Hi people, I am a newbie here and to online business in general so plz be gentle lol. I keep getting robots.txt error in my webmasters page, but I have no idea what it is Would be very grateful if someone could help me regarding this, thanks in advance. Luke
Please clarify, do you have a robots.txt file and is it in your root directory? It would give a 404 error if you don't have one or it's in the wrong place. Otherwise there may be errors in the robots.txt file itself.
Sorry I should have been more specific, I get error robots.txt not found! I have no idea what robots.txt is to be able to resolve the matter! Thanks
You need to create and upload a text file named robots.txt It has to be in the root directory, ie: http://yoursite.com/robots.txt Here is a thread about the importance and how to create one. http://www.work-at-home-forum.com/threads/robots-txt.5901/#post-114508
Just put this code in a notepad file: User-agent: * Disallow: Disallow: /images/ and upload that file on your root directory...