I have been against Monsanto for a long time ever since they patented food seed which is suppose to be unlawful. So how did they get away with it. http://www.naturalnews.com/028492_BRCA1_human_genes.html If you need my e-mail address to finish the article just pm me and I will send it to you. Or else you can subscribe yourself. It is a good website but it comes everyday and has lots of information in it. I like to post some things from several that I subscribe to just for information to people. Try to help people stay aware and maybe help someone. I did an extensive one for migraines if anyone sufferes from them you might check it out
yes they are one of the ones that I subscribe to. They are very good and there are others that I use as well and they basically all agree on things
That was an eye opener article. I couldn't imagine having to pay intellectual royalty rights just to have a child.. I'm entice to subscribe but I don't want my inbox to be flooded with so many articles. I'll just read your posts weebitty.
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/10/23/monsanto-finally-reaping-its-jus t-desserts.aspx Just as an update to this thread that I started. We can only hope that they do go out of business. Or the best option change their tactics and become a worth while company, that does good for people.