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stealthwealth Forums Member
Joined: 20 Apr 2008 Posts: 4
#21 · Posted on 20 Apr 2008 23:56
Emma, To Get More Get Value You have to Give More Give Value!
jayatd Forums Member
Joined: 21 Apr 2008 Posts: 9
#22 · Posted on 21 Apr 2008 05:03
I had look your web, thats good web. Don't forget about this : built solid TEAM cause every MLM need that. You had promote your web hardly so the search engine will find it. Then your business will GROW up.... Success for you
tidbits Forums Member
Joined: 4 Apr 2008 Posts: 25
#23 · Posted on 21 Apr 2008 07:51
Wow! Thanks for asking the question emmagirl! This is a fountain of information!
I've just printed the thread and saved it to my desktop as a pdf file. I'll have it for future reference.
Thanks everyone!
mblon Forums Member
Joined: 15 Apr 2008 Posts: 3
#24 · Posted on 21 Apr 2008 17:37
web20mentor: But that is ONLY THE START! AFTER you have done that and you say to yourself "HOLY PET POOP!"....then I want you to go to Myspace "Groups"
I love it - "holy Pet Poop". Lol. (Oh - and a great thread, too)
emmagirl Forums Member
Joined: 14 Apr 2008 Posts: 9
#25 · Posted on 21 Apr 2008 21:17
I know I already have but really feel the need to, again, express my gratitude to all of you!!! I've been looking at alot of the various links and it's all making so much sense to me. There is such a wealth of information it's amazing to me!
I love the idea of a lead capture. My site does offer an autoresponder but ONLY when someone clicks on the different video segments....and then it's totally at the discretion of the viewer to submit their email address. Although I know that they get the autoresponder, I also email them with a Thank You for Visiting. Then I add them to the monthly newsletter.
But I have no idea of who has looked at the site...therein lies the problem as nothing is generated. BTW...I will be speaking with the company re: this.
I will start to write some articles as the topic is near and dear to my heart.
I know there's a whole bunch of other things to do...but I'm taking baby steps 
Thanks to All again!!
Shakes12 Forums Member
Joined: 8 Feb 2008 Posts: 15
#26 · Posted on 22 Apr 2008 16:28
Its a pleasure emmagirl, we here to help each other.
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3117
#27 · Posted on 2 May 2008 10:44
emmagirl: I know there's a whole bunch of other things to do...but I'm taking baby steps
I think you started running, girl!
opendomain Forums Member
Joined: 19 Aug 2007 Posts: 531
#28 · Posted on 2 May 2008 11:21
I was thinking the same thing myself.
Great place to start (Articles) that is.
I must admit this is one of the most helpful threads i've seen it covers just about everything anyone wanting traffic might use.
I might have to go back and re-read this thread and update my guide to reflect some more of these ideas.
That's what I love about marketing online, just when you think you know enough, a door opens and a whole new aspect of marketing opens up to you.
Best of luck everyone,
freecashhappens Forums Member
Joined: 21 Apr 2008 Posts: 40
#29 · Posted on 4 May 2008 02:21
Articles are hard to start out with, but doable. Don't forget blogs. Blogs detailing your success and failures are great for me. Don't forget it's not all sell, sell, sell. You are the most powerful tool you have and don't forget that.
grnwealth Forums Member
Joined: 6 Feb 2008 Posts: 35
#30 · Posted on 7 May 2008 21:48
Go out to the marketplace in your targeted market and create a joint venture. Where you can develop a win win situation where you can use your skills to someone elses benefit and vice versa. Even if you get rejected 100 times that one partner could be a fish!
I have made HUGE MONEY with JV's , everyone in your life is a potential partner. I love teaching others how to do it with my business. Good Luck.
Zurvita Forums Member
Joined: 6 May 2008 Posts: 19
#31 · Posted on 10 May 2008 01:08
Yahtzee! Anyone reading this thread ought to be thankful! This thread has been a mini training camp to the new internet marketer. It has included everything from practical application, such as using articles, up to and including the fine art of positioniing yourself as a leader who will attract prospects. I've never seen anything like it in such a concise package.
Big time cudos to all who participated!
Seashell Forums Member
Joined: 11 May 2008 Posts: 23
#32 · Posted on 11 May 2008 20:53
Have you thought about sending a letter to Pet Groomers ? Buy a mailing list and do up a nice letter and send out 20 a week. Follow up with a phone call a week later.
mreyn Forums Member
Joined: 20 Apr 2008 Posts: 55
#33 · Posted on 20 May 2008 21:11 · Edited by: mreyn
If there was one thing I wish I'd learned when I first got started in network marketing, it would have been this: How to have pre-qualified, highly-interested prospects come to ME. I searched for months to find something that would help /teach me. I thought that my websites were great and I did alot of the things you're supposed to do to market them, but no luck!! I found the answer to my prayers!! It's an awesome program that teaches you step by step and even used VIDEOS!! If you think a program like this will help you, see my sig.
