f5mtadas Forums Member
Joined: 13 Oct 2010 Posts: 33
#1 · Posted: 1 Nov 2010 06:12
I read a previous post about what software to use if you want to do multiple postings on Craigslist. We do alot of business of Craigslist and find it a pain to do each and every location manually.
So I actually tried all the packages to see what would work.
Craigslist Auto Poster Tool - Downloaded Demo, could never get it to post without alot of configuration and even then most came back marked spam.
Craygo - Purchased software, alot of configuration done, and alot of my postings were marked spam. Much of a pain to use.
EzAdSuite (kmesiab "User on this site) - Put a post about his software, talked to him, gave me demo. Used it for 2 days and then purchased. Great software, easy to setup, easy to modify postings, basically none got rejected as spam once I got it going. Support is "great". Have a bunch of businesses I advertising "nationwide" and this is the software that makes it easy. Great Job.