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search engine, small words & backlinks

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Joined: 31 Dec 2009
Posts: 23

#1 · Posted: 31 Jan 2010 13:55 · Edited by: Lauram

Hi there,
I had a couple questions that I'm hoping someone would be able to answer for me...

1. As far as the search engines and key word phrases, does the search engine 'see' small words and punctuation? Just wondering, b/b if you use the 'exact' key word phrase, sometimes it doesn't make sense to use it in a title or in a sentence in your article, unless you add a small word, like, the, and, is.....or a comma.

2. What is a backlink? And how many different ways can it be used? I'm guessing when you review someone elses lens, then you leave your info that a backlink and the only way it works?

Thank you so much for any insight anyone may have!

Vishal P. Rao

Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 1065

#2 · Posted: 1 Feb 2010 00:20

sometimes it doesn't make sense to use it in a title or in a sentence in your article, unless you add a small word, like, the, and, is.....or a comma.

Exactly! If you try to use exact keywords that makes no sense, search engines can easily identify that you are putting lot of SEO efforts and can flag you down.

2. What is a backlink? And how many different ways can it be used? I'm guessing when you review someone elses lens, then you leave your info that a backlink and the only way it works?

When a website B links to a website A, it's called a backlink. In simple words, it's like a vote, that A is worthy enough. The more backlinks (votes) A gets, the higher it's chance of getting ranked higher in search engines. Also, it's not just the number of backlink that counts. The authority of the site that links to you is far more important than mere quantity. So when B links A, how many backlinks does B has also counts.

You may find this topic interesting: 55.html

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Joined: 31 Dec 2009
Posts: 23

#3 · Posted: 1 Feb 2010 13:32

Vishal P. Rao
Thank you so much for you reply....I just want to make sure I do it right! So, with the keyword phrases, if there was a phrase of say 3 words, as long as you use the 3 words (not necessarily in order) in your URL, title, body of article, you will get indexed? Or, do you need to use them in the order of the Keyword search tool (with a small word or comma to make sense..)

The backlinks make more sense now, thanks!

Vishal P. Rao

Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 1065

#4 · Posted: 2 Feb 2010 05:22

as long as you use the 3 words (not necessarily in order) in your URL, title, body of article, you will get indexed? Or, do you need to use them in the order of the Keyword search tool (with a small word or comma to make sense..)

You need to use them in order to rank higher for that phrase. Getting indexed is the term used to define that the search engines have spidered your web page and added them in their database. So order or no order, with few backlinks, your content is bound to get indexed but ranking higher for that specific term is a different concept and depends on number of factors like number of backlinks, quality of backlinks, keywords in title, body and the rate at which your content has been gaining backlinks.

Forums Member

Joined: 31 Dec 2009
Posts: 23

#5 · Posted: 2 Feb 2010 13:04

Thank you again, quite the science, eh?
I'll just carry on and see what transpires!

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