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Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#1 · Posted: 6 Dec 2007 06:07 · Edited by: Newbie Shield
Google LOVES Squidoo Lenses (pages). Lenses tend to get indexed quickly and placed unusually high in Google. I've heard this over and over again and I know it from personal experience. Don't pass this one up. You get a free site and it's unusually easy to get a lot of traffic. They have a forum there as well. Everything is free.
You can make up to 10 lenses per day and monetize on all of them. You don't need to know html and Adsense is inserted automatically. They have site building blocks called modules. There are several monetization modules and you can add your own affiliate links plus links to your other sites.
You can (and should) create a blog-like guestbook for interaction, compliments about your site, and for getting feedback from your visitors.
Even though it is free to join, there is profit sharing on the Adsense and Amazon modules. Yep, money for free. It's a co-op.
It's more addictive than you can imagine and some members are making several thousand per month.
Post your squidoo lens in your sig and post here. What is your lens topic? How do you prefer to monetize? What are your favorite modules. How long have you been a Squidoo member? Mine is in my sig. I have several polls, pictures, interesting videos, and good content. I've put a lot of time into it :) I will visit yours and sign your guestbook. If you have a nice lens I will give you five stars. Note: You'll have to be logged into Squidoo to rate my lens or sign my guestbook. It may be different with other folks' lenses.
If you like my lens or any other lenses, consider rating it with 5 stars, signing the guestbook, participating in polls, and lensrolling it :)
If you haven't added a guestbook to your lens yet, add one to the bottom so that I (we) can let you know that we have visited your lens by signing it.
You can sign up for your own free lens (page) easily from the blue CREATE LENS buttons throughout my lens site. Feel free to offer tips about modules, offering lens feedback to individuals who have a lens, or about Squidooing in general in this thread. Also, feel free to ASK for feedback on your lens. Let's help each other create good lenses :) Feel free to mention the kewlest things about your lens or another lens. Mine is a nice music resource in general. Aside from an attractive appearance, fun interactivity (polls and music videos), and interesting music tidbits, mine provides a link to what I consider the best Online Guitar Lessons on the net. It's about a third of the way down my lens page.
What do you like about your own lenses? Share some traffic stories. Ask questions about Squidoo.
Let's help each other make some money and drive traffic to our lenses :)

Newbie Shield
Joined: 14 Aug 2007 Posts: 1565
#2 · Posted: 6 Dec 2007 23:04
Hi NS.
Great post and very informative. I checked out and rated your lens 5 stars. You really have done a superb job with it. Much better than mine, certainly.
I actually created two, more as backlinks to my site than to really generate an income. That will be an added bonus if it happens.
I don't want to change my sig. just yet, but if anyone wants to visit my lenses and vote or comment, I'd be pleased to have you there.
[Post edited - Admin]
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#3 · Posted: 9 Dec 2007 19:39 · Edited by: Newbie Shield
Quoting: happywife Hi NS. Great post and very informative. I checked out and rated your lens 5 stars. You really have done a superb job with it. Much better than mine, certainly. I actually created two, more as backlinks to my site than to really generate an income. That will be an added bonus if it happens. I don't want to change my sig. just yet, but if anyone wants to visit my lenses and vote or comment, I'd be pleased to have you there.
Thanx and hi HappyWife. I visited your lenses and interacted with them as well. You have a couple of good lenses and your chocolate site is amazing!
Does anyone else have a Squidoo Lens? If you don't have one and would like a free lens, you can visit mine. I made a blue CREATE LENS button. You can get a free lens by clicking it and the button will bring you to a quick and easy three step creation page.
You'll make money with Squidoo and you can use it to promote your other sites. Google loves Squidoo. You get listed fast and high on Google.

