What is difference between Seo and PPC

Discussion in 'Search Engine Optimization (SEO)' started by sbglobal123, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. sbglobal123

    sbglobal123 Guest

    Dear User!
    Greeting of the Day!

    First of all, I am introducing myself. I am a new in Seo.
    I want to know that What is difference between Seo and ppc
    plz tell me how to learn seo . Please reply fast.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. mountainmom5

    mountainmom5 Gold Member

    SEO = Search Engine Optimization

    You can not learn SEO fast! I have been learning about it for several years. But it is simply knowing how to build a website or write articles etc, in such a way witht eh right keywords and stuff to get traffic through the search engines for free.

    PPC - Pay per Click = you pay Google to send traffic to your website... so much per click.

    PPC is the best way to lose your shirt FAST in internet marketing if you don't know anything about SEO!

    Hope that helps - I typed as fast as I could.lol[​IMG]
  3. mountainmom5

    mountainmom5 Gold Member

    Oh sorry - you wanted to know where you could learn about SEO? The way I learned was with SBI.
  4. SIvie

    SIvie New Member

    There is no quick way to learn SEO. There is never an end to learning SEO. Once you learn SEO google changes things and you have to unlearn and relearn different aspects. That is the only constant with SEO.

    The best way to learn SEO is through several different ways. I would start by getting this book, "The Truth About Search Engine Optimization" by Rebecca Lieb. I would read the book once and then start to put together a website. SEO should be incorporated into the construction of the site. Once you get the site built around the principles in the book, check forums like seo-news and searchengineland for updates.

    This should get you started.
  5. mountainmom5

    mountainmom5 Gold Member

    SIvie: Once you learn SEO google changes things and you have to unlearn and relearn different aspects.
    One thing that has not changed much with SEO and Google is that they love content rich sites so if you learn it right (and not just the fast, black hat ways of tricking the search engines) [​IMG] ... once you get your brain wrapped around the whole idea - you will be fine.

    Fine = Always learning but not overwhelmed.[​IMG]
  6. marchal04

    marchal04 New Member

    PPC is one-time investment in bringing relevant traffic to your website. SEO is a long-term oriented work that has better ranking in SE as a goal. SEO aims at organic search improvements and is rather a promotion strategy than anything else, while PPC is basically advertising (and expensive one).
  7. gowriter

    gowriter Member

  8. ReneeIngram

    ReneeIngram New Member

    SEO means search engine optimization. It is long term process. You can't learn it fast. PPC means pay per click. You have to pay Google for your website traffic per click.
  9. talfighel

    talfighel Silver Member

    SEO is free to do but it takes a long time and there is no guarantee that you will get your site ranked high. Don't forget that there is so much competition out there that millions of people are thinking about getting the same results from the search engines.

    For anyone new who wants to get the ball rolling and earning more money and getting more sales, I would encourage you guys and ladies to focus on pay per click engines like Yahoo and Google.
  10. sunnyblue

    sunnyblue New Member

    well, to keep it simple, seo means search engine optimization while ppc means pay per click.

    Once you have optimized some keywords via SEO then it may give long time result and earning without any effort but with PPC it is not so, you have to pay for every click.
  11. jamess

    jamess Member

    SEO is stand for Search Engine Optimization and It is the way to optimize a website through On-Page and Off - Page. And Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) can drive instant traffic while Search Engine Optimization takes time to show result and traffic.
  12. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) are two key ways to drive qualified traffic to your Web site. SEO works by optimizing the structure and content of a Web page for a set of determined keywords so that it is viewed as reputable and valuable by the search engines. SEO also relies on maximizing the quality and quantity of incoming links to your site. PPC (specifically Google AdWords) works by establishing a set of keywords and then building an ad using optimizing for those keywords that links back to your site.When you utilize SEO the results of your efforts will appear in the natural or organic search results. PPC ads appear on the side of a search engine results page and at the top if there are a high number of competitors targeting the same keywords.
  13. dotnettraining

    dotnettraining New Member

    wonderful postings , thanks for sharing information
  14. Anders J

    Anders J Member

    SEO is the challenge of making your website as Google friendly as you can so it will rank on the first page for your keywords. That is not as easy as it sounds but that is the basics. It is just one of 25 ways of doing marketing online and is best to outsource via Elance as an example.

