solid42 Forums Member
Joined: 28 Sep 2010 Posts: 18
#1 · Posted: 8 Oct 2010 23:51
I've been looking for a way to create quick, clean sites (on a parent-child tree scheme). I heard great things about Wordpress but from what I looked into it seems a bit limited compared to other certain CMS.
I've used Wordpress before, and I'm very familiar with it. But only for rich-content blogs. I'm more interested in creating an actual site to keep in touch with readers/users. This is where I came across Drupal, which is touted as a "many to many" platform, which I am interested in.
Does anyone have experience with Drupal?
Things I'm looking for:
- User single sign-on (Google account integration if possible) - Per page (or per widget) permissions for contributors / administrators / readers - Ability to tie together a corporation webpage with updates from blogs or other articles - Ability to integrate comic panels into the site
Might be weird or specific, but I want an all-in-one management solution (no more Dreamweaver for me).
I understand that I can do my own research, and I intend to. I am merely asking for first-or-second hand experience testimonies (or other recommended CMS options aside from WP, Blogger, or Joomla).