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CJConsulting Forums Member
Joined: 5 Nov 2010 Posts: 39
#1 · Posted: 5 Nov 2010 19:59
Hi there...I read an interesting thread about Melaleuca and when I went to post my story, I saw the thread was closed. I'm not trying to start anything, but I just have to say that I have tried network marketing for almost 20 years. I always had one product to sell or market, and that made me feel bad. I could not convince myself to try to recruit my family or friends.
Fast forward to July of this year and I was introduced to the company. I enrolled my first customer a week later and it took me 50 days to reach Director. I have NEVER had success in home businesses before, and I am not really that interested in building a massive team of people, though I am sure that day will probably come. The point is that I am earning money, it's not hard to do it, and I can't really understand why anyone would have a problem with the company. I am no veteran of the industry, though I am a long-term failure at home business ownership.
My mother LOVES the cereal. She has IBS and her body laughs at prunes and prune juice. The cereal works within a couple of hours for her and I didn't even have to ask her to be a customer. She took some lotion out of my purse, used it, and then told me she wanted to buy some. She didn't even know I was in Melaleuca.
I have eczema but have not had an unmanageable flare up since using the lotion. I also have not made money anywhere else but Melaleuca. For someone who is terrified of talking to strangers, this company has served me well.
I am not looking for anyone to call or PM me. In fact, please don't. I just want to say that the company has been good to me, and I only have customers...not business builders. Once I have 20 customers, I will make 20% of my personally enrolled customers spend. It took close to nothing to get 11 customers. I don't think the last 9 will be any harder. I am not building a team, but I AM making money.
I have never seen an MLM do that...and no disrespect to MLM. It's a great business model. Also, I have never seen an MLM give a guaranteed income. Melaleuca does.
I don't want to promote the company but I do want to share my experience. It's a really good company for someone just learning how to run and own a business. I am happy to be here and I think it's unfair for someone to take so much time to blast a business that has been a safe haven for many people who have been abused in the mlm industry.
Anyway...that's my heart on the company. I pray that others come to learn how good it is and also how to build their own business from home.
Thanks for reading.
Soldier Wife
Bizzoyce Forums Member
Joined: 6 Nov 2010 Posts: 4
#2 · Posted: 6 Nov 2010 17:09
I totally agree with you, This company has been very great. We have tried 3 other MLM type businesses and they have failed and have lost a decent amount of money, But this company has been great. There is always someone to help you if you are willing to work. Great products in which you do not have to stock pile. They have won many awards with the BBB.
And what MLM give money back guarantees if not satisfied.
Buddy Forums Member
Joined: 17 Oct 2010 Posts: 27
#3 · Posted: 7 Nov 2010 07:45
CJ, I too have failed with a couple MLMs in the past 10-15 years. I don't think it was because of the company's, but my lack of skills, and the timing. With the internet, social networking, and video marketing I think the time has never been better to get into a MLM. I am not in Melaleuca, but have recently signed up for another MLM. My niece is a stay at home mom, and is a Melaleuca distributor, and she likes it very much. She only makes a few hundred dollars a month, but she seems to be dedicated to it for the long haul, and I think she will be successful some day if she sticks with it. And so will you. BTW, I grew up 30 miles south of Ada, Michigan, a town near Grand Rapids, MI, and the home of Amway. They (I think ) pioneered the MLM business model. The DeVoss's were very good to Grand Rapids, they paid their employees well, built a children's hospital, and did a lot of other good things in the area. But Amway still gets bashed a lot.
ronniebranch Forums Member
Joined: 11 Apr 2009 Posts: 27
#4 · Posted: 7 Nov 2010 14:00
Building any MLM business can happen but only if one applies the correct recruiting strategies and methods to keep their people happy to battle the competition on the internet. As for recruiting customers that could work as well but when sizing the two it is my belief if one uses the correct recruiting methods it can out perform finding customers.
CJConsulting Forums Member
Joined: 5 Nov 2010 Posts: 39
#5 · Posted: 8 Nov 2010 11:14
I am knocking on Director II. I will probably be there by the end of this week if I enroll a few more people. Hopefully I will. Not sure though...
Sorry I didn't get in here sooner. I forgot which email address I used to sign up. I am enrolling people for a couple of my team members so I can get to D3 this them the personal customer enrollments they need so they earn money and I advance. Over time, they will advance too. So far, that's working really well for me because people get a customer within their first week or two and they can see how easy it is and actually start enrolling on their own once they know I am here for them.
No one helped me in a meaningful way when I started, and I totally didn't know what I was doing. I know more now, but I am not some Melaleuca Master. lol If I can build a business, anyone can. I am a sales retard...for real. I just like the products and the potential.
Have you hit Director yet? I am off of Pacesetter by one month but should catch up again by December or January, now that I have streamlined my process and stopped being such a loser at getting customers. I was accidentally enrolling people..talking about the products and they would ask where to get them and I'd enroll them. I am still scratching my head.
Since you are already in, PM me if you want me to tell you a cool way to find new people who are actually interested and who will either be a committed customer or a business builder interested in earning money. I had a couple of people to reach out on Facebook since my first post here to ask me how they can build a business on my team. ??? Don't know how that happened or why, but I'll take it.
(Note: Please don't PM me here if you want to sign up in Melaleuca. I am not interested in using this forum for any recruiting or gaining customers. I just want to learn from the community here. It seems like a really safe place to learn, vent, etc.)
Blessings, Christi