Newbie Shield
yesucan Forums Member
Joined: 2 Dec 2007 Posts: 2
#4 · Posted: 12 Dec 2007 02:16
I recommend investing in squidoo queen. Kelly offers great support.
pcwork Forums Member
Joined: 12 Aug 2006 Posts: 1650
#5 · Posted: 12 Dec 2007 14:06
I find Squidoo slow. Is there any way you can make it load faster?
ka7952 Forums Member
Joined: 30 Sep 2007 Posts: 164
#6 · Posted: 14 Dec 2007 22:33
I think I will check it out.
Will report back later.
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#7 · Posted: 22 Dec 2007 08:54
Quoting: pcwork I find Squidoo slow. Is there any way you can make it load faster?
It slows down when most get on the site from evening to around midnight. They upgrading the code and the hardware to combat this problem.
It's growing very fast. I think there are around 300,000 lenses now.
Do most of your lens work before evening.

Newbie Shield
pcwork Forums Member
Joined: 12 Aug 2006 Posts: 1650
#8 · Posted: 22 Dec 2007 19:14
I have noticed that the speed has improved recently. I have a few lenses, will add some more
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#9 · Posted: 24 Dec 2007 13:39
Quoting: pcwork I have noticed that the speed has improved recently. I have a few lenses, will add some more
Yes, the programmers are constantly working on adding new modules and improving things. Sometimes it even causes the slow downs.
You can get 5 bucks for each lens you sign up for through my blue CREATE LENS button located just above my guestbook near the very bottom of each lens. You might consider it. I never add a new lens through my own account. I do it through someone else.
Let me know if I can offer and general or specific tips. I'm here to help!

Newbie Shield
pcwork Forums Member
Joined: 12 Aug 2006 Posts: 1650
#10 · Posted: 24 Dec 2007 17:36
Quoting: Newbie Shield You can get 5 bucks for each lens you sign up for through my blue CREATE LENS button located just above my guestbook near the very bottom of each lens. You might consider it.
When will I be paid the 5 bucks? Will it be linked to my existing account?
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3097
#11 · Posted: 25 Dec 2007 01:12
I just created my squidoo lens and am a newbie at it so am glad for all this info - thanks guys!

Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#12 · Posted: 25 Dec 2007 10:36 · Edited by: Newbie Shield
Quoting: pcwork When will I be paid the 5 bucks? Will it be linked to my existing account?
Hi pcwork,
It will be your lens. You get 5 bucks as soon as your lens generates 15 bucks in adsense revenue, which doesn't take long at all if you are getting daily visitors. That's a 33% adsense bonus if you want to look at it that way. Good deal.
If you sign up through my lens, PM me and I can offer a few free hot tips. Just let me know what your Squidoo user name is so I can look it up in my Squidoo stats and verify your sign up.
Hi MountainMom,
You're welcome. I'm glad that you are giving Squidoo a try. You'll love it. You'll be so addicted you won't be able to stop making lenses. You get coop revenue from every lens you make plus module revenue and affilliate revenue.
A lot of folks make a living on Squidoo. Many make several thousand a month. It's a good idea to drive daily traffic to your lens, which is easy to do. Lots of folks have over 100 lenses. I don't know how they manage that many but they do it.
Happy Holidays!

