To Build A Marketing Site Or Not To?

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by aldanson, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. aldanson New Member

    Hey everyone,

    I am in affiliate marketing and have been very successful with it the last 2 years. Anyway I have been helping a lot of people who have joined programs that I have recommended. I have been doing this with email, phone and messaging services. My issue is that my followers and people I offer support to has exceeded my own physical ability. I am receiving hundreds of emails a day and I cant respond to them fast enough.

    So here are my questions.

    1. Should I create a marketing training site for my followers?
    2. Should I charge a fee, monthly fee or keep it free?
    3. What suggestions do you all have?

    I have seen a lot of people charge a lot of money for the knowledge and support I provide. I don't mind helping people, in fact I pride myself for doing so but I feel as if I am giving too much away for free and that I am losing money in the process.

    I was thinking if I should put together a marketing training site for my team
  2. VictoriaNTC Silver Member

    Hello aldanson,
    Why not?
    Follow your inspiration!

    Maybe you should start out small, with a very reasonable price and upgrade form there?

    You can add a forum to your website very easily there days too, as I am sure you know.
    I wish you the best!

  3. samda Member

    aldanson: So here are my questions.

    1. Should I create a marketing training site for my followers?
    2. Should I charge a fee, monthly fee or keep it free?
    3. What suggestions do you all have?

    1) Yes it helps most of the time. Cover all the basic questions in a faq style.
    2) This will really help you in earning an additional money a month. But keep this very low, below $10 a month. No one will afford to pay more. Or give a life time suggestion service for $19.95 [IMG]
    3) Thats it from you. Kick start the work...

    All the best !

  4. Newbie Shield Gold Member

    Hi Aldanson,

    Getting that many emails each day is normal for any biz that has started to take off.

    The other thing that happens along with the daily volume of emails is that it brings you to a cross roads. How now shall you manage it all?

    You pretty much answered your own question - you need to free yourself from personally answering so many daily emails. Only question is how much to charge or if at all

    You could do it free of charge, charge a one time fee, or a monthly fee.

    Another option is to hire someone part time to do it for you.

    All options have pros and cons.

    You'll have to be the one who makes the final decision.

    Good luck,

    ~Newbie Shield~
  5. irishguru New Member

    I think you've got the right idea and should definately expose your skills for benefit.

  6. A8ch Gold Member

    Newbie Shield: Getting that many emails each day is normal for any biz that has started to take off.

    The other thing that happens along with the daily volume of emails is that it brings you to a cross roads. How now shall you manage it all?
    The Shield makes an important observation and there's much wisdom to be extracted from it.

    Fact: The email growth of your affiliate business is forcing you to consider alternative and more efficient ways to continue providing support.

    Lesson: From now on your planning must anticipate continued growth and include contingency strategies for what to do when you come to the next junction. The path to success is strewn with crossroads and contingencies. [IMG]

    In addition to the earlier suggestions in this thread, you could...

    - put what you know into a series of ebooks and videos (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and make them available to affiliates.
    - conduct teleconfrences or web confrences and address one or several subjects per session.
    - charge a nominal fee for each of the above.

    You get the final say!

  7. aldanson New Member

    Thanks everyone. I have started the training site. I am going to keep it at a very low cost and if it grows I will set up a 2nd larger site at a higher cost with more content.
  8. malibumentor New Member

    Ask your customers. If you are actually receiving
    100s of support emails every day you've dug yourself
    a deep hole. I'm surprised you let it get so bad. A help
    desk can help if your issue is really as big as you claim.
  9. Cash Gifting New Member

    If these are emails are from folks interested in joining one of your programs you should keep them up to date free through a blog or website. You can use (formerly Synthasite), free website design, free hosting or set up a free blog with Blogger or Wordpress. You can also make free websites on Google and Yahoo geocities.

    If these are folks who have already joined one of your programs, you can set up a password protected blog or training website on Just offer this training free. Upload videos, text, audio, etc. These folks are already making money for you so if you make your follow up training and Q & A free, many of these folks will purchase additional products and join other programs you recommend.
  10. eugie17 New Member

    if you can keep both businesses i.e your affiliate business and your new training business why not you can make money in both
  11. sahota7 New Member

    what about providing free help via password protected blog/site in exchange for % of their profits. That might backfire, but if they do well, you can make loads.