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Wealthy Affiliate?

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#1 · Posted: 11 Apr 2006 14:20

You may or may not have heard about Wealthy Affiliate, which is a website designed to help people learn internet marketing, and in particular, get the edge over Google Adwords. Just in case you don't know what Wealthy Affiliate is, or would like to know more about it, I thought I'd take a minute to tell you what Wealthy Affiliate is all about:

Whether you are a beginner or a veteran of Google Adwords, you can learn virtually all you need to know about internet marketing through Wealthy Affiliate. If you've had struggles with Google Adwords, you can get help by seasoned veterans who have had success with internet marketing and are making thousands a day.

Wealthy Affiliate has a great internet marketing forum, where you can learn and ask questions about Google Adwords or internet marketing. You will get prompt responses from either the owners of Wealthy Affiliate, Carson and Kyle, or from other Wealthy Affiliate members, who are more than willing to help you out.

Wealthy Affiliate, however, has a lot more to offer than just the forums. You can get keyword lists, product recommendations, read case studies, and a whole lot more to help you succeed at Google Adwords. Below are some other aspects of internet marketing which you can learn about in the Wealthy Affiliate resource section:

1. Internet Marketing Basics

2. Website Design

3. Building Opt In Lists

4. Advertising Strategies

5. Beginner Mistakes

One last thing: Wealthy Affiliate is an investment. You are getting an education in Google Adwords and internet marketing. Wealthy Affiliate is worth the investment if you would like to persue a career in internet marketing.

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#2 · Posted: 20 Oct 2006 10:07

Anyone tried this program? Good? Bad? Is it worth the $30/month fee?

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#3 · Posted: 20 Oct 2006 22:47 · Edited by: getagrip

Wealthy Affiliate is the real deal. Carson and Kyle offer great support, and there are a lot of great Wealthy Affiliate members you will meet in the Wealthy Affiliate forum who don't hold back in helping each other out.

Carson and Kyle just launched Wealthy Affiliate 2.0, and the resources you will find at Wealthy Affiliate just keep getting better and better. While the focus is on Google Adwords, Wealthy Affiliate is incorporating many other types of internet marketing strategies into the members area.

Please note, however, that making money online with the techniques and tactics you will learn at Wealthy Affiliate will take a lot of hard work, but this is a great place to learn internet marketing, and you will learn many internet marketing tactics as Carson and Kyle continue to add new resources as Wealthy Affiliate continues to grow.

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#4 · Posted: 21 Oct 2006 17:54

I've heard nothing but positive things about it.

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#5 · Posted: 22 Oct 2006 23:28

Wealthy Affiliate is definitely ahead of its time. Sign up and log in and you'll be amazed at the tools available - not just a bunch of reports like some sites. These are tools that sell for over $100 at other sites - tools I used everyday for my research.

Needless to say, I highly recommend it.

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#6 · Posted: 6 Dec 2006 01:06

One more thing I'll say about Wealthy Affiliate:

You can invest $30-$97 in an ebook, which you'll be done reading in a few hours. With Wealthy Affiliate - even if you join for just ONE month - you will have a full 30 days to take advantage of all of the resources and personal support. Like ebay_addict said - "I've heard nothing but positive things about it."

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#7 · Posted: 30 Jan 2007 10:28

I could not agree more with every body else's comment. Just the research tools worth more than the monthly fee.

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#8 · Posted: 5 Feb 2007 17:40

If I was an internet marketing newbie, that's the program I would purchase. You will meet an extremely talented marketer there. His name is Travis (also known as the creator of "bum marketing").

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#9 · Posted: 6 Feb 2007 20:38

Quoting: Steve_S
If I was an internet marketing newbie, that's the program I would purchase. You will meet an extremely talented marketer there. His name is Travis (also known as the creator of "bum marketing").

Yeah, Travis is a stud. He has some really amazing forum posts in the Wealthy Affiliate forum, and the funny thing is that he's not even a founder - he's just a "regular" member...who "happens" to earn over $1,000 a day.

