bsfisher Just Joined

Joined: 08 Jul 2004 Posts: 1 Location: IOWA
Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 7:15 pm Post subject: debt counseling" article / "Factoring Company" |
from your home based business "debt counseling" article. Can you explain this about a "Factoring Company" ? what is that? how do I find one? Does this mean refer them to another Councelor?
Even better you officially open for business, you'll want to have a tentative list of people you can possibly train as employees to handle the workload as your business grows. Rather than pay these people a salary, simply give them a commission for each client they handle. In other words, you can sign a client for $100 over 10 months, sell the account to a factoring company for 80% of the total, collect $80 in cash immediately, pay your commission counselor $30, and bank $50 in profit with no real work involved on your part. And if you have hired a good counselor, you can rest assured that your client has been well served.