Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum. Recently, I published a website on garden design and getting traffic is a very tough job. I come to know that writing articles is a way to increase traffic to my site. But for a non-english speaking person like me, it is quite a daunting task. Does anybody knows or can recommend any services that can do grammar proofing etc.. to improve my writing? Really appreciate for member's reply. Bye..
A similar question was asked by a fellow member some time back. Please read the discussion for answer: Writing articles
Tuah, I've just visited your website and what a wonderful idea! I'm taking another good look at your pages on designing an interior waterfall, as I have no outdoor garden. I enjoy writing and consider myself rather good at it. I'm currently focusing my efforts on developing my skills in the area of niche ebook writing. Perhaps I'd be able to help with your proofreading.
There are multiple sources out there in the Internet World that can help you, tuah. There are freelancers who can help write website text that is keyword and search engine optimized, as well as proofing your content. One that comes to mind is 'Writer's Relief, Inc.' I think they charge $5 a page for proofing services. You'll find price ranges that are much higher than that, so you'll need to look around a little. There are other places that will write your content as well, but again, you'll have to make a list and check them all out to see who might suit your needs best.
I see that it's been sometime since the original post but a great site I've used that will translate just about any language into another for free, is babelfish: http://babelfish.altavista.com/ Roger
-avoid to use software for people, no software can give you result, if you are serious hire some one, try PRL AND ADD some modification, search for freelancer