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FreeCashMan Forums Member
Joined: 31 Dec 2007 Posts: 1120
#21 · Posted: 23 May 2012 16:06
FREEBUSINESSES: I must say, this is unique, but it is still a pyramid, just the best one I have reviewed to date, Man, that is very funny. Like all good illegal pyramids they are fun while they run.
I talked to a guy earning over $100 day after 90 days. Even made me think, about getting a piece of the pyramid pie. However, not one to try and promote this like some vanglorious business. Get what you can get, and don't risk what you can't lose.
chadarcy Forums Member
Joined: 17 Apr 2012 Posts: 83
#22 · Posted: 23 May 2012 20:36
Wow, to be earning $100 daily in only 90 days there must have been quite a bit funded into the account. It is fun to watch how fast it does get going once you are at about 10 tripler positions. Compounding is very powerful! I think everyone has heard of starting with a penny and doubling it everyday for a number of days, well that one penny becomes a lot of money. That is what happens with JSS-triplers and why JBP is such a hot program right now.
chadarcy Forums Member
Joined: 17 Apr 2012 Posts: 83
#23 · Posted: 25 May 2012 20:58
Made it through my first restart! No problems on my end, with no changes to my tripler balance. There was not supposed to be any changes to mine and it proves to me that once again JustBeenPaid is doing what they say. Now would be the time for members to buy triplers as the next restart will most likely be after new triplers are bought at or around todays date would.
I have a feeling, but don't know this for sure, is that top earners will buy right after a restart a large group of triplers and then not buy again until after the next restart. Seems to make sense to me to do this but will keep compounding for now until I am earning more daily.
What are others thoughts and please share strategies that are working for you.
Joined: 15 Oct 2009 Posts: 415
#24 · Posted: 27 May 2012 11:10
I played it a bit different this last time between restarts, and it worked, I only make purchases of new triplers when I know they will not be impacted by restart, and this last time was perfect, didn't lose a single one, not like last restart where I lost hundreds of positions which were converted to matrix positions.
In my opinon, the matrix positions may work out in long term, but I have made way more in triplers than in matrix to date, so this is where I concentrate my repurchase activity. Tried to upgrade and purchase matrix positions, but it was not overall worth it in my experience. I have hundreds of positions in matrix, but very few are filling as I see it. Since last restart if I saw more than a dozen fill it would be surprising.
With the tremendous growth, I would have expected to see more positions fill than I have seen personally, so when I hear others doing better on matrix, it has to be related to how many referrals they have made as I see it. If you don't have alot of direct referrals, you won't see much activity on matrix side of program. Nice to have two income streams no matter how you look at it. I am happy to see my original $134. a day coming in again which I had before previous restart, so hopefully it lasts for another 90 days or so before any restarts. Either way, I am way up and in profit, so no complaints here.
Success to all,
Joined: 15 Oct 2009 Posts: 415
#25 · Posted: 27 May 2012 11:15
FreeCashMan: Man, that is very funny. Like all good illegal pyramids they are fun while they run.I talked to a guy earning over $100 day after 90 days. Even made me think, about getting a piece of the pyramid pie. However, not one to try and promote this like some vanglorious business. Get what you can get, and don't risk what you can't lose. Agreed,
Good advice, always get your seed money out first and then ride it while we can on profits. I don't really promote it much, but the little I did in beginning sure has paid off, one of my referrals has topped $20K so far, so I hope it lasts for another 90 days or longer before next restart.
Success to all,
chadarcy Forums Member
Joined: 17 Apr 2012 Posts: 83
#26 · Posted: 27 May 2012 13:49
That is great to here, $134 a day is not joke at all. If you don't mind me asking do you make one big purchase when you think that the triplers are safe to expire, or do you compound a percentage. If compounding what percentage do you compound?
Sounds like you have a strategy that works, and I am getting to the point where I need to start settling in to a strategy and stick to it.
Joined: 15 Oct 2009 Posts: 415
#27 · Posted: 27 May 2012 18:06
Good question,
Like most, I started small, only four positions in Tripler as I recall, then kept reinvesting for compounding benefits, and with a few referrals, one which went crazy, it allowed me to take my $40. out which is my first focus testing the withdrawal process, and it went smoothly, so I road it out about 8 months, took a nice chunk out again, still uneasy with any of these type of deals, but I got more comfortable as I saw everyone get paid on time every time.
