megisabel Just Joined

Joined: 07 Dec 2004 Posts: 1
Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 10:20 pm Post subject: Ironing Business |
I am currently a Bodyshop consultant but I struggle getting childcare so that I can go out and do the parties (DP works awkward shifts). Also, by the time I factor in the time out of the house, preparation, ordering, petrol etc etc Im probably earning about 25 quid per 7 hours work.
I have decided to set up an ironing service instead - I dont need to earn a huge amount of money just enough to ease things up a bit.
Anyway, those that have done it can I ask some questions?
1. Where do you advertise?
2. Do you collect and deliver?
3. Do you provide hangers?
4. How much do you charge?
5. How do you package the clothes when they are ironed?
6. Do you have a steam generator iron?
7. How many items do you get done is say, an hour?
Any input on this would be great. I would like to get going with it as soon as I can.