member

    This is truly advice that everyone should adhere to. It is not about quantity of posts its all about quality. Think about the words you type before you just start posting one word posts.
  8. Majid

    Majid New Member

    Being my first post as a member on the Work at Home, I want to say that I agree with You and i hope to learn as well share my experiences, failures and successes.

    Thanks for the advice
  9. Michelle Baker

    Michelle Baker New Member

    If you truly want to get the maximum results from forums, spend some quality time here and share real information. Be real. Don't force yourself into making n posts every time you make a visit here. It doesn't matter how many posts you make but how many people that have benefited from reading your posts. The feedback you get will be far more heartening to read than seeing the posts counter below your member name. And these are the very people you'll most likely be doing business with.

    This is so true! Thank you for conventional wisdom and insight. If you hold up a torch to light the darkness, the warm orange glow will draw the masses. If you shove a torch in someone's'll probably create a different response. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
    Vishal P. Rao and A8ch like this.
  10. A8ch

    A8ch Gold Member

    I love that statement. It's so true! In this forum we are blessed with many torches that light the way, and I have to say we just attracted another torch to brighten the path. Welcome, Michelle. Glad to have you with us. :)

  11. info4youandme

    info4youandme New Member

    great points made
  12. Mavenlink

    Mavenlink New Member

    Quality content is the only way. You're right
  13. love

    love New Member

    Hi everyone. This is soooo new to me and I am excited to be here. This is my first home-based business forum. I look forward to learning (I need to learn SO MUCH!) and sharing what I learn. Prosperity to you all.
  14. Great information Vishal. Thanks for sharing all this. I completely agree! It's all about value and quality! :)
    Vishal P. Rao likes this.
  15. valench

    valench New Member

    hello everyone, am valench new kid from the block, please am new here i will really need your helping hands to get started online i have been scam some forks on the, please i will really appreciate your help. thank you all do have a blessed weekend.

    CRIPLEY Member

    This is the secret to what it takes to succeed. Very good advice

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    CRIPLEY Member

    As I said before working from home is all about your FREDOM!
    Niko likes this.
  18. david mathews

    david mathews New Member

    really i am also new in this forum, hope everything will go well..
  19. Helen B

    Helen B New Member

    I'm a stay at home mom and looking for a legit work from home opportunity hasn't been easy . But I'm getting there and I am looking forward to learn more from this forum.

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  20. Michael Menard

    Michael Menard New Member

    Makes good sense and good advice

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