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#61 · Posted: 19 May 2009 21:13 · Edited by: persil

Hey everyone
When I made my first squidoo lens about mois I really enjoyed doing it and decided to make another about madonna picture discs which I collect (I ended up making two), anyway I wasn't getting any visitors so decided to write an ezine article to try and promote the lenses. My article was published yesterday and is 5th place in google already. My lenses are nowhere but hopefully I will now get some traffic of my article.
I can't believe how fast it got ranked but i'm really pleased
I think this shows article are a good way of free marketing.

MOIS if your new, this is for you
Newbie Shield
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#62 · Posted: 22 May 2009 12:38

Maybe for Paul Bunyan's kids, eh??

Lol, I hear that his axe was really just a modified giant Wooden Spoon

~Newbie Shield~

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#63 · Posted: 25 Jul 2009 10:34

i dont have paypal account as its doesnt work in pakistan.But i have alertpay account which works over here. It meand icant make lens on squidoo?????? please reply right now

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#64 · Posted: 30 Jul 2009 13:25

I know to try and build a lens a day, but I also want to make sure it is a quality lens, and I am a bit scared I may break one of Squidoo's new rules. How many GOOD lenses and week do you think I can be able to create? Do you think 3 a day is reasonable?

I hope the time and effort pays off! This is seriously a full time job. Or for me it is, at least right now. Between all the blogging, articles, lenses, and everything else, my gosh, I should be getting paid by the hour! No luck yet, but I am working very hard and very diligently!

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#65 · Posted: 30 Jul 2009 16:49

How many GOOD lenses and week do you think I can be able to create? Do you think 3 a day is reasonable?

I don't see why not. Seriously, if you build good quality lenses that are your own and are not about the Taboo subjects they just addressed, you should be fine. Build away!

wow - three a day is a lot if you keep up that pace.

And don't worry, it sounds like you have a plan so just keep at it and soon you should see results.

Newbie Shield
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#66 · Posted: 30 Jul 2009 18:37 · Edited by: Newbie Shield

Hi Noshu (Lauren227Nicole below),

Noshu: You can make a lens but last I heard you need PayPal to get paid by Squidoo. Maybe their policy has changed recently. Email them if you like.

L&N: I interacted on your lenses and joined your fanclub. I'm the electric guitar avatar.

That depends what you mean by "quality" and it depends upon your skills. Some folks can put out a fairly decent lens in a single day. Some take a week or more for a "quality" lens.

Furthermore, it depends upon what you'll be using your lens for - a backlink to your main site or to make money from the lens. It also depends upon how long the lens will be and if the information right on the lens will be fairly valuable in and of itself or not.

My advice it to either create a lens strictly to drive traffic to your main site that would be very enticing or spend quite a bit more time on the lens to make it a high quality lens that you can make money from.

I probably wouldn't mix the two types unless you have a good reason to do so. With each individual lens, it may be wise to either serve one master or the other.

I don't know if they have a daily max lens limit or not. Have you heard that they do?

Good luck in either case,

~Newbie Shield~

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#67 · Posted: 28 Apr 2012 06:16

I recently started making lenses first as a way of promoting my zazzle designs and also I am experimenting with trying to earn some commissions just as a hobby really and to improve my SEO skills

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