Do You Believe in Vitamins?

Discussion in 'Health' started by Speedy2011, Mar 12, 2011.

  1. Biznurse

    Biznurse New Member

    SCOTTCOFER, I TOTALLY agree! NOT taking a good quality vitamin with documented almost complete cell absorption would NOT be an option for me! Linda/RN
  2. CJConsulting

    CJConsulting New Member

    I do believe in taking vitamins, but like Linda stated, that vitamin needs to be one that is going to actually be absorbed for use in my body.

    My vote = yes.

    Christi J.
  3. Sum Yung Ho

    Sum Yung Ho New Member

    My answer was "Yes".

    But you have to use high quality vitamins that are either organic, vegan or both. Haven't been able to find vegan organic vitamins as of yet but please let me know if you locate them.

    They also have to be bio-available. Chelated works for me.

    The low end vitamins such as Centrum are inexpensive for a good reason - they're nothing but junk. They pass right through your system without being absorbed.

    Sum Yung Ho!
  4. 1107common

    1107common New Member

    Yes I am confident that vitamin is good for health but those must require a limited number. so they must not exceed.
  5. Kyle Morris

    Kyle Morris New Member

    Yes, I believe in vitamins but we must not rely in them only, we still need to move and do some healthy habit, lifestyle and healthy eating.

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