Getting the most mileage out of this or any forum...

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Vishal P. Rao, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. jazzewi

    jazzewi New Member

    I agree with Vishal. We want to follow what is called the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time you will be giving. 20% of the time you will be taking. As in any relationship, it is about giving and taking. When you're in a relationship the other person wants to be given to. If you're always taking, that is it the way to write off friends. By taking I mean, promoting yourself, your business, or your products. Asking someone to click on a link, or buy an affiliate product is taking. We need to be in the mindset of giving. By giving, I mean to add value to someone else's life. In forums you can give by sharing good content, sharing jokes, quotes, teachings etc. The same principles as in life apply here, the more you give, the more you get. Peace.
  2. Vishal P. Rao

    Vishal P. Rao Administrator Staff Member

  3. sidney

    sidney New Member

    Vishal P. Rao

    I have recently joined this forum with the intention of giving as much as I can.

    I have been a member of various forums over the past two years and have found only people wishing to take without giving anything back.

    In the early days, it seemed a really good sales pitch would sell anything online. Sometimes it still does.

    But I really think that the times they are a changing - there's a song in there somewhere - and the new magic words are give, give and give more. Or basically, over deliver and get to know your customers and realise they are real people and not just wads of cash.

    Anyway, as I am new I hope I am within the boundaries of the rules of posting and signatures. Please shout at me if I am not.

    With Best Wishes
  4. Vishal P. Rao

    Vishal P. Rao Administrator Staff Member

    sidney: But I really think that the times they are a changing - there's a song in there somewhere - and the new magic words are give, give and give more.
    Welcome to the forum Sydney! It's not just a trend. It's the way of life. Look at the trees. You plant a seed, and it gives you fruits during it's entire lifetime. Look at mother earth. We pollute it and abuse it. But it never stops giving. Science can create technologies but can it create water or food?

    Human beings are in a state of eternal misery as they only know to take and hoard. Don't give because you think giving will bring back more to you. You'll be fooling yourself.

    Give just for the spirit of giving and feel the flower blossom in you. The more you give from a state of abundance, the more joyful and happy you'll be.
  5. sidney

    sidney New Member

    Hi Vishal,

    Thank you for this lovely reply. You are so right and what a timely reminder to us.

    Just this morning I read Napolean Hill's 'Master Key to Riches.' Talking of getting into the habit of 'going the extra mile.' and 'paying upfront', he says:

    "Thus we see that Nature discourages the habit which some have acquired of trying to get something for nothing."

    We seem to have forgotten that, don't we?

    Thanks and Best Wishes
  6. Jordan

    Jordan New Member

    Content is what really matters for sure. I found my home based business on this site, so I decided to return to give back. I've learned a lot since then so I hope to contribute to everyones success.
  7. moneymommy

    moneymommy New Member


    Thank you for being so up front and honest.

    I look forward to learning a lot from this forum.

    [Link removed - Admin]
  8. talfighel

    talfighel Silver Member

    The one thing that I learned in forum marketing is that when you give out good and informative information to others and you really help with your post, you are more likely to build a long and lasting relationship not only with the forum itself, but with people who will remember you and you posts.

    I think that too many people make the same mistake of coming to forum and spamming them at all cost and not even giving out good and informative info.

    Yes, you can have a link in your sig but make sure that you don't spam.
  9. DeMoney2010

    DeMoney2010 New Member

    Vishal P. Rao
    Thank you for this welcome post. I am a little over welmed right now trying to learn what to say. I am a customer service professional and I knw how to talk on the phone about the job I do, but trrying to give advice and talk in this forum is very frightening. I want to learn how to market and I really don't have a lot of advice because I haven't tried a lot of the online opportunities. I am up for any information that any forum members can offer.
  10. Vishal P. Rao

    Vishal P. Rao Administrator Staff Member

    Just hang in and soak all the information you can from this forum. When the time comes when you feel you can give back, share. Take your time.
  11. sidney

    sidney New Member


    I remember when I first started in a forum I didn't have a clue what to actually do. My wife might even think that now but we won't go there...

    Because I knew nothing about the business, I just watched and learned from others who did. But one thing I always do and will continue to do is to ask questions. Any questions. The only dumb question is the one that is never asked. You don't ask - you never learn.

    We have all been beginners at some stage and the only way to learn is to take it stage by stage.