It is two years now, and with a few of my referrals waking up after a year, it has progressed even better than I thought. I take a nice chunk out every few months, but most of it is going back into new triplers, 84 today, so I will load up for the next few months and let compounding roll to hit my target goal of $1,000. a week and see how long I can withdraw and maintain that level. A little more conservative than some, but hey, I am not complaining.
Success to all,
chadarcy Forums Member
Joined: 17 Apr 2012 Posts: 83
#28 · Posted: 27 May 2012 20:06
Thanks for your response back, as it will help myself and others to start planning out strategies. Must be nice to have a referral that sinks alot into positions. I am trying to concentrate quite a bit on getting referrals and will do what I can to help my referrals get there own referrals.
What is really nice about JustBeenPaid is that you don't have to put a lot of effort in if you choose not to. You can really just get away with starting out with funding a dollar amount and logging in when you need to purchase positions when you choose to compound.
I am not into the matrix side of things yet, but am hoping that I can get enough active referrals to help cycle matrix positions when that time comes.
Good luck on getting to your goal of $1000 a week!
Mikenivez Forums Member
Joined: 27 May 2012 Posts: 7
#29 · Posted: 27 May 2012 20:35
I joined justbeenpaid about a week ago just because i read they gave 10$ as a test run,and i must say i was impressed and decided to actually stick with it.
Income for the average joe
JPaskie Forums Member
Joined: 30 Apr 2012 Posts: 35
#30 · Posted: 27 May 2012 23:56
This is great news to hear guys, it makes me much less cynical about this program.
I think the key this is to play this like a Casino until you're comfortable. Frederick Mann himself said 'Never risk more than 5% - 10% of your bankroll (in Casino terms, that's how much money you can afford to lose) in a single program, 15% if it feels good'
I think that advice is fairly sound.
chadarcy Forums Member
Joined: 17 Apr 2012 Posts: 83
#31 · Posted: 28 May 2012 07:54
Keep watching your daily earnings and reading up on the JustBeenPaid website, until you become comfortable with how JSS Tripler works. When you are comfortable enough, you should then make some of your own tripler purchases. But as JPaskie recommended never risk too much, and I always say only risk what you can afford to loose.
There are always risks, and treating any online opportunity with this mindset will help minimize huge losses that you may regret later!
Jpaskie, Great to see you may be looking at this in a different view.
JPaskie Forums Member
Joined: 30 Apr 2012 Posts: 35
#32 · Posted: 28 May 2012 19:13
I still don't like the hidden way that they use the restarts to change Triplers to JSS positioins and use the matrices to effectively 'freeze' peoples money as FREEBUSINESSES testified to - I think that isn't really explained properly and it's this little 'trick' that takes a lot of unwary people's money and it's THAT that makes this system work.
Sure, you can play off it and make quite a lot, but I just find that little trick distasteful.
But yes, this is a good money-making opportunity if you avoid the restarts as much as possible I think.
chadarcy Forums Member
Joined: 17 Apr 2012 Posts: 83
#33 · Posted: 28 May 2012 19:42
I don't think I will mind the restart, when it does start to affect me, mostly because like you said JPaskie it does keep the system going. As long as one does not give up on it you should be able to always get your money back through the matrix side. You just need to be more active in promoting and getting referrals it sounds like as FREEBUSINESSES also mentioned above.
There are many videos that can be watched to show how to cycle matrix faster than normal, and will be something I am going to try and learn more about.
My opinion is though that they are not really taking any money from someone by converting triplers to JSS positions, they are just slowing the rate that they have to give you the money. Triplers earn you money quickly where JSS postions take more time to cycle. The ones that end up discouraged and give up are the ones that loose, after a restart.
I guess that is the mindset that I want to have going forward with JBP, and try to avoid loosing as many triplers as possible by being strategic in the way that I purchase triplers. But while compounding 100% I feel I am safe for at least another month.
jbpscam Forums Member
Joined: 31 May 2012 Posts: 1
#34 · Posted: 31 May 2012 07:12
they scammed me 
I followed the instructions in this email but you withdrew more than $.50 from my LR account?
