Getting the most mileage out of this or any forum...

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Vishal P. Rao, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. drankins New Member

    I'm new here and I think I have finally found a forum that will help me, as Vishal said there are too many forums out here that the members are only looking to self promote, I will be spending some time in this forum since I like the setup already.

    Great Forum Vishal
  2. Vishal P. Rao Administrator

  3. Kanga New Member

    Hi Vishal,

    Thank you very much for your kind and very useful advises, thanks to God i have a good mentor. What more i like to listen before talking so i am mainly here to learn and grow and when i have to contribute which the correct word in "Foruming"i will do so. Nevertheless i wanted to introduce myself here and say hello to everybody and hope everyone is doing well. Keep all well and meet you here from now on.
  4. Vishal P. Rao Administrator

    Welcome to the forum Celestin [IMG]
  5. Kanga New Member

  6. bbxe99 New Member

    Thanks for the confidence you provided . I will always try to abide by the rules.
    It is a great forum and I think this forum will be really helpful for newbies like me.
    Wish me all the best.
  7. Jean LA New Member

    ACB123: Great thread and I agree completely. In today's market people are most likely going to buy AFTER they develop a "relationship" with the seller. i.e. The seller has created a good profile of themselves, their wealth of knowledge and formidable products/services. You can't sell to strangers. More people are most likely going to buy from someone they "know".
    Yes, giving the best information rather than bragging about those links is a great way to market.
  8. bestari New Member

    Vishal P. Rao: Majority of the newbies into forum marketing
    make this mistake of being too assertive in their approach, often using explicit texts to coax readers into looking into their signature. I would like to stress on the fact that such an approach will hardly deliver any lasting results in the long run. You may make a sale here and there, but you'll miss the gold mine lying underneath.

    If you truly want to get the maximum results from forums, spend some quality time here and share real information. Be real. Don't force yourself into making n posts every time you make a visit here. It doesn't matter how many posts you make but how many people that have benefited from reading your posts. The feedback you get will be far more heartening to read than seeing the posts counter below your member name. And these are the very people you'll most likely be doing business with.

    Always remember this: People who visit you signature links after being impressed by the information you have posted, are far more likely to do long-term business with you than casual visitors, who visit you, being impressed by the text in your signature.

    Haste never delivers. Anything that's built with love, care and patience will always deliver the most. Be it an ice-cream or a house. The longer the time you'll spend on them, the better they'll turn out to be. So don't rush and take it easy.
    yeah, that's right. as newbie, they should not get into rush to promote link & apply spam style. they should build their credibility to gain people trust that you're come here to serve them. it will give a strong impact to the relationship.
  9. mocash78 New Member

    Thanks for all the great advice, I shall try to learn and grow thereby
  10. landocalrissian New Member


    Thanks for the real heads up. Wow. I know I am going to like it here.

  11. Vishal P. Rao Administrator

  12. RashmiP Guest

    Thank you Vishal. Nice post and I will always remember this while posting in any forum.
  13. winma New Member

    I completely agree with the administrator, if someone is too eager to promote let him do payed ads
  14. flynn New Member

    Hi. I just joined the forum and I completely agree on Vishal. I hope what people will get some value of my posts here.

  15. parfumbynumbers New Member

    Vishal it is evident why your forum is such a success! The words you use have drawn me like a lmoth to the flame, the air of spirituality surrounding this site is one of positive energy and i hope to be aong and contributing member..

    many thanks for not talking AT me as a "newbie"....but to me [IMG]
  16. Vishal P. Rao Administrator

  17. ongtina New Member

    Thanks for the info and I totally agree with you. Have a good day.
  18. Debra New Member


  19. bjmv1 New Member

    Hi friends,
    I completely agree with all of you. If we are here is with the purpose of helping others succeed, to post valuable information that really benefit all the forum. It is really uncomfortable and a waste of time to act in a different way.
    I really appreciate the comments and post from everybody, hoping we can all contribute to keep this forum a place for learning and sharing quality and useful information.
  20. riyadisan Guest

    thanks for the information