    PPC is pay pr click. This gives you instant access to the Google network traffic and works with your ad, url and keywords. The benefits here is you have the page 1 ranking and do not have to do SEO to get there. That means instant traffic and you can fine tune your ad copy to the max ROI and use it for your later marketing campaign. When you have the ad, url and keyword combination that works you can use it in any other type of campaign you wish and have success as you know and have testet on Adwords. But the best thing to do is to learn how and Perry Marshall's guide to Adwords is a must for the price given. If not then you can loose your money fast.

    There are other places than Google to do SEO and do PPC but it is the same princible and Google are the biggest.
  15. moneysmartad

    moneysmartad New Member

    SEO is a long term process to promote your business on google. there can be many up and down in seo. but if you want to instant result then ppc is best for you. where google show your ads on the top and you will be only paid when user or cutomer click on your ad.
  16. KB24

    KB24 Active Member

    SEO is the free search results based on the keyword you put in the search query. Pay Per click is much faster. But if you don't know what you are doing you can lose money quick.
  17. Ant Hodges

    Ant Hodges New Member

    What puzzles me in reading this thread is a lot of people saying that SEO is not easy or you cannot learn it fast.

    Working in the industry for the last 12 years, there are nuances that take time to learn and "tricks" that work for quick ranking positions etc. However, I say this with my ethical hat on too and suggest that you never look for quick wins in SEO, these are often hacks (black hat techniques) that could get you penalised more than get you better results. Always tow the line on the ethical side of what Google wants (white hat techniques).

    Today, SEO is easy to understand. It is simply about content. Google's job is to provide the best content to their audience. Here are my top 3 rules for SEO and how to do it yourself:

    Rule Number 1 - You have to create awesome content to get found. This is on your website. Fat websites, lots of great, unique, relevant and authoritative content about your niche is what you need. The more useful, relevant and well engaged content you have on your website the better. It doesn't mean writing 5 blog posts a day, or indeed, writing 1000's of words in an article. For some sites, a 400 word article once a week could be enough. For others it may be more. Make it content that is useful, sharable and engaging (with things such as video, pictures and written word) and you will be on the right track.

    Rule Number 2 - Links. Google's spiders still look at the links that are pointing to your website to measure your website's authority. In the past it was enough to get lots of links. Today, 1 or 2 links per month could get you some great results. Links that are powerful are links from other authority sites that are relevant to yours. For example, if you were in courier the business, getting listed on a niche site about couriers and delivery companies would be good. What sites are there like that? Directory sites would be my first port of call. How do you find a good authority site? Google relevant keywords in your niche (things that people might type into Google), find relevant sites at the top of these results and then use a tool like Open Site Explorer (https://moz.com/researchtools/ose/) to see how it stacks up in terms of it's authority score. Sites that are willing to accept article submissions, directory submissions and other content are the sites to then approach or get your content on to, with a link back to your website. A more manual and labour intensive job now rather than the link building tools you could use of the past.

    The final thing is my Rule Number 3 - Never Automate Your SEO. Avoid using tools to build your links or write your content. Always do it humanly and you will never really get any bad penalty for good. Always be humanly creating awesome content on and off your site. Never spin content. Never buy "I will add a 1000 links back to your website for $5" jobs from any website.

    PPC will get you instant returns and you bid for terms. Blending PPC and SEO together is always a winner.
    payment proof likes this.
  18. Mandymovers

    Mandymovers New Member

    Both SEO and PPC are part of SEM (Search Engine Marketing), the main difference between SEO(Search Engine Optimization) and PPC(Pay Per Click) is that the traffic comming from SEO is free or organic where as the traffice comming from the PPC is chargeable or paid.
  19. Sanjay Sharma

    Sanjay Sharma New Member

    We can not compare the both. SEO is a free practice of creating links and enhancing the traffic while PPC is a paid practice of sharing the traffic and inquiries for a particular keywords you pay for which.
  20. Akash Agarwal

    Akash Agarwal New Member

    SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization; it is the method of increasing the amount of quality and the amount of traffic that goes to a web site via the search engines like Google or Yahoo rather than natural traffic results.

    PPC stands for pay-per-click, a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a charge each time one of their ads is clicked. Fundamentally, it’s a way of buying visits to your site, rather than attempting to be paid those visits organically.

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