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Plexus Worldwide

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Joined: 9 Sep 2011
Posts: 9
#1 · Posted: 9 Sep 2011 16:36

After doing a search on this company, I found nothing. Please forgive me if this company has already been reviewed.

Plexus Worldwide is a breast health and healthy weight loss company.

I started using the products in March of 2011 and got most of my family on their products in April. Since that time, the overall health improvements in my family have been astounding. I have lost 15 pounds and my hands no longer go to sleep when I drive and sleep or talk on the phone.

My mom has lost 45 pounds but more importantly her cholesterol has been lowered to the normal range. Her main side affect has been more energy.

My father-in-law has lost 40 pounds and his blood pressure has been lowered significantly and he is about to come off his expensive blood pressure medications.

My husband sleeps better.

My cousin has lost 63 pounds and has come off 4 insulin shots a day.

I am making $3,500 a month and I know there are 10 different ways to make money with this company, but I've never done any kind of network marketing before, so I am wondering what real MLM people think of this company and the Compensation Plan and if this a very good income for this type of product and company. I feel like a success but I have nothing to judge the company by other than what others tell me.

[Generic link added - Admin]

Melissa Collins, Ruby Ambassador
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#2 · Posted: 10 Sep 2011 01:31

when I drive and sleep or talk on the phone.

driving and sleeping is dangerous! and talking while driving is illegal many places.
If you are making $3,500/mo after 6 months you are ahead of the pack for most MLMs.
Where does the money come from? Retail sales or downline sales?
All the health claims leave you liable with the FTC/FDA to prove it.
Sounds like a successful product for you and your family though.
Just be careful how you market it. Study the rules.
Even income claims need to have proof provided.

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Joined: 9 Sep 2011
Posts: 9
#3 · Posted: 10 Sep 2011 07:44

I can't believe I put sleeping and driving!!! Oh well, I a have a couple times . The health benefits have been proven in clinical trials. We have had other health issues that have benefitted from the product, but I try not to say...."this will help your fibromyalgia", I say things like "my friend Linda has gotten relief from her fibromyalgia". My mom carries her lab work around and my cousins appearance and improved health are what took this company from 5 to 3500. He is a walking testimony. He is 58,looks like the college football player he used to be in the 70's.

The money comes from wholesale to retail markups, bonuses for preferred customers, commissions on wholesale purchases, bonuses for sign ups, profit sharing points based on the number of people on our team who are commission qualified, and then also achievement bonuses. As far as proof of income, I just carry my check stubs around. I figured that way people can see they really do pay. I am loving watch people get healthy and my husband is extremely excited about this business because he is constantly seeing the ravages of diabetes in his patients.

My father-in-law's vascular surgeon has researched the ingredients extensively and has family members on the product and is giving out my business cards and samples to his patients. Having a doctor give his stamp of approval has been huge in helping people know it's safe. Most doctors know nothing about all natural products, usually they just say "well there is nothing in here that can hurt you". it was a major breakthrough for me to have one actually go the extra mile and look up the ingredients.

Melissa Collins, Ruby Ambassador
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Joined: 6 May 2009
Posts: 303
#4 · Posted: 11 Sep 2011 15:05

That's exactly what you want from key individuals. Testimonies are crucial and you being the product of the product is very important too. A far as your income from this business, if you really want to gauge how well you do, try this- make a financial statement sheet, sometimes called profit/loss, and do the numbers. This has to be separate from your personal finances. Draw a line down the middle. One one side, put the income from the business. On the other side put your expenses. Calculate the difference and you will see the true numbers of how well you do. Don't leave anything out like lunches with prospects, advertisment, etc.

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