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KB24 Forums Member
Joined: 4 Sep 2008 Posts: 73
#1 · Posted: 8 Feb 2010 13:14
I just started a squidoo lens its in the make money online niche.. I know tough niche but I get a notice from clickbank saying that they will charge me "dormant fees" (not making sales) if I don't make sales by a certain date. Might have to close my account if I don't make enough sales.. how do I get targeted traffic to the squidoo lens thats in my signature?(The Newbie Workbook) Otherwise thinking about throwing in the towel..
Joined: 12 Mar 2008 Posts: 755
#2 · Posted: 8 Feb 2010 14:33
I will head over there and leave a nice comment, 5 stars an social bookmark your Lens for you.
You can write and publish additional content and link that content to your Lens.
Here we have a small list of places to submit related articles:
Hub Pages Scribd EZine (original content for sure) US Free Ads Go Articles
There are tons or sites to publish on actually. These are my favorites.
When you rate and leave comments on other Squidoo Lenses, often the author will return the favor.
To really automate things, after you make a few sales, you might want to have a look at Traffic Bug.
I hope this is helpful,
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3116
#3 · Posted: 10 Feb 2010 12:55
KB24: I just started a squidoo lens its in the make money online niche.. That is a HARD niche to get traffic for...
KB24: I get a notice from clickbank saying that they will charge me "dormant fees" (not making sales) if I don't make sales by a certain date. Is that something new they are doing?
I am always curious why people choose the work at home niche when there are thousands of niches out there just waiting to be discovered.... and most of them are way easier to get traffic for, especially with places like Squido.... 
p.s. I rated it as well - you did a great job on your lens!
mattjosh Forums Member
Joined: 14 Feb 2010 Posts: 33
#4 · Posted: 22 Feb 2010 15:51
Basically, you need to rank higher on Google. Google is the best source of free traffic. But you need to know how to rank.
The level of completion for the keyword "Best Free Affiliate Program" is not bad. It's only 46k and it should be easily doable.
But this is not a good keyword to choose. From reading your lens, it seems that it is targeted towards people who are new to making money online. They won't search for best free affiliate program isntead they will search for things like, how to learn how to make money online.
That's probably the number #1 reason why are not converting at all.
bOsiNg Forums Member
Joined: 18 May 2008 Posts: 33
#5 · Posted: 26 Feb 2010 01:03
We don't really have much control with our squidoo lens when it comes to search engine optimization unless we buy our own domain name. However, I found it very useful if you always edit your lens and also subscribe to your own lens. Goodluck!
I actually have a lens about search engine optimization. You might want to look at it and get some tips on how to submit your site to search engines.
Corwic Forums Member
Joined: 1 Mar 2010 Posts: 2
#6 · Posted: 1 Mar 2010 21:31
Squidoo can be worth the effort. I'm fairly new at it myself and am just starting to have some success with it. It really a great tool for any affiliate to use to increase exposure.
timbonderud Forums Member
Joined: 3 Feb 2010 Posts: 76
#7 · Posted: 9 Mar 2010 16:58
KB24 Driving traffic to your lens will really matter on your niche keywords that you have researched, once you find the proper keywords traffic will come. Take Care.
Tim Bonderud Entrepreneur And Online Marketing Strategist. You will get to see how easy it is to work from home and make money online Go Here Now
weblearner Forums Member
Joined: 17 Aug 2008 Posts: 48
#8 · Posted: 10 Mar 2010 10:59
You can use free classified. Because it is free to advertise and you'll get sure traffic. And some site host your ad more than 6 months.
shmeeko69 Forums Member
Joined: 23 Apr 2009 Posts: 117
#9 · Posted: 10 Mar 2010 12:18
I have just left a nice comment on your squidoo lens.
Clickbank don't make life easy for beginners with discreet charges for this & that & their over generous sixty day refund policy, but it is a good way to sell products & through writing articles & pointing the article keywords to your lens, which helps them get indexed by the search engines, will increase traffic & give you more leverage & the chance of making some sales.
Choose your products wisely (Ezine & Go Articles) & write articles about them & choose the correct keywords, in order to gain maximum exposure.
Best of Luck
[url= ][b]Product Review Site[/b][/url] [b]Mr $5 Man[/b]
fruges12 Forums Member
Joined: 10 Mar 2010 Posts: 3
#10 · Posted: 10 Mar 2010 12:31
KB24: I just started a squidoo lens its in the make money online niche.. I know tough niche but I get a notice from clickbank saying that they will charge me "dormant fees" (not making sales) if I don't make sales by a certain date. Might have to close my account if I don't make enough sales.. how do I get targeted traffic to the squidoo lens thats in my signature?(The Newbie Workbook) Otherwise thinking about throwing in the towel.. I usually just use squidoo as a landing page / web site and write ezinearticles directed to it for traffic... Try this method..
justinhand Forums Member
Joined: 15 Mar 2010 Posts: 6
#11 · Posted: 15 Mar 2010 20:05
fruges12: I usually just use squidoo as a landing page / web site and write ezinearticles directed to it for traffic... Try this method.. Fergal This is what I have been doing also. Very excellent way of directing traffic. I've found that Ezine gets me more traffic and customers respond really well to squidoo.
bosco Forums Member
Joined: 12 Mar 2010 Posts: 67
#12 · Posted: 22 Mar 2010 01:42 · Edited by: bosco
KB24: how do I get targeted traffic to the squidoo lens thats in my signature? Do some keyword research and write a few more lenses using those keywords. One keyword (phrase) per lens. Link them together with lens roll, featured lenses and discovery tool.
