Getting the most mileage out of this or any forum...

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Vishal P. Rao, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. radhoedt New Member

    Hey Vishal,

    Your insights are great and I can glean a lot from them. I was advised to visit as many forums as possible, but this is the first one I've visited and it looks like this will be too time consuming.

    Thank you for all the advice and I will try to visit periodically.
  2. Vishal P. Rao Administrator

    radhoedt: I was advised to visit as many forums as possible,
    Those who have advised that probably never ever realized the true potential of forum marketing. The way they tell you to do it will never ever work for long term. It's like shooting blindfold, hoping to hit few birds here and there.
  3. radhoedt New Member

    The direction I have received so far has not been productive to say the least. I would like to redirect my efforts to a more productive strategy. By forming relationships here, maybe I will find more reliable advice.
  4. aaronj New Member

    Points well taken concerning what the Administrator and all the members have to say!
  5. John Park New Member

    So true. People need to either leave a good quality post or move on. People need to give of themselves and spend time sharing their knowledge with the people that need it. Imagine a world where everyone helps each other out.
  6. Yeoch Member


    Thanks for the Welcome Message and advice. I'm your new contributor in this forum. I'll do my best to help fight against scams and contribute what I know.

    I notice ... that there is no 'preview' button to check how the posting will look like before submission. This is my first time here and therefore I certainly wish to see how my the above will appear.

  7. Vishal P. Rao Administrator

    Yeoch: I notice ... that there is no 'preview' button to check how the posting will look like before submission.
    Yes, and I'm sorry for that. Welcome to the forum!
  8. Aprilviolet New Member

    People should join a forum to learn. If people are already experts in how to make a fortune from the web; why would they waste time posting on a forum? A few others seem to think everything is a scam, why are they here?
  9. justflint1 New Member

    Thanks for the welcome note,Vishal....well spoken and it is taken in. There is no real fear of me doing much blah blah for the time being as I have honestly only just begun this journey into the IT world and it is very new to me. I am very interested in a few of the so called "online money making" schemes and find it all rather daunting. Online surveys, affiliated marketing, CPC, Adsense etc etc.......Where is a good place to start without spending a fortune, I am here as a result of the times we're in and find myself at this PC for more than 18 hours a day and I figure I have the PC, internet and loads of time, surely I could profit(albeit just make a living) from it. Any good advice is welcome, please help? Thanks[IMG]
  10. Vishal P. Rao Administrator

  11. ACB123 New Member

    Great thread and I agree completely. In today's market people are most likely going to buy AFTER they develop a "relationship" with the seller. i.e. The seller has created a good profile of themselves, their wealth of knowledge and formidable products/services. You can't sell to strangers. More people are most likely going to buy from someone they "know".
  12. Greetings all,

    Looks like a nice forum with many quality posts, so I look forward to adding my years of online marketing experience researching and reviewing thousands of home businesses over the years.

    Good luck,
  13. learning is key New Member

    Thank you one and all

    I will do my part in this forum to help where i can and learn as much as possible from everyone

    once again thank you

    William Kayser
  14. DoItNow New Member

    Thank you Vishal ... obviously a nice forum with that caring attitude. Hope to be a good participant here and be able to help people plus get help myself.
  15. Vishal P. Rao Administrator

    learning is key: I will do my part in this forum to help where i can and learn as much as possible from everyone
    DoItNow: Thank you Vishal ... obviously a nice forum with that caring attitude
    . Hope to be a good participant here and be able to help people plus get help myself.
    Cheers William and Aine [IMG]
  16. TravelBC New Member

    Thanks Vishal
    I'm a new member as of less than 5 minutes ago and your intro here is very honest. Very glad to have joined a forum with good ethics up front!
  17. Vishal P. Rao Administrator

  18. cpryor New Member

    well said.. When you change the way you look at things.... The things you look at change.[IMG]
  19. M1SURE New Member

    I discovered your forum earlier this year and found it interesting. Haing discovered it again i knew i just had to join a place where one can find genuine input...well done Vishal and also to the very helpful members... Vishal very wise words for one not so young....[IMG] ..I have quoted you on facebook....

  20. Vishal P. Rao Administrator