Getting the most mileage out of this or any forum...

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Vishal P. Rao, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. Kanga

    Kanga New Member

    Hello everybody;

    It feels good to be among people who think, feel, talk, write and act with so much wisdom that i am thrilled with happiness. I mean who in
    his sane mind will clim a mountain by the top? who will want a house without putting the foundation first? this is the greatest and simplest wisdom our friend Vishal make out here so that we may not fail, but grow.Thank you very for your words.
    PS: let not the desire of quick success blind you, but the wisdom of an organised life guides you; the fruit will be sweeter and lasting.
  2. ruzzybuzzy

    ruzzybuzzy Guest

    Lovely, I hope to enjoy my self here. This place seems wonderful so far. I am newbie here.
  3. pinoybloggers

    pinoybloggers New Member

    hi every1! it's nice to be here, thanks for the advice Vishal..! i want also to help filipino bloggers to know more about forum marketing, what ever i will learn from here, i will share also to our community.

  4. niddy

    niddy New Member

    Well now I'm afraid my post will be too short. lol But seriously, thanks for everything y'all do!
  5. hummingbird81

    hummingbird81 New Member

    Hello to everybody!
    I'm glad I found forum which is for sharing experience
    rather than advertising [​IMG]

    I agree with the advice.

    I hope my posts will be useful for forum members
    and I hope to find something useful and interesting for myself here [​IMG]
  6. Louem

    Louem New Member

    Hello to all,

    I am both new to this site and to forums. I am also new to marketing (on line) as well so I decided to read all 14 pages of this advice section.

    Very interesting! I hope I can add to the wealth of informaton I found here.[​IMG]
  7. allykat

    allykat New Member

    Thankyou everyone for the advice. I hope one day i can return the favor.
  8. angmer70

    angmer70 New Member

    I am brand new to this work at home forum and I am reading and learning alot on my first visit here. I am excited to learn more from all of posts that I am reading. Thanks to all for all of the wonderful advice.!!!![​IMG]
  9. targetbygrace

    targetbygrace New Member

    hi, i appreciate everything you have all said. i am new, very new and would want to learn. please remind me when i go out of order and very quickly too. thanks all.
  10. cjmo75

    cjmo75 Guest

    I think in order to get the most out of a forum you need to be genuine. When you use forums as a means to promote a product, people can usually tell. Forums are a great place for learning and sharing tips and ideas, but spamming them is not worth it.

    If you get banned for spamming, not only do you lose access to all of the great information there, but you start to get a rep in the forum community and all of your posts will be scrutinized. Word gets around. The best thing to do is use them for what they were intended.
  11. Sahan Asad

    Sahan Asad Guest

    Vishal P. Rao
    Wow well said Vishal.
  12. AdriaJ

    AdriaJ New Member

    Thanks for the advice you all. I can agree that being real makes all the difference in the world - with me.
  13. defaultuser

    defaultuser New Member

    Hi Vishal, I am a your post..Will definitely abide by the rules...thanks for the heads up
  14. vjassociate

    vjassociate New Member

    Hello All,
    I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is James Vil and i work from home i also have a regular job as a case manager. I want to say thank you all for all the great advice posted on this thread. I am looking forward to learning and share experience and knowledge with members of this forum. I am excited to be a new member.

    James Vil
  15. pkornmann

    pkornmann New Member

    I have found there is much to be learned from reading and participating in forums. It's not really about selling your product directly as it is learning great tools to take with you.
  16. mdmd11

    mdmd11 New Member

  17. mr tickle

    mr tickle New Member

    Vishal P. Rao
    great layout and forum
  18. Vishal P. Rao

    Vishal P. Rao Administrator Staff Member

  19. mbasa

    mbasa Member

    I could not agree more! forums are suppossed to about people connecting.

    By the way, i'm glad to have found this forum.
  20. revenue4u

    revenue4u New Member

    This forum and others like it represent an invaluable knowledge base from which to learn from the experience of others.

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