This is an article that covers an alternative to antidepressant drugs. Read the whole article because there are some slight side effects. I still say it beats the alternative that the drug companys offer you.
Why would people buy drugs to help them with depression. It is better to go out there and buy motivational books that will help them live a better and fulfilled life. Happiness is all in the mind and anyone can change their emotional depression to a more positive state of mind. That is crazy in my view. Tal
People seem to get good results from natural health alternatives. Low return rate . Thanks for the heads up, I will be looking for 5htp.
Sometimes meds are the only answer. You can't always sit down, read a book and be cured. That sounds nice but it isn't reality.
talfighel: Why would people buy drugs to help them with depression. It is better to go out there and buy motivational books that will help them live a better and fulfilled life. Happiness is all in the mind and anyone can change their emotional depression to a more positive state of mind. That is crazy in my view. Tal Reading motivational books will NOT help the problem if there is a chemical imbalance causing the depression. As always people should consult a Doctor and discuss treatment options. Mark
I've been depressed to the point of being suicidal. I didn't leave my room for 2 months others than to eat and kept the blinds drawn. I was on Zoloft and it did nothing for me. When I stepped up to the plate, embraced my feelings, and began to spend HOURS on end in personal development my life changed dramatically. I wanted to get better so badly without anything outside of my body altering me. I meditated, I embraced. The mind overcomes all. Man is mind, and the body - chemical imbalances and all - is a slave to your will. I'm proof in the flesh. Most people don't believe this in their heart so they'd rather take drugs. More power to them. I say whatever works for you. Drugs or natural as long as you get better that's what's most important.
I deeply agree with Ryan. I love motivational books. I can remember the first time I read one- it was bombastic! The energy and the motivation is somehow rooted deep down in your consciousness and life is a lot livelier. That book was by Buscaglia. But of course, not everyone will be 'motivated' by these types of books. If one thinks that medication is the only solution-- then by all means, see a doctor. Just listen to your body, if you think it's just your mind fooling around, then a powerful book is sufficient.