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jonathon Forums Member
Joined: 6 Mar 2010 Posts: 11
#1 · Posted: 23 Mar 2010 16:37
Well I got there, it took a little bit of tweaking but its up and now I'm ready to make a start on my follow up. But first there is the little matter of getting peoples feedback to see where I can improve, for next time. So please check out the link in my sig and let me know what you all think.
Joined: 12 Mar 2008 Posts: 755
#2 · Posted: 23 Mar 2010 16:41
Your Lens is visually appealing. I really like it, very much and left 5 stars and a comment for you.
Have a great day! Victoria
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3097
#3 · Posted: 23 Mar 2010 22:26
I rated it and commented . Great lens!
Joined: 24 Jun 2005 Posts: 937
#4 · Posted: 24 Mar 2010 10:35
That's a nice start for a firstime lensmaster.
I admire artists of any kind, especially those who design for the Web. It's fascinating to observe their creativity and imagination at work, and recognize how they apply their skills.
The subject matter and title of your lens gives you a great opportunity to develop it into the "go to" lens for people interested in photo editing tips and software comparisons.
Here are some things you could consider:
1. In the Photoshop section, you could bold the title of each section to make it jump out from the copy.
2. Do the same for the Pros and Cons section headings in Corel Draw. Plus, you could use the HTML Unordered List tag to place a bullet at the beginning of each of the points in those two sections.
You're writing about a subject that has to do with improving graphical appearance and presentation, so don't overlook the opportunity to apply some of those principles to the content as well.
I rated it and left a comment.
bosco Forums Member
Joined: 12 Mar 2010 Posts: 67
#5 · Posted: 24 Mar 2010 18:02
Another way to go could be you make each point a separate module, thereby enabling you to add a picture as an example of each effect you describe
Joined: 17 Mar 2007 Posts: 1170
#6 · Posted: 25 Mar 2010 11:25
So I took a quick look at your lance and it looks really nice and professional. You did a great job.
jonathon Forums Member
Joined: 6 Mar 2010 Posts: 11
#7 · Posted: 27 Mar 2010 05:27
Thanks for the advise guys and girls, I'm still learning how to use this but I cant seen to figure out how to, or where to find, the options for the text i.e. bold etc But I am still working on it it is as they say "a working progress"
treevee Forums Member
Joined: 27 Oct 2009 Posts: 101
#8 · Posted: 21 Apr 2010 07:32 · Edited by: treevee
Looks a lot better than my first lens! You did a fine job! I now have about 23(?) lenses up! The first 3 took a long while to figure out - I was really intimidated by looking at the top squidoo lenses. Sheesh - they had so many cool things on theirs!
Because of the reviews on this forum, I bought OWM (One Week Marketing) which concentrates on Squidoo (since I AM a newbie). My lenses aren't the prettiest, I'll admit, but they are to the point and I DO get the traffic, thanks to OWM! I am pressed for funds and Squidoo is a good way to start out.
Just found out yesterday that the lady who owns OWM is now giving out a free guide for Squidoo -- 50+ pages of instructions! Very nice of her! You may want to check that out to do your "tweaking" and help you to make many more with more ease!
Here are other lenses about how to make your lens more appealing to the eye by adding some color, bullets and much more:
Good luck to ya!
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ryanbiddulph Forums Member
Joined: 18 Apr 2010 Posts: 87
#9 · Posted: 21 Apr 2010 09:55
Looks solid to me Jonathon, good job!
I might throw in a few more modules. Perhaps a link to your blog. An RSS feed which is frequently updated results in a frequently updated squidoo lens; search engines love this.
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treevee Forums Member
Joined: 27 Oct 2009 Posts: 101
#10 · Posted: 21 Apr 2010 11:52
Great advice Ryan .... I seem to always forget about the RSS - thanks for the reminder.
Jonathon, when you change up your lenses by tweaking or adding to it, it's also a good idea to let Google know you did this by going into Squidutil and "ping" your lens.
THE INTERNET MARKETERS' BIBLE: Market Samurai FREE trial offer! 4 FREE video tutorials to show you how you can get Laser-Target High-Traffic, High-Profit, Low-Competition Markets with Devastating Accuracy
jonathon Forums Member
Joined: 6 Mar 2010 Posts: 11
#11 · Posted: 23 Apr 2010 18:56
Cheers guys I'll look at these when I get home from work  Anyway in terms of other modules I do have a plan which I am in the middle of implementing so stay tuned, I am currently looking at ways to implement the suggestions that people have made so that it doesnt loose its overall feel/appeal.
The hard part for me is to market it to drive traffic to it, but this I am taking step by step, I mean no one ever said this game was easy.