Getting the most mileage out of this or any forum...

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Vishal P. Rao, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. sfireyes

    sfireyes New Member

    Thank you very much for the tips! [​IMG]
  2. workseeker

    workseeker New Member

    Thanks everyone for your welcoming messages. I am quite new to online work at home opportunities. I know that there are people making money working from home one way or the other. But I would really like to know what works and what does not work because there is just too much overload of information online[​IMG]. Please share with me your ideas and opinions and I will be quite grateful.Thanking you all. [​IMG]
  3. rhmedia

    rhmedia New Member

    Vishal P. Rao

    I believe that's whay a lot of people are not successful these days. People are looking for referrals or to make a quick buck right way bring aggressive in the process. That was my mistake. I never take the time to find out what they want to do or what they are looking for. but me personally, I would like to know several ideas on how to succeed in a home business endeavor as well as help others achieve the same goals.
  4. zenithincome

    zenithincome New Member

    I think I agree with you here. I really do this mistake always and maybe I have done it already here now.

    Good commend will surely attract good visitors to ones site but some times it looks so impossible hence the mistakes continues.

    I love this forum and I will always try to learn.
  5. wfhblueprints

    wfhblueprints New Member


    Just to say that I couldn't agree more with your post and that I am happy to have joined this forum and hope to contribute positively to its members.

    Kind regards

  6. j11_cook

    j11_cook New Member

    CoastalNewby: Hi everyone. This is soooo new to me and I am excited to be here. This is my first home-based business forum. I look forward to learning (I need to learn SO MUCH!) and sharing what I learn. Prosperity to you all.
    Welcome to the forum. Can't wait to see you around and discuss things with you.[​IMG]
  7. rhmedia

    rhmedia New Member

    Welcome CoastalNewby. I know that there is a lot of information to dive into, but continue to look around and find what works best for you in your endeavor in this field. We are always here if you have any questions

    To Your Success
  8. duncilje

    duncilje New Member

    Thanks for all your info. I am totally new to this and I look forward to learning how to share an opportunity I am so excited about without breaking rules or annoying people!!!
    JD in KY
  9. azmike9

    azmike9 New Member

    I am also new at this stuff and I am reading and trying to learn as fast as I can. I thank everyone here on this forum for all the great info and kindness in helping newbee's like my self.
  10. mike6412

    mike6412 New Member

    Thanks everyone for the information so far. I have already saved some money by reading comments before giving any of my information to some websites.
  11. joinmicah

    joinmicah New Member

    Hi Everyone,

    I am new and I just wanted to quickly introduce myself and let you guys know that I agree with what is being said in this Thread People Join People not Businesses!

    I have been online for over 3 Years now and I enjoy every minute of it I make new friends meet new people everyday.
  12. agbospiritua

    agbospiritua New Member

    Thanks for establishing this learners site Vishal p . Rao, as a newbie who joined a couple of minutes ago, I hope to learn more and contributes to the upliftment of this site. Thanks
  13. Vishal P. Rao

    Vishal P. Rao Administrator Staff Member

  14. joinmicah

    joinmicah New Member

    Thanks You Vishal for the your Warm Welcome I really appreciate it.
  15. Peter M

    Peter M New Member

    I want to share my ideas with others on this forum. I would like to help and I'm sure there are some areas where I can. I like the look ogf this forum and I would like to feel that I have contributed to making it a great place to chat business[​IMG]. If I find a discussion which I feel I can help others with I will try my best to be helpful. But I can't promise I will find that many occasions where I have something valuable to say. I know that I can't help most people most of the time as I'm just a beginner myself. I don't want to appear selfish but I do have many questions and I don't think I have that many answers[​IMG]. So please forgive me if I don't give as much. I think that usually I can be more helpful when I don't barge into a discussion with my own uninformed ramblings. Speaking of uninformed ramblings I think I better stop this post right here![​IMG]
  16. biltongonline

    biltongonline New Member

    Hi Everyone
    Thanks for all the good advice here, I am hoping that i will learn something from others here as well as make new friends and give something back , I have just done a wonderful marketing course and what has been said here was drilled into us on a number of times. I hope to learn from others and pass on what i have learnt in turn as well

  17. philmarkson

    philmarkson New Member

    Thanks Vishal. I shall make good use of this very site by God grace.
  18. Buddy

    Buddy New Member

    Vishal, and everyone else, thank you for all the advice here. After 25 years of industrial/manufacturing sales, I am afraid I don't have a whole lot to offer here for now, Unless some of you have some machined parts you need cleaned, then I could recommend a machine and cleaner for you. But due to the state of manufacturing in the US, I'll have to learn how to do online marketing pretty fast (I'm 53 and don't want to work for ever) I know about 90% of the work at home stuff on line is a waste of time, and money, but I hope to find something here I can do and a method of doing it. I look forward to learning a lot here, and helping out when I can.
  19. Exar

    Exar New Member

    Hi all. I too am also new and this is my first making money forum. I hope to learn a lot here and hopefuly help a few members along the way if I can. Vishal, excellent post and I will take it all into consideration. thanks and I hope to be a good member.

  20. dougadam

    dougadam New Member

    Thanks Vishal. Good advice for everyone who does forum marketing! [​IMG]

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