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Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#21 · Posted: 16 Jun 2009 13:39
Hi Robin,
I'm not offended and I accept your apology though it wasn't necessary but thanx all the same 
~Newbie Shield~
computerincome Forums Member
Joined: 5 Jun 2009 Posts: 25
#22 · Posted: 16 Jun 2009 14:33
There's plenty of .ws names still left. And if you have a .ws domain name you can also earn on referrals. Works excellent for me.
twnuck Forums Member
Joined: 13 Nov 2005 Posts: 119
#23 · Posted: 10 Jul 2009 12:20
My personal preference is no more than three or four syllables.
"workathomenow" "workathome" "loseweightnow" "getfit"
People tend to remember in groups of 3's or 4's which is what our phone numbers are divided in. The same principle applies to domain names.
Empowered Forums Member
Joined: 10 Jul 2009 Posts: 5
#24 · Posted: 10 Jul 2009 16:48
Ideally speaking, your domain name should fit your business, not be too long, include some key words, and end preferably with a ".com" extension. For example, if you have a pet business then some examples of domain names could be:,, or Some bad ideas are:, too long and visually confusing. However, it may actually work. Just take your time in choosing one and think about your goals. What do you want your domain name to accomplish? Will your domain name have an associated website? Remember, once you pick a domain name, it's yours and you have to continue to pay for it until you get another one. Other common extesions are .net, .biz, etc. However, .com is more common for businesses and most familiar. People use other extesnions because the .com extension may no longer be available. Hope this helps.
Ballistic Forums Member
Joined: 14 Jul 2009 Posts: 9
#25 · Posted: 14 Jul 2009 23:55
It is interesting to note.... (look at the address bar above) sometimes dashes (although cumbersome) are liked by the search engines!
RobertRam Forums Member
Joined: 18 Jul 2009 Posts: 4
#26 · Posted: 18 Jul 2009 12:13
robinincarolina: am in a very broad niche as well but have figured out how to break it down and have purchased a domain name for each niche. I think thats what Newbie means. Like instead of fruit markets, try red grapes from california, juicy apples from washington, ripe peaches from georgia, etc... and build around each one. Correct me if I am wrong Newbie Shields. Hi-
I've been working with domain names for about 13 yrs now as a reseller,broker and investor and the most basic advice is to stay dot com if possible ( dot org is emerging) and short or catchy. If you need to ask me any questions just PM me.
Thanks R
Work from Home in the booming Health&Wellness industry eBodyBalance
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#27 · Posted: 18 Jul 2009 14:03
twnuck: People tend to remember in groups of 3's or 4's which is what our phone numbers are divided in. The same principle applies to domain names. Hi twnuck,
Astute observation. I'll keep that in mind when choosing a domain name, thanx.
~Newbie Shield~
SheilaOcean Forums Member
Joined: 1 Nov 2009 Posts: 9
#28 · Posted: 2 Nov 2009 10:08
make the domain name as short and sweet as you can, but at the same time try to get your main keyword at the beginning of it...
I usually go w/ more "brand name" type domains, instead of the entire thing being your keyword only, but I know google loves it when the MAIN keyword is the actual domain they love that if your keyword is cat sure to put that in your "title" of the page as well...
up to you though... 
vinnymatrix Guest
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#29 · Posted: 1 Feb 2010 09:14
If your still picking a domain and obviously you cant find the one your looking for because of the .com domains are running out.. You should really look into getting a .ws domain .ws=website as .com=commercial. There are still alot of .ws domains to register for and plus the company called GDI offers a great affiliate program to earn a income online, both weekly and monthly residual. Check out my Sig!
ucoxganteng Forums Member
Joined: 1 Jul 2010 Posts: 13
#30 · Posted: 1 Jul 2010 13:16
i love use free domain name. for keyword i use google keyword tools 100% work for me
carterstory Forums Member
Joined: 14 Mar 2010 Posts: 139
#31 · Posted: 1 Jul 2010 19:39
Do search engines like .ws or do they treat them like the other discount names like .biz, or .tv. etc, because they are prone to being full of spammers.
writepro Forums Member
Joined: 22 Oct 2010 Posts: 11
#32 · Posted: 22 Oct 2010 22:09
tommykrank: Finally, be sure not to "miscoordinate" words. e.g. ( mayb be mistaken for LOL! I've done something like that inadvertently when I bought, thinking it was about making hair grow back -- and realizing only too late that it could be read as growing hair on ones back! Eeek!
I'm a bit more careful now.
Another comment -- Domain names can be had for less than 10 bucks, so my approach is -- if in doubt, buy it -- even if you don't use it right away. If it's a good one, you will eventually, and at that point, it has acquired a bit of "age" -- which I've heard is a good thing. Also, that way it's yours. If you wait, someone else might get it in the meantime.
Ron S Forums Member
Joined: 25 Nov 2010 Posts: 24
#33 · Posted: 29 Nov 2010 07:29
Think of a domain names that are:
* catchy, memorable,
* not easily confused,
* hard to misspell,
* related to the core of the business,
* with appropriate sounding to the core of your business.
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Joined: 14 Nov 2010 Posts: 732
#34 · Posted: 29 Nov 2010 09:08
Think of giving out your web address over the phone. is a bear to tell someone, easy if you see it.
As for .WS meaning "website", it stands for Western Samoa. Stick to dot com if you want people to remember you.
weblogger Forums Member
Joined: 8 Apr 2012 Posts: 42
#35 · Posted: 14 Apr 2012 00:15
for me the domain name should be relevant, make sense, brandable, if possible small... that's it and no other complexities....