JANEHO Forums Member
Joined: 4 Apr 2008 Posts: 3
#34 · Posted on 21 May 2008 10:39
Hi Danny,
I'm new to this forum, but wow what terrific advice - so clearly explained - and FREE. I'll definitely be back here soon.
Freedom Forums Member
Joined: 26 May 2008 Posts: 36
#35 · Posted on 26 May 2008 01:05
Have you tried Pay Per Click. Its pretty easy and you get to set your own budget.
twnuck Forums Member
Joined: 13 Nov 2005 Posts: 119
#36 · Posted on 26 May 2008 23:17
First of all, you have to get to the core of what your product offers, the true benefits to the buyer. Remember, your buyer doesn't care about your product, only what your product will do FOR them. Focus on THAT and not your product, that's step #1.
Now, write a quick one page "how to" type of paper around your product. For example, if your product helped potty train a pet then you should write a one page paper on the importance of potty training, how difficult it can be and how to get started. At the end of your paper you need to write a short paragraph that says "oh, by the way, if you're interested in learning more, go here . . ."
Better yet, you should create 5 to 10 e-mails about the PROBLEM your product fixes and put those in an autoresponder. Then, give away your one page paper above to as many pet owners as you can (give value) and the link should get them to go to your capture page which will get them into your autoresponder cycle. THEN, they will receive 5 - 10 e-mails over a week's time that will start to position you as an expert and make it more likely for them to join your opportunity.
In my opinion you should NEVER lead with your opportunity. Instead, created something of value (a paper, a set of e-mails, etc.) that positions you as an expert and gives value. Then and only then will they be more likely to join your opportunity because they think of you as an expert.
Homeboy Forums Member
Joined: 4 Feb 2008 Posts: 219
#37 · Posted on 13 Jun 2008 17:19
freecashhappens: Don't forget blogs.
Eek, blogs are a LOT of work!! (Sorry, been reading this great thread and just felt I needed to add a lil disclaimer there, lol.)
Joined: 24 Jun 2005 Posts: 946
#38 · Posted on 14 Jun 2008 11:28
Hello Laurie,
This is an extremely useful thread, chock full of excellent and useful ideas. There's one observation I made that could be hampering your possibilites.
Your domain - HealthyPetHealthMe - defaults to the affiliate site HealthFoodsForPets. The only thing that distuinguishes you from the other affiliates is your domain name in the header and the /LConnors/ that follows the main website url.
My suggestions:
1. Develop a website for HealthyPetHealthyMe. 2. Infuse it with your personality and passion for pets. 3. Incorporate the earlier pointers: articles, video, free reports, lead capture, etc. 4. Have links from your site pointing to specific affiliate page(s) / product(s).
The Benefits:
a. You'll immediately separate yourself from the other operators. b. You'll establish your unique voice in your niche. c. You'll be able to secure listings in the search results. d. You'll have the freedom to pursue your own promotional opportunities. e. Your only limitations will be those you impose on yourself.
Just my two cents! 
elysyan Forums Member
Joined: 14 Jun 2008 Posts: 9
#39 · Posted on 14 Jun 2008 18:47
Years ago I worked for an auto dealership and the owner was just talking one day and he said that if you build a truck center then the people will come. What he never shared were the cost involved in. It cost the dealership $35,000 a day just to open the doors from 9am - 9pm. With out knowing the true cost of what it takes to operate a business your business will die a sudden death.
All too often the same thing is happening online. People buy a product or service to sell and get a website then wonder why nothing happens.
You have to have a plan. I will share with you a few of my concepts that have worked for me. First I am going to assume that you have no money. So lets talk about what is out there that is free.
1. Craigslist is free and they have a section in the "Community" area called "Pets" You could write a different ad every two days driving massive traffic to your website. Just remember to write a different ad each time.
2. Backpage is another one that works like criagslist. Just follow the same advices above accept here you can post 5 ads for free each day. Again just write a different ad for each one.
3. My final suggestion is to get your own website and an autoresponder so that you can capture the persons name and email address. Once they give you that you send them to your site. And if they do not buy right away then you can use the autoresponder to keep in touch.
What I have outlined for you are the very basics. They work and best of all they are free. Let me know if I can help you out further.
Sincerely, Marvin G. Kane [email protected] [Link removed - Admin]
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Barb Thornback Forums Member
Joined: 25 Apr 2008 Posts: 317
#40 · Posted on 18 Jun 2008 16:41
Blog commenting Forum participation Directory submission Classified ads Article marketing Traffic Exchanges
These methods will all drive traffic to your website.