For each lens, one main keyword and write a separate article using the same keyword as each lens, linking to each lens from your resource box.
(Don't talk about yourself in the resource box, (last paragraph). Just say, "For more information go to _____________."
Actually you can have 2 self serving links in your resource box over there at EZA so it's a great idea to buy a domain, like a .info domain from for less than $2 the first year, (or on sale less than $1 the first year) and host it with your web host (since most hosts are unlimited domains these days) and forward it to your clickbank hoplink. It IS allowed if you do it this way.
In this case, you would say in your EZA resource box, "To get your ________ now go to or for more information go to ANCHOR TEXT KEYWORD now...(which you link to the lens).
(Anchor text are words that you turn into a link. When those words are the keywords you have targeted it helps get better search results...instead of just writing out the actual URL.)
This will give your articles a chance to get direct sales, or send the reader to your lenses.
By using the anchor keyword text link to your lenses, you will help your lenses get their own search engine traffic, in addition to giving them traffic from your ezine articles.
Then because you have several lenses tied together in the 3 ways mentioned above, (all on the same subject), some of your lens readers will keep clicking to read your other lenses, until they learn enough to make a buying decision. Try to give some new info in each lens, but not everything has to be new info.
Join more forums and be sure to contribute a handful of times in each forum every day. Look for fresh threads and even start new threads, but don't crowbar it in. Contribute organically.
(I'm not saying to never get in on an old thread. Just don't think it's going to get you a lot of forum traffic. But every post will get you more backlinks no matter how few people see it on the forum.)
Don't give up.
Don't focus solely on this one clickbank product. Keep adding more clickbank products and use this method for each clickbank product.
Do good keyword research.
Study bum marketing.
I'm saying, make your signature links the actual keywords and link them to your first page (or second page if you didn't get any on the first page) lenses or articles.
If you didn't get first or second page listings do more keyword research and write more articles and lenses, following the same directions.
Dont give up. (Oh, I said that? Well it bears repeating. The 3% who make money, are the ones who keep learning and don't give up. Resolve to be one of those and just be that.
In time it will come.
[Post edited - Admin]
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3116
#13 · Posted: 22 Mar 2010 09:54
Since I have used the OWM (One Week Marketing) program my lenses get traffic on their own thru google. 
Because of that I build lenses to drive traffic to my other sites.
If you build a lens correctly, it can get lots of traffic on it's own thru google searches... I like it it just as much as writing articles, the only problem is it takes a bit longer to make a lens than it does to write an article!
bosco Forums Member
Joined: 12 Mar 2010 Posts: 67
#14 · Posted: 15 May 2010 11:35
mountainmom5: Since I have used the OWM (One Week Marketing) program my lenses get traffic on their own thru google. No doubt OWM is awesome.
I tend to do things slow, though. Taking a month instead of a week.
Got to work on my velocity, big time!
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3116
#15 · Posted: 15 May 2010 11:44
bosco: No doubt OWM is awesome. I tend to do things slow, though. Taking a month instead of a week. lol - yeah , some of my OWM campaigns took me WAY longer than a week to complete.
I just use it as a guideline although I do believe that for some people that spend hours a day on the internet it is totally possible to create a campaign in a week.
def of "campaign".... creating anywhere from 3 - 8 lenses all linking together plus a blog and some articles, all linking back and forth... makes for a tight little 'work engine' working 24/7 for you.
Teddy Forums Member
Joined: 17 Apr 2010 Posts: 24
#16 · Posted: 20 May 2010 15:27
I am new to all this plus Squidoo. I have made a couple lenses but they seem to be "dead". I never heard of linking them together as they do refer to the same site I have. How do I go about linking the lenses, blog and articles. Sorry for my ignorance in adavance - Newbie...
Thanks Teddy
gjohansson1 Forums Member
Joined: 27 Mar 2010 Posts: 38
#17 · Posted: 14 Aug 2010 20:12
I actually seem to get more traffic on HubPages for a similar article. I couldn't tell you why, but maybe you could try writing a hub and linking it to your lense. I use both combined with Free Traffic System.
According to my stats, Facebook is a big source of traffic, but it is not as targeted.
In the long run, articles are the way to go, but you can also use list builders to promote your lense. Sites like ListJoe and Viral Ad Store get me a lot of traffic and quick sales.
I know this is a late response, but this may help anyone else reading this post.
wrlawrence Forums Member
Joined: 26 Apr 2010 Posts: 88
#18 · Posted: 13 Sep 2010 13:10
I left a comment on your lens. You could always use twitter and facebook to post to your lens.
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3116
#19 · Posted: 14 Sep 2010 06:15
bOsiNg: We don't really have much control with our squidoo lens when it comes to search engine optimization unless we buy our own domain name. I don't have domain names for any of my lenses and if you google "best survival knives" you will see I am on the first page close to number one....
Teddy: I am new to all this plus Squidoo. I have made a couple lenses but they seem to be "dead". I never heard of linking them together as they do refer to the same site I have. How do I go about linking the lenses, blog and articles. Sorry for my ignorance in adavance - Newbie... You need OWM.
Mazzini Auto Forums Member
Joined: 28 Aug 2010 Posts: 20
#20 · Posted: 14 Sep 2010 22:29
Is Squidoo that site where people post articles or hack other peoples' content like on scribd?