Just mix baking soda with a little water and rub gently in a circular motion on your face to brighten and freshen your complexion as you remove dead skin cells.
Good tip. You just shared something for free which can cost less then $50 on other people's websites.
I've used baking soda as a natural teeth whitener but never thought of using it on my face. I should give it a try.
I found out that lemon and honey is also a good way to keep your complexion clear. The antimicrobial properties of honey will make sure that you get rid of your pimples.
You can also use sugar if you want a more serious scrub. I put lemon juice on my face (fresh lemons), leave it on for 20 minutes to loosen the dead skin, then scrub with sugar and a mild cleanser. Rinse well, put on a little coconut oil as my nightcream, and VOILA! Good to go.
Wow, just baking soda and water, who would have thought? Now I can stop wasting money on those expensive facial scrubs which dry out my face anyway!