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Wa vs. MMM

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#41 · Posted: 9 Mar 2009 11:53

Wow - this has been quite a debate.

Sonni - if you didn't have a gun to your head, what system(s) would you use?

And gowriter - thanks for breaking down those acronyms. I've heard about MMM (Maverick Money Makers) and figured WA was Wealthy Affiliates so thanks for the clarification.

Of course, my powers of deduction (or common sense!) tell me that PL stands for Profit Lance.

Personally, I have been using MOIS (Kim Hoffman's My Online Income System) and what's great about it, in my opinion, is that there's a clear plan to follow. And by following it, I have been able to learn things in the right order that would otherwise take me a LOT longer to pick up without the plan.

But I also acknowledge this is something that benefits us guys who are relatively new to the online marketing world more than the established guys who have been round the block a few times!

My plan was to use MOIS to earn a bit of money which I could then use in turn to invest in another income generating system - such as MMM.

But hearing what some of you guys are saying - MMM involves a monthly membership fee - almost double what I paid in a one off transaction for My Online Income System.

Sure, you might make more money, but 'might' is the operative word... how much of a risk is it? And how much work do you need to put in?

And is there a better program/system out there which simply involves a startup cost?

It's great hearing your thoughts guys and I look forward to hearing some more.

Best of luck,


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#42 · Posted: 25 Mar 2009 14:16

I posted a comment on here but it didnt set up so I guess I will do it again.

I am a WA member. I have been a WA member a little over 2 weeks. I have read and finished the week 2 Action Plan, I have read and watched ALL the videos in the "Learning Center". The Junior, Intermediate and Senior stuff in that "Learning Center." I have read days worth of stuff in the forum as well. I have also watched ALL the free videos Mac offers before I joined WA or MMM and I have to admit that the FREE videos Mac offers thought me more then everything WA has in all of there site to date.

While I was reaserching these 2 sites I decided to join WA because of price and also while I was watching the videos Mac offered for free I learned alot but he did not seem sincere about what he was saying. He stated that he was only opening the site to teach and help people but he was charging $97.00 a month, he did say that the only reason he was doing this is to be able to stop too many people from joining, well thats great but you could have easily just made a limit and then stoped letting people join. Also, if you dont want too many people joining then why do you have an Affiliate program to try to recruit more people. Made no sense to me until I figured that he was just trying to get paid and I dont blame him but say it how it is.

Another thing about WA that I have learned reading through the site is that ALOT of the info is outdated. The internet has changed, it is not 2005. I wish for them to update alot of this content and figure out new strategies. I understand everyone should come up with there own strategies as well.

WA also has recently been trying to up sell me to take their "Accredited Courses" which cost $67.00 and I think that is kind of lousy of them to do as well when they said that they wont try to up sell you.

Also, Victoria, I am logged into WA at this minute and looking around at my Dashboard and I dont see a link or anything that will allow me to take the remaning of my 6 action plans. What you are saying is not correct.

I am not angry, not an angry person at all, just stating some facts I have came to notice. WA member pls PM on there, my name on there is Bo5anac3, feel free to let me know on there something that I have missed or just comment on here.

Thank you,

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#43 · Posted: 28 Mar 2009 16:11

I hope it okay to post this MMM Review Video. I am not the publisher, or anything like that. I just came across it today.

The reason I have been researching this so much I need to write a little MMM piece for one of my sites. I do not want to join MMM at this time because I want to keep my focus.

I realize this may be just a clever marketing technique (the video)..but what does everyone think?
Is MMM legitimate?
Thank you!

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#44 · Posted: 29 Mar 2009 00:16

Without a gun to my head I use the Niche Blogger led by Amy Bass. Amy has a great system and teaches step by step which is what I need. She's a housewife and mother of 4 who blogged her way out of debt then refined it into a method.

We also have a great forum with helpful people who don't try to spam you via PM which is what happened to me at WA. I've been with the Niche Blogger for 6 months now and have no complaints.

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#45 · Posted: 29 Mar 2009 11:45

I hope it okay to post this MMM Review Video. I am not the publisher, or anything like that. I just came across it today.

The reason I have been researching this so much I need to write a little MMM piece for one of my sites. I do not want to join MMM at this time because I want to keep my focus.

I realize this may be just a clever marketing technique (the video)..but what does everyone think?
Is MMM legitimate?
Thank you!

Hi Victoria,

As a member of MMM I guess I am a bit bias. The membership is working for me. I have implemented some of its video instruction and am making some money but as you know, nothing is as easy as it is described.

Most of my success has come from using the Domain forwarding method to promote clickbank products. This did however get me in trouble at WA because the masking feature of redirecting a domain is not compatible with their commission tracking system.

Although it is like comparing apples to oranges WA is a better overall program than MMM. The videos at MMM however are very beginner friendly.

As far as the YouTube video... well it is promoting a competing product...

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#46 · Posted: 30 Mar 2009 14:12

Thank you klrrider,

There seems to be enough honest info in this thread to write a wee paragraph!
Thank you so much!

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#47 · Posted: 1 Apr 2009 14:37

"Also, Victoria, I am logged into WA at this minute and looking around at my Dashboard and I dont see a link or anything that will allow me to take the remaning of my 6 action plans. What you are saying is not correct.'

Hi Amel,

I am sorry, I missed your comment.
The Junior Intermediate and Senior courses are the same content as the 8 Week Action Plan if you want to jump ahead.


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#48 · Posted: 6 Apr 2009 01:17

Wow, It's quite debate!

WA vs MMM, Everyone in this forum falls in love with those program

I have not used them yet, and will not as far as I concerned.

Aren't they all affilite programs? The way they approach to

customer may differ,..

I think both programs are just great to start business with,

Your next action into marketing is more important I think.

Programs are just awesome, But without your own strategy and

efforts. You are not going to love these programs~!!!

Keep it up! You will do well with both programs!~

Happy day~^^

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