Date Batch# Account Amount Fee Balance 05/25/2012 00:05 96***276 U6779492 (MyForex) - $7.51 $0.00 $0.08 Hide
On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 12:23 AM, JustBeenPaid <[email protected]> wrote:
Just Been Paid gives random cash prizes.
Today, we selected your account as the one of 10 top winners accounts who will get cash prizes from us.
YOU WON $150 LR !
Claim your prize following the direct link:
Pay a 0.50$ fees, so we will know that your LR account is still alive.
After the payment you will recive instantly the 150 usd in your LR account.
Best Regards,
JustBeenPaid Finance Department
Matt Zenittini
Joined: 16 Jan 2009 Posts: 485
#35 · Posted: 31 May 2012 09:18
If tomorrow everyone stopped joining JBP, would they still be able to continue paying you your return?
Skype: matthew.zenittini Email: [email protected]Free 30 minute coaching session. Learn what it takes to make it in online business and get started in the right direction. Get in touch with me.
chadarcy Forums Member
Joined: 17 Apr 2012 Posts: 83
#36 · Posted: 31 May 2012 16:01
I do not know that answer for sure, but I would have to guess that they would be able to pay for a period of time, because of other sales that are brought in by upgrades and tripler purchases, with new money going in from existing members.
Ultimately I would say that yes, it would eventually not be able to pay members.
But isn't any business relying on new money to pay for employees. If a product that is relied on to keep a company alive becomes over saturated in a market it will slowly stop selling and either a change needs to be made or the company will go under.
I can not say what the plans would be for JBP in that case, but it seems like much is done to make sure that this does not run out of funding to keep payments made for the time being.
Matt Zenittini
Joined: 16 Jan 2009 Posts: 485
#37 · Posted: 31 May 2012 16:29 · Edited by: Matt Zenittini
chadarcy: Ultimately I would say that yes, it would eventually not be able to pay members. That's the scary illegal part.
chadarcy: If a product that is relied on to keep a company alive becomes over saturated in a market it will slowly stop selling and either a change needs to be made or the company will go under. Correct.
chadarcy: I can not say what the plans would be for JBP in that case, but it seems like much is done to make sure that this does not run out of funding to keep payments made for the time being. I think you can claim your 1 million dollars. It's not indefinitely sustainable if everything remained as is.
Be careful.. With a company like this I fear it's going to have its "run" then be done.. Simply because it's just money changing hands with no products.
Skype: matthew.zenittini Email: [email protected]Free 30 minute coaching session. Learn what it takes to make it in online business and get started in the right direction. Get in touch with me.
chadarcy Forums Member
Joined: 17 Apr 2012 Posts: 83
#38 · Posted: 31 May 2012 16:58
I really can't argue what your saying, and does seem most logical to assume what you are saying, but maybe there are other plans in place to keep everything running.
Only time will tell! But yes like almost everything in life there is a risk!
FreeCashMan Forums Member
Joined: 31 Dec 2007 Posts: 1120
#39 · Posted: 31 May 2012 17:10
Matt Zenittini: If tomorrow everyone stopped joining JBP, would they still be able to continue paying you your return? Is this different than any other company. If people stop buying, selling, or the like Doors will be closed.
Not vouching for JBP, as its the type of thing that only risk money should be used. They've been running for year, and its clear what you get or don't get. Just get what you can get
JPaskie Forums Member
Joined: 30 Apr 2012 Posts: 35
#40 · Posted: 31 May 2012 17:17
Matt Zenittini: I think you can claim your 1 million dollars. It's not indefinitely sustainable if everything remained as is. Little bit of a nuance here, the program in itself IS indefinitely sustainable. Sustainability is the capacity to endure, with the implicit caveat that things stay the same. If I blew up every computer on the Internet, it would not be sustained, if there was a zombie apocolypse it would not be sustained. I know that is a bit of a reductio ad absurdum argument, but it illustrates my point.
JBP HAS actually made itself indefinitely sustainable by tying up money in uncycled JSS positions, but it has NOT made itself indefinitely PROFITABLE to the end user. This is why it must be approached as an investment with risk, simple as that.