Newbie Shield
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3097
#13 · Posted: 25 Dec 2007 11:27
Okay, so if I sign up through your lens, you will give me some hot tips?? Worth a try! I am always game for hot tips on marketing 
How do you benefit when someone creates a new lens thru yours?
Thanks and be on the lookout for my new lens!
pcwork Forums Member
Joined: 12 Aug 2006 Posts: 1650
#14 · Posted: 25 Dec 2007 12:53
How is it better to get traffic to your lens instead of directly to your website with Adsense
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#15 · Posted: 26 Dec 2007 23:48
Hi Viola,
If you sign up through my lens, I'll do more than give you hot tips. You know me. I give that out for free right on the forum here. What I meant to say is I will give you some personal coaching (better than just a few hot tips) via PM here at the work-at-home forum PM system - inbox to inbox. I will visit your lens and give you custom tips plus you can ask what ever you want and I will answer your questions.
That brings me to another point, Squidoo has a referral system. Not everyone seems to know about it or makes good use of it. You and the lens you sign up through both get 5 bucks once the person who signed up make 15 bucks via adsense and various other modules such as eBay and Amazon modules. I happen to be one of the few who has created and coded a "CREATE LENS" button.
So, not many make any referral cash, but they should! It's the easiest 5 bucks ever. Another free cash deal from Squidoo just for having a dang lens.
Just think, what if you had 20 lenses? That's 100 bucks just on referals coop profit sharing for each lens, money from money modules, and money from affiliate links. Lot's of money so quick, easy, and fast.
I'll be watching for you new sign up. Just let me know via PM in this forum what your Squidoo name is so I can look for it.
Traffic is critical to lens rank (within Squidoo). The more traffic you drive to your lens, the higher you rank. The higher you rank, the more you get in profit sharing and other things.
For one thing, when you join groups or when people do a search with keywords within Squidoo, your lens turns up towards the top. When that happens, more people click your link in favor of the links below you...same way we do it with Google SERPS.
For another thing, if you really rank high, you get featured all over the place - blogs, other lenses, lensroll, SquidU, Isle of Squid, ...tons of other Squidoo related sites will list you. So you drive traffic. Traffic gives you higher rank. Higher rank gets you featured and higher in Squidoo SERPs. These in turn drive more traffic. Then you rank even higher and get even more traffic.
Ideally, once you rank high enough, you get caught in a real sweet whirlwind. It just keeps you up in the air so to speak. You want to catch that wave because then it is more or less automatic or guaranteed. Did I explain it clearly? I hope I didn't confuse anyone. You shoot for the sweet spot and it keeps "being good to you for a long time without much further effort".
How's that for a long reply?

~Newbie Shield~
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3097
#16 · Posted: 27 Dec 2007 10:39 · Edited by: mountainmom5
...that sounds interesting! I actually have 3 lenses now and my main one is the one in my sig...
The one I signed up thru your lens is [Link removed - Admin] - my main purpose to have that lens is to drive traffic to my Ebay store...
Think it will work or am I going at it wrong??
I am learning a lot thru this whole thing but I like it!
So blast me with whatever you know and with whatever I need to change about it!
pcwork Forums Member
Joined: 12 Aug 2006 Posts: 1650
#17 · Posted: 27 Dec 2007 18:20
Making $15 takes time . I have had lenses for more than 1 year , and received less than $10
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#18 · Posted: 27 Dec 2007 21:51 · Edited by: Newbie Shield
Quoting: pcwork Making $15 takes time . I have had lenses for more than 1 year , and received less than $10
How high do you rank overall and how high do you rank with your category? The lower the number the better. Number 1 is best.
How much daily traffic do you average? That is critical to getting your 15 bucks so you can get a referral bonus. You won't make any money if you just let your lens sit. It's like any other site. You have to get consistent traffic.
Okay, let me know via PM what name you used at Squidoo to sign up under my lens. Then I'll verify you and start coaching you.

Newbie Shield
sorian Forums Member
Joined: 31 Dec 2007 Posts: 38
#19 · Posted: 31 Dec 2007 18:54
Well after reading all this i made a lens through your link, its not much pretty much just for linkback to my site and affiliate links, might make more.... sometime, just doing so much and so little time heh, anyway link is in my sig TY for all the great info NS!
sorian Forums Member
Joined: 31 Dec 2007 Posts: 38
#20 · Posted: 1 Jan 2008 00:26
yahh just notised that i did it wrong and did not make my lens under you... ehh ohh well not like the lens is ever going to be much lol.
been thinking about it most of the day and came up with a idea for a good lens, would love to talk with you about the tips ect you offered ^_^
and wow your lens are sweet, you realy know your stuff about music