Getting the most mileage out of this or any forum...

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Vishal P. Rao, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. Paul DArcy

    Paul DArcy New Member

    Hi All,

    Great to be here!

    I am learning so much from you all.

  2. slarocco

    slarocco New Member

    Vishal P. Rao
    I am new here but a little confused. I see a lot of signatures on the bottom of the post with peoples business opportunities. Should we be sharing information about our business? I have come upon what I think is a great business opportunity, but I don't want to overstep my bounds either. Is it ok to share this on the forum? If so, what category should I post?
  3. Vishal P. Rao

    Vishal P. Rao Administrator Staff Member

    slarocco: Should we be sharing information about our business? I have come upon what I think is a great business opportunity, but I don't want to overstep my bounds either. Is it ok to share this on the forum? If so, what category should I post?
    The members here are allowed to post their business only in their signature. That being said, self-promotional posts are not at all allowed and you wont find any here. Please read other posts and the forum rules properly before posting.
  4. Dennis Anthony

    Dennis Anthony New Member

    slarocco: Should we be sharing information about our business? I have come upon what I think is a great business opportunity, but I don't want to overstep my bounds either. Is it ok to share this on the forum?
    There are a lot of very helpful people and some really good resources and information here, slarocco. I'm sure you'll fit right in.

    What is your opportunity?
  5. slarocco

    slarocco New Member

    It's network marketing, but I believe with very good products, something that someone uses constantly and the right now not a lot of competition. If you want to take a look great, let me know if you have any questions.


    [Link removed - Admin]
  6. 9to5not

    9to5not New Member

    Vishal, thank you for creating this forum and having "good will" behind it. I'm a newbie here but, I like it already! So many people to learn from!
  7. DCalfee39

    DCalfee39 New Member

    I wish I had found this forum BEFORE I started looking for online opportunities. Could have saved myself a lot of headache and worry (and money lost).
    Thanks Vishal.
  8. Vishal P. Rao

    Vishal P. Rao Administrator Staff Member

  9. jbpatlanta

    jbpatlanta New Member

    Let me echo Dewayne.

    I wish I could have found this forum a long time ago. Could have saved me a lot of money.

    I did some reading before I joined and I am still reading more. This has got some great information on it.

    I will be a regular reader from no on.

    Good job Vishal.
  10. nowego

    nowego New Member

    [​IMG] Very glad to have found this forum and have been reading it for most of the day.

    I am from Australia and up until now thought it was a handicap and that it would be hard to make money online. Having read through a lot of the posts I am a little more encouraged and will now put in a bigger effort to see if I can make a go of getting an online business up and running.

    Thanks for all the ideas and information.
  11. DomainCheapster

    DomainCheapster New Member

    opendomain: People buy you not your product...
    This is a great insight! It does make the difference in the long run to create an established fan base. Sadly most of the newcomers to selling online rely on spam as this is the fastest method to get any results.

    Many of the Internet Marketing gurus quietly admit that they started with black/gray hat methods.

    I believe the smart people will clean their ways once they establish steady income and will find other ways.
  12. fixaprob

    fixaprob New Member

    Well said...I agree with you..thanks for the sharing.
  13. Gary1952

    Gary1952 New Member

    Hi everyone,

    Lots of good advice. This is my second time joining a forum and appreciate all the sincere help offered by all in helping others to succeed.

    I've spent/wasted lots of money over the past 15 years on many empty promises. Had I had these pages of advice back then I most likely would be living a better life right now.

    Good day to all,

  14. mreese601

    mreese601 Member

    Very well spoken Vishal, I will take your advice and make sure I'm adding value to this forums. I would love to establish a long term working relationship.
  15. Vishal P. Rao

    Vishal P. Rao Administrator Staff Member

  16. carolynj16

    carolynj16 New Member

  17. caryoh

    caryoh New Member

    I, too appreciate what I have read.
    If there's one thing I've always impressed on my associates/students throughout my years of coaching and mentoring - it's that you need to "Be the best you can be." If you constantly strive to be that - no amount of "Pushing yourself, your idea, or your product" will come close to the success that you achieve by being the best "YOU" can be.[​IMG]
  18. JimBoyles

    JimBoyles New Member

    Looking forward to participating in forum discussions. I've been a "reader only" for awhile and this site seems to offer some of the best information I've seen.
  19. Gloria Joseph

    Gloria Joseph New Member

    Hi all. I am new here and very excited to be a member. Thanks Vishal for your advice. I am here to learn from great people. A good word can change someones life.
  20. winlin

    winlin New Member

    Looking forward to getting to know the Forum. I'ts not my first Rodeo, I do belong to other forums and always try to be helpful a and respectful of other members...

    Please feel free to post to my threads, respond to my posts or PM me if you have any questions I may be able to answer. [​IMG]

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