If by "make money" you mean do stuff to generate income, then my answer depends on what I've got going on, but generally I try to take it easy and relax on weekends. All work and no play is not good for my mental health. Hermas
Personally, I use weekend for resting and recharging. Sometimes I like to spend it doing the stuff I couldn't over the week, reading a book, or watching a tv show. I think having some me time is really important and more beneficial for you and your career than working all the time and potentially facing a burnout.
Interesting, I am a workaholic, so even when I am enjoying a ballgame, boating, take in a broadway show, car shows, antique show, whatever, I am always promoting my businesses with my Mobile LED Billboard in my vehicle messaging my business opportunities while I park strategically facing the entrance or exit. Went to an ice show this past weekend and ended up making three sales, so in my opinion, I never shut down always looking for marketing opportunities wherever I go. Success to all,
Smart! That "always on" strategic offline concept can be replicated online using a free giveaway, a squeeze page and a marketing funnel. With the correct structure and automated sequence in place, you can literally be making money around the clock, while you indulge in your favorite social or non-business activity. How sweet it is! Hermas
Since we started living together with my husband there's a prohibition for working on the weekends in our family. As for me this is the time to relax and to spend it with the people you love.
That is not really an "either/or" question. You can take it easy and relax while making money 7 days a week. It takes practice and persistence to learn to earn the easy way. Yes I make money on weekends and I relax and take it easy. As far as weekends, it's family time since the (grand) kids are out of school. On second thought, maybe that's not so relaxing or easy at my age. Let's just say I get paid while I play.