Hey guys "newbie" here. I first want to say that I very much enjoy reading this forum, I find it very informative. I have a question about web design. It seems to me while going through the Profit Lance that to really make some good money you have to own your own web site. I know nothing about HTML, I was wondering what you guys think would be the best route for me to take at to getting better at HTML. I found something on the net called, Minisitecreator.com and it looked interesting. Any ideas would be very welcome. Thank you, Mossible
For those who are visual learners, watching the video tutorials is a great way to start learning how to create simple web pages (mini-sites). The course you mentioned is a great way to get started. You could probably find a used copy on eBay for much less. Another great resource is http://www.webdesignmastery.com It will take you from the basics to some advanced stuff with plenty of neat tricks along the way. The bonuses are great and complements the materials such as web templates and tools. And of course if you have the time and patience to search, there are also some places you can learn HTML for free. You could learn the basics of HTML and tweak the free web templates that are available on the web to your taste. Start "getting your hands dirty". That's the best way to learn. Good luck!
Download bluevoda website builder. Its completely free and you don't have to know html. Its just a drag and drop website builder. You only have to pay for hosting which is $10/month for an unlimited number of websites!!
I have used bluevoda and it is a great tool for free I think profit lance recommends bluevoda if my memory serves me and that is how i found out about it. I believe a website provides you with a more freedom and is a much better choice for long term sucess compared to that of a blog.