    You mention marketing. First you must find a good product that people want and then market that product. It is no good just thinking that a product looks good loads of people must want it, so I'll spend a fortune marketing that. You will make no money that way.

    Find out what people want first and then market that product. Too many people try to sell stuff to anyone and get nowhere. Only about 2% of people succeed online because they take the time to learn the steps and the skills needed to succeed.

    Remember too that 5-10 years ago the Internet was a sensation of buying and selling. Millions of people were paying out thousands for what they thought was a fantastic product. But the Internet has now changed and people are wising up to the quick sell.

    People want to feel and be treated like people rather than a wad of cash. So it's nurturing your customers, making friends with them and gaining their trust in you. Give stuff away that is really useful to them and they will love you.

    Best Wishes

  12. gideon144k

    gideon144k New Member

    Vishal P. Rao
    Hello Vishal,

    Thank you for welcoming me into this forum and I look to stay a while. Since you are the administrator I will ask you directly, because you might have the answer to my question.

    My name is Jimmie and I have been and online entrepreneur for about a good 3 years now, I have had little success in making money at home. I have lost countless hours and have put a financial strain on my resources, especially and emotional strain on my marriage and home life.

    I have been involved in many work at home positions, but none have really delivered and not to mention the many other programs I joined just to find out that they were all scams, quite frankly I'm just tired of all the lies and false dreams that these people say.

    I'm honestly asking you, if you know which are the top 3 work at home programs that I could get involved with, and give my all too, and help me to cut the time lost and most of all the headaches that I can avoid getting involved with another scam.

    Please help me, I really need to start making an income online as soon as possible, I know and understand that I will not get rich over night, but If I could get the right advice and be steered into the right direction that would be a huge blessing for me and my family.

    I'm a father of 4 children and I want to do my part as a provider of the home, please give me this opportunity to do so.

    Thank you in advance Vishal

  13. Vishal P. Rao

    Vishal P. Rao Administrator Staff Member

    Hello Jimmie,

    My top 3 programs may not be your top 3 programs. I may like MLM but you may not. I may like blogging, but you may not. You may like writing, but I may not. I hope you get it. Different members may have their own top 3 programs. So rather than asking a list of top 3 programs, find out what you love doing and search for opportunities that match your interests. Spend some time reading posts here and checking out member's signatures and I'm sure you'll find something that'll interest you.

    And I really don't have a top 3 list. I love creating informative websites and generating advertising revenue from them.

  14. ian lauder

    ian lauder New Member

    hello jimmy
    by the tone of your message i think you could be suffering unneccessarily from information overload. are you trying to do everything that comes your way, this happened to me. if this is the case, all i can advise is that you build your online business step by step,one thing learned then on to the next, remember house is built one brick at a time.
    ian lauder
  15. tvance

    tvance New Member

    Thanks for the welcome message!

    I will continue to read the forum rules, give value and love with each post I make. I'm not post crazy!

    We are all one! And I can make a difference in my own life and hopefully in the lives of others.

    I'm here to learn as well...

    Thanks for having this great group and all the helpful posts!
  16. NewRich23

    NewRich23 New Member

    Vishal P. Rao
    I agree Vishal...I always have believed that being real is what's up, people can see right through the fake. Anything worth anything takes time and patience for best results. A lot of newbie's think or expect for things to happen in a matter of days or weeks. The internet business from what I've learned is a discipline, dedication, persistence.

    You do have to relax, take things step-by-step, one day at a time and eventually you would have reached or even surpassed your goals. Very good post....On behalf of everyone Thanks!
  17. rogerb

    rogerb New Member

    Vishal P. Rao

    Your comments are so true: keeping it "real" is the key to any successful business. Long term value for the reader is the goal of any written word. Tha tis the goal of my site too.
  18. Vishal P. Rao

    Vishal P. Rao Administrator Staff Member

  19. bosco

    bosco New Member


    A lot of wisdom in this long thread.

    What a great idea to link to this from the welcome
    emails you send us when we join, Vishal!
  20. AmandaJ

    AmandaJ New Member

    Hello everyone,

    Being a student all my life I'm fairly new to the create value ideologies. But I am slowly changing the way I think and I know someday I'll be able to add value to the forum too.

    Until then I'll be honoured just to hear your thoughts as my elders in the work at home industry.

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