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Wealthy Affiliate 8 Week Action Plan

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Gold Member
Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 2086
#1 · Posted: 22 Sep 2009 14:57

The Wealthy Affiliate 8 Week Action Plan has been a very popular learning resource at Wealthy Affiliate for quite some time. However, one of the things that people didn't like about it so much is that it took 8 weeks to complete. This didn't sit well with some new WA members, as some individuals are able to learn new information at a much faster rate than others.

While some people have been around Wealthy Affiliate for years, some newbies felt that this locked them into their Wealthy Affiliate membership for an extra month. If you have felt this way, I have some great news for you: the 8 Week Action Plan has a new name: it is now called the Wealthy Affiliate Action Plan and (drumroll please)...

You can now go through the Wealthy Affiliate Action Plan at your own pace!

The information is virtually the same, but with the launching of Wealthy Affiliate Platinum, Carson and Kyle felt they needed to take it in a new direction to make it work for more people. Not only can you work on the plan at your own pace, but Wealthy Affiliate now offers a 1 week trial for $1, so that you can give WA a test drive to see if Wealthy Affiliate is for you.

So...just thought I'd share the news with all of you about the new Wealthy Affiliate Action Plan. It was kinda funny when Wealthy Affiliate Platinum was launched, because the 8 Week Action Plan had been such a popular feature, so many members kept on asking, "Where is My 8 Week Action plan!?". Now they know.

Gold Member
Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 2086
#2 · Posted: 29 Sep 2009 13:44

Just wanted to let everyone know that the $1 trial ends today. I would highly encourage you to take advantage of the trial while you can, especially if you are on the fence about joining Wealthy Affiliate.

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