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Tips On How To Get Website Traffic

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#1 · Posted: 13 Oct 2006 01:00 · Edited by: getagrip

Following are there ways to get traffic to your website:

1. Pay Per Click Advertising PPC advertising is the best way to get traffic to your website, but it comes with a price. You pay for each click someone makes on your advertisement. Google, Yahoo, and MSN are some of the pay pe click advertising companies. Please DO NOT attempt to do pay per click advertising until you have had a THOROUGH education in PPC advertising strategies. The reason for this is because it is easy to lose lots of money at PPC advetising, and if you don't know what you are doing, you are going to get burned.

2. SEO Traffic SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Basically, the more optimized a site is, the higher it will show up in the rankings when someone types in specific search terms. There are a number of factors that influence a web sites rankings, but two common ones you can control are:

1. Number of backlinks (links from other websites that link back to your website).

2. The kinds of keywords phrases you use. You are more likely to get a higher ranking for keyword phrases which have 100 competitors, rather than 100,000 competitors.

As you will see below, there are different ways of generating links back to your website. If you are looking for keywords to use, you can use free keyword generation software, such as:


The only problem with the free tools is that they give you only limited information. However, if you have money to make a small investment ($50-$100), you can purchase keyword tools which will not only give you a bunch of great keyword phrases, but also tell you how much competition specific keywords have - and how many people search for them each month.

3. Writing Articles Writing articles can accomplish two things for you:

1. They enable you to ceate backlinks.
2. They give exposure to your website.

In most cases, you can write articles for free on Ezines, which are kind of like online magazines. Places like and will allow you to write articles and link back to your website. People with websites will often pick up your articles to put on their websites - which is how you can create backlinks. However, you must provide quality content - blatent sales pitches are frowned upon by most ezines, and you can usually only post back to your website using a resource box - and most ezines don't allow you to use affiliate links in your resourse box.

Well, I'm this post didn't cover all ways of traffic generation, but these are some starting points for those of you not already familair with traffic generation strategies.

Vishal P. Rao

Joined: 23 Jun 2005
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#2 · Posted: 13 Oct 2006 07:57 · Edited by: Vishal P. Rao

Good post Keith! For keyword suggestion, I would recommend Wordtracker. One can also sign up for a one day membership ($7.80) which should be sufficient for a new site. For Pay Per Click, I would recommend Perry Marshall's The Definitive Guide to Google Adwords. Yes, it's for mastering Google Adwords only but I guess majority would prefer to market through Adwords than other PPC programs.

Regarding writing articles, here are some good posts on this forum:

Writing Articles
Where can I send my articles to?
How to write an Article ?

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#3 · Posted: 13 Oct 2006 11:17

Do articles really help in getting targetted traffic or are they only useful for backlinks

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#4 · Posted: 13 Oct 2006 11:25

Quoting: pcwork
Do articles really help in getting targetted traffic or are they only useful for backlinks

You can use articles for both backlinks and targeted traffic. You aren't going to get a lot of traffic with articles, but you will get some. One of the best things to do is offer some kind of free e-course on your website so that people have a reason to visit your website.

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#5 · Posted: 13 Oct 2006 11:29 · Edited by: getagrip

Quoting: Vishal P. Rao
I would recommend Wordtracker. One can also sign up for a one day membership ($7.80) which should be sufficient for a new site. For Pay Per Click, I would recommend Perry Marshall's The Definitive Guide to Google Adwords

Another good keyword program is called "Keywords Analyzer", although it will take longer than Word Tracker to get the keyword data.

As far as learning Adwords is concerned, Perry Marshall's ebook is very good, but I also recommend Wealthy Affiliate.

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#6 · Posted: 15 Oct 2006 18:04

I believe that content article writing was once extremely effective in boosting SE rankings and traffic but now EVERYBODY is doing it. I guess that writing niche articles on unsaturated subjects is how to make this work.

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#7 · Posted: 15 Oct 2006 20:37

Quoting: getagrip
One of the best things to do is offer some kind of free e-course on your website so that people have a reason to visit your website

This e-course seems to be a good idea. How do you schedule it, do you update it once a week or so?

