Hello everyone! I am new to this forum and excited to meet everyone I have a three year old daughter and nine month old son. I work from home part-time but most of my time is spent playing with them and shuffling them from one class or playdate to another. I look forward to getting to know you! Katie
Hi Katie, I can just imagine how busy you must be with your two little treasures! They must be a lot of fun, but a lot of work, too. Hope you'll be able to carve out some small chunks of time to consistently add to your online efforts. Those little actions add up over time, so don't get discourage when "life" takes precedence sometimes. Wishing you all the best! Blessings, Angie
Hi Katie, Glad to have you join us here at the forum. If you have any questions, then please do come here as often as you like and ask. This is a community of people helping people.
Hello My name is Missy and I am a stay at home mom. I am new to this forum and was needing help learing the ropes .
Welcome DR KAtie, and MissyU, you will learn a lot here on the forums. I have done a lot of lurking here before actually joining. I am sure you will learn the ropes very quickly, Good luck to everyone in your ventures .
Welcome DR KAtie, MissyU, Rhadiyah and Rashmi, You've come to the right place. There's lots of information contained within the forum walls and years and years of experience here as well. Feel free to ask questions, because there is always someone that will be able to answer your questions.