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#10 · Posted: 24 Feb 2007 15:32

I, too, have heard nothing but good things about their program. The market is getting really tough, so you need to have good tools to succeed.

Affiliate marketing is a competitive field...if you are going to do it this is probably one of the best ways to do it.

I prefer higher end sales, instead of trying to grind out $100 - $300 / month.

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#11 · Posted: 11 Mar 2007 18:36

I finally signed-up with Wealthy Affiliate at the beginning of this year after hearing a lot of good things about them. I must say their forums and resource tools have well exceeded my expectations! Kyle and Carson run a great site and really know their internet marketing from all angles. I'm not a total newbie to affiliate marketing as I made $xx,xxx last year selling some products using Adwords so I wasn't sure how much WA would help out....but I've learned a TON of great techniques for marketing online with them.

The forums are very active and they now have over 3,000 members. As someone mentioned above, Travis is one of the most popular members at Wealthy Affiliate and his advice and posts are golden. I actually prefer WA to the other free forums out there because it weeds out all the people that aren't serious about affiliate marketing. All the posts and threads are top notch and related to affiliate marketing.

Best part about Wealthy Affiliate is being able to pm Kyle or Carson for help on any of your campaigns. For $30 a month that is pretty cheap mentoring.

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#12 · Posted: 23 Mar 2007 17:13

I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for over a year now and it just keeps getting better and better.

It's also very easy to cover your costs by joining their affiliate program and selling a few memberships.

Good luck


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#13 · Posted: 31 Mar 2007 14:50

I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for just over 2 months. I knew nothing about internet marketing before this. I made about $500 this month on one of my campaigns following the advice of wealthy affiliate. To be fair, I've also had some failing campaigns, but that was mainly because I was anxious to get started and did not take my time to learn all the strategies taught in Wealthy Affiliate. The information and resources on that site are unbelievable!

I've bought several ebooks and courses, but none come close to Wealthy Affiliate. I highly recommend it!

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#14 · Posted: 4 Apr 2007 15:47

I was just wondering if wealthy affiliate is good also for MLM business or is it just for advertising others products? thank you

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#15 · Posted: 5 Apr 2007 15:12 · Edited by: getagrip

Quoting: hollyb
I was just wondering if wealthy affiliate is good also for MLM business or is it just for advertising others products? thank you

Wealthy Affiliate is actually geared towards marketing affiliate products online, rather than MLMs.

However, since Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to market products online, you would learn different ways to actually market your MLM business over the internet.

If for some reason your MLM business didn't work out, Wealthy Affiliate would open up a whole new world for you on other ways to make money online.

Mr P
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#16 · Posted: 9 Apr 2007 20:36

Any hidden fees? I see WA will set you up with a web site if you don't have one. Do they charge hosting fees for that?

JaY o
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#17 · Posted: 9 Apr 2007 21:26

profit lance, and avg joe teach you all about affilate marketing, and it gets updated all the time. No monthly fees...

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#18 · Posted: 16 Apr 2007 22:14

I have to agree with JaY o. Average Joe and Profit Lance have great resources from e-books to videos and they are the best programs I've come across so far. And no monthly fees.
Kris of Average Joe is Happy to personally assist everyone. He is a true professional.

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#19 · Posted: 17 Apr 2007 02:34

Quoting: Mr P
Any hidden fees? I see WA will set you up with a web site if you don't have one. Do they charge hosting fees for that?

No, there are no hidden fees, and yes, you can have a prebuilt website without having to pay for hosting - they are called "Feeder Sites".

In my case, I actually customized one of the feeder sites to modify the product lineup - if you do that you will need hosting, but that is optional.

That is one thing that is very unique about Wealthy Affiliate - unlike some other programs, they don't say, "get a free website", and then after you sign up say, "by the way, you need to pay $15 a month for web hosting to get the free website".

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#20 · Posted: 19 Apr 2007 14:02

travis is the brother of the owner. think about it why would he be a member and make that much money a day

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