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#8 · Posted: 16 Oct 2006 00:37

Another excellent keyword digger is "Good Keywords" from Softnik Technologies and its a free tool to use....

Another good option to find keywords for Adsense is to search Google Adwords Tool, you can list a sum of keywords with options like keyword popularity, negative keywords, cost and ad position estimates etc...

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#9 · Posted: 16 Oct 2006 18:01 · Edited by: getagrip

Quoting: pcwork
This e-course seems to be a good idea. How do you schedule it, do you update it once a week or so?

There is an autoresponder called "Aweber" which you can purchase for 19.99 a month. There are also less expensive and free autoresponders, but they aren't nearly as user friendly.

Aweber handles everything for you - all you have to do is create the e-course, and then tell Aweber at what intervals you want the emails sent.

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#10 · Posted: 3 Oct 2008 09:40

I would prefer to try no cost method.
Google adword is too risky for me.

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#11 · Posted: 4 Oct 2008 00:09

Another good way of getting traffic for your site is by doing Product Reviews.

Google is looking for ways to enhance their product searches. So you can submit your product reviews to Google using their submission form.

If accepted you can start getting more traffic and brand your name.

Oh yeah, BTW it's FREE!

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#12 · Posted: 14 Oct 2008 05:07

Good post.

Im a website designer and at times it is hard to get good traffic to certain websites as the market might be overly saturated, however following the points provided above will definately help.

Personally we find article submission one of the most useful, basically as you include links to your site on the article which will be full of useful information that people will naturally want to use on their own site. The articles must be good quality though otherwise you will find not many people wanting them on their website.

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#13 · Posted: 14 Oct 2008 11:19 · Edited by: VictoriaNTC

Great Post Get A Grip!

It will help many members get started.

I would not start with a free auto responder...
If you grow and move your list, they will have to opt in again and you may lose many subscribers.

Ana yes, definitely begin with free vs. paid advertising until you have a ranked website..optimized too!




#14 · Posted: 14 Oct 2008 16:13

yes I agree! very good tips.

Although there is more free traffic that could be done.

Traffic Exchange: Most People consider this to be to much time consuming. If used correctly, it could save some time

Press Releases: Much like articles but it wont stay up for long.
You could do FREE Press releases at

Web 2.0: Using social sites like myspace, facebook and youtube is also a gret way to get free traffic.

Safelists: If you plan on getting on safelist I suggest you make a separate gmail account. this is to prevent from getting tons and tons of emails in your inbox that you normally use.

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#15 · Posted: 23 Nov 2009 20:28

Pay Per Click is a great way to get traffic to your site!

Solo ADs is another great way!

Antonio Easter
kaisan hogda
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#16 · Posted: 6 Dec 2009 17:48

Some good information, written on this page thankyou all very much

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#17 · Posted: 10 Dec 2009 06:57

The tips here are great!

Recently I've read about podcasting blog posts. What do you think about that - does it really drive more traffic to the blog?

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#18 · Posted: 14 Dec 2009 01:39

Hi, I've 2 blogs. 1 is about money making from home & the other is about a online game. I want to promote both these blogs. But right now I don't have money to join a paid website promotion website. Is there any other way to promote my blogs without investing money? Kindly reply.

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#19 · Posted: 18 Dec 2009 04:24


If you're looking to promote your website for free, I suggest searching online for "Bum Marketing". This should give you ideas on how to freely promote your site online.

It's going to take you a lot longer to promote your site if you don't have money to spend, but I suggest learning SEO, write articles, promote your site via Twitter and other Social Networks, Youtube and other video sites...start here and you'll be on your way to receiving free traffic.

Good luck!

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robert jean
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#20 · Posted: 18 Dec 2009 07:47

This is a wonderful tips this tips will help me a lot and I definitely follow this tips. To gain a lot of traffic especially with seo you are going to spend some money unless you want to wait months or years for that traffic. This is the same seo service I used to get my business of the ground quickly. Here's the review on it. Based on those assumptions here are Four quick and easy tips to get website traffic fast!
#1) Make sure you're actually tagging your keywords.
#2) Add content to your site daily
#3) Procure valuable and relevant incoming links
#4) Advertise for more exposure and traffic


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