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Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3097
#21 · Posted: 1 Jan 2008 01:24
Hey Sorian - glad to hear that I am not the only one!
I did the same thing when I set up my lens under NS - oh well , I learned a lot , regardless - lol!
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#22 · Posted: 1 Jan 2008 15:37
Hi Sorian / Kirothak,
You did sign up under me the right way. It showed up in my referral stats. I'll give you tips. I'll do better than that - I'll be your personal coach for a while.
But first part of the deal is that you add a minimum of two more text modules first. You have a good start. I've visited your lens, rated it, and signed your guestbook.
But I'll give you a few tips to get a good start right now. Upload a pic to your Intro module (first module) and develop that paragraph with more text.
To get guestbook sigs to show, you'll have to go into edit mode from your Dashboard and then find the guestbook module and click edit there. Approve, decline, or ban me, lol. If you approve me, my sig will show up. Save as draft and then publish.
After you put some text modules in there you can put some money making modules in there too. Just don't put more than three items in a money module and make sure you don't place two or more money modules in a row.
Put at least one text module inbetween each money module. It's a good idea to also put a videos, pictures, polls, or something inbetween there too so there is atleast two modules inbetween each money module.
Okay, there are some early tips for you. Have fun developing your lens and when you get a couple text modules in there let me know and I will answer your questions.
Do you like Squidoo so far and is it easy to create a lens?

Newbie Shield
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#23 · Posted: 1 Jan 2008 15:41
Quoting: mountainmom5 Hey Sorian - glad to hear that I am not the only one! I did the same thing when I set up my lens under NS - oh well , I learned a lot , regardless - lol!
Two of the three buttons will work. The green one on the left and the blue button I made and coded myself both work. The green one in the upper right WON'T work. That may be the one you used. Everyone else has shown up.
Hey, just make another lens keeping the above in mind.
Everyone be sure to drive traffic daily or the Squidoo rank will tank.

Newbie Shield
sorian Forums Member
Joined: 31 Dec 2007 Posts: 38
#24 · Posted: 1 Jan 2008 16:38
Started my new lens (its now in my sig) found a subject i know about and love, and happens to hav very few other lenses on the subject ^_^
TY for the tips and vote and comment on my first lens, will improve it some but my new lens is where i will focus. its early but plan to do considerable amount of work on it latter today.
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#25 · Posted: 3 Jan 2008 15:37 · Edited by: Newbie Shield
Quoting: sorian Started my new lens (its now in my sig) found a subject i know about and love, and happens to hav very few other lenses on the subject ^_^ TY for the tips and vote and comment on my first lens, will improve it some but my new lens is where i will focus. its early but plan to do considerable amount of work on it latter today.
Hi Sorian,
I'm glad you are able to pursue something you really enjoy. That makes lens building a lot more fun I think.
Good that you found a niche on Squidoo where you have little or no competition.
In your sig file, I thought you might like to know that you are missing an end ] after ..."/animeAMVs"

Newbie Shield
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3097
#26 · Posted: 10 Jan 2008 22:30
Hey Newbie Shield, I think I finally did it right - I used the blue box to create a lens but I am wondering if it went through -
It is the lens in my sig...
If it didn't, then I think I probably would have to open a whole new account, eh??
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#27 · Posted: 11 Jan 2008 22:08
Yes, that is how it's done. I don't understand why it isn't showing up (for the second time!). Others are showing up. I have several referrals. I'm a little baffled.
Let me email squidoo and find out. Give me a few days or more to hear back from them. They are upgrading - adding servers and abilities right now so they have their hands quite full. I'll get to the bottom of this.

~Newbie Shield~
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 3097
#28 · Posted: 12 Jan 2008 01:31
I am wondering if maybe it's because I already have an account with Squidoo and even when I sign up thru your lens it still goes through on my own account??
It's no big deal - I don't mind
You have given a lot of tips on these threads that have benefited me and I appreciate that! Thanks Viola
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#29 · Posted: 13 Jan 2008 17:10
Quoting: mountainmom5 I am wondering if maybe it's because I already have an account with Squidoo and even when I sign up thru your lens it still goes through on my own account?? It's no big deal - I don't mind You have given a lot of tips on these threads that have benefited me and I appreciate that! Thanks Viola
That's what I was thinking. It's probably the case. Oh well, I can still continue discussions here so ask away.

Newbie Shield
Couchie Forums Member
Joined: 8 Oct 2007 Posts: 19
#30 · Posted: 20 Jan 2008 04:04
I'm new to squidoo also, I have started a len's but I'm having trouble with it. My picture's aren't showing and i'm not sure how to put the RSS feed in.
I would love any help I can get on this.
Best Regards.
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#31 · Posted: 22 Jan 2008 20:38
Quoting: Couchie Hi, I'm new to squidoo also, I have started a len's but I'm having trouble with it. My picture's aren't showing and i'm not sure how to put the RSS feed in. I would love any help I can get on this. Best Regards.
Hi Couchie,
I just created a how to lens that I think you will find very helpful. Regarding can use it but understand that it is coded in JAVA, which means it won't automatically update your lens. Most folks use it because they think it will get counted each day as an update. Plus, it creates duplicate content. That will work against you in search engine rankings.
Feel free to ask any further questions.

Newbie Shield
Tybask Forums Member
Joined: 29 Jan 2008 Posts: 7
#32 · Posted: 30 Jan 2008 02:15
I think squidoo is great. I am fairly new to it, but my lens is ranked in the 400's in business. From what I was told thats not bad at all. Check the lens out in my sig file.
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#33 · Posted: 30 Jan 2008 13:37 · Edited by: Newbie Shield
Hi Tybask,
I've visited your lens. I rated it, signed the guestbook, favorited it, and joined your fan club. Nice job.
Actually, what you speak of is category rank. There are two types of rank - overall rank and category rank. What you heard or should have heard it that an overall rank of 400 is pretty good. Within category, sorry, but it isn't very good.
The best I've done is 10 within category and 131 over all with one of my lenses. There are many things that affect the ranking algorithm but traffic is king. So drive as much traffic to your lens as you can.

~Newbie Shield~
JamesZ Forums Member
Joined: 2 Feb 2008 Posts: 7
#34 · Posted: 5 Feb 2008 18:24
I am in the UK and new to Squidoo.
So far it has been nothing but a pain in the rear! IT constantly times out and crashes on me when trying to update the page.
I hope the traffic is worth it in the end!
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#35 · Posted: 5 Feb 2008 22:45
Hi James,
I feel your pain. Squidoo is in the process of upgrading. They now have around 400,000 lenses and they are moving to upgraded servers. They are also changing several things. There is a lot of testing going on in the programming department there right now. So, lately speed comes and goes.
Additionally, understand that it is on USA servers, so naturally you have that working against you.

~Newbie Shield~
sdcindy Forums Member
Joined: 28 May 2007 Posts: 86
#36 · Posted: 13 Mar 2008 15:55
I learned a lot from Newbie Shield. I am currently taking an internet marketing class and had my first ever lens placed in a contest where it got voted on by the other people in my class (about 700). Out of 450 entries, my lens made the finals!!!!
So now my lens will get voted on by the StomperNet community of about 100,000 people for the grand finale winner. I am very proud  My entry is in my signature below.
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007 Posts: 2226
#37 · Posted: 15 Mar 2008 07:18
Your lens is beautiful. I visit it fairly often. Lots of folks have paid you some nice compliments in your guestbook. You rank high within category and quite decent overall. Keep up the great work.

~Newbie Shield~
brazilfarmer Forums Member
Joined: 25 Oct 2007 Posts: 25
#38 · Posted: 30 Mar 2008 18:38
Hi everyone,
I've read this thread from the beginning as well as all the other Squidoo-related content on this forum and just wish I had discovered it all much earlier. I've really enjoyed looking at everybody's lenses which are so diverse it's incredible to see how many different areas people have interests in and are making money from. I assume people are making money out of all this effort otherwise it must just be a passion. Can you let me know if you have a lens as a hobby or is it something that you use to try to generate some extra income.
A question directly for Newbie Shield - you are clearly the authority in this forum on Squidoo so I was wondering how much of your time you dedicate to this and your other web-based business interests? It takes a long time to become an expert in any field, online or offline so I am curious to know if this is your primary income or do you have another job not related to any of this? Hope you don't mind the question
Tantalus Forums Member
Joined: 16 May 2008 Posts: 7
#39 · Posted: 22 May 2008 01:41
Greetings, Newbie Shield!!
Your posts here are a fabulous resource for those of us just getting our feet wet with Squidoo. I'm really excited about the possibilities but like anything else, it's really hard to get going without a little guidance. Having you around makes it much easier to dive in!
I'm bummed that I opened my first Squidoo account before I found your posts and your signup links. I will definitely be signing up under you for my future accounts, but first I need to get a decent lens up and running so I can have that all important first one under my belt. Maybe you would be so kind as to toss me a couple of pointers even though I didn't use your link yet?
I find myself getting frustrated trying to get the lens to look good (one reason I have not done more IM is that I suck at design. I can never figure out what would look good, and I have a hard time getting the code right when I do know what I want. I could really use some opinions from someone who is good at this! If you want to see what I've done so far, it's at the usual URL/easy-home-income . It's nowhere near ready yet but I published it just to get some feedback.
Any help from you or any other members would be greatly appreciated!
Money4Mommy Forums Member
Joined: 21 Aug 2007 Posts: 90
#40 · Posted: 22 May 2008 02:15
It's been a while since I last reported my Squidoo stats so I thought I would give you an update. My addiction to Squidoo has resulted in well over 20 lenses and I'm working towards my goal of becoming a giant squid. My lenses vary in topic depending on my inspiration. You can take a look at my lenses with the lensography link in my signature.
Newbie Shield has been a great teacher for a lot of us who needed help getting started on Squidoo. His feedback on my first lenses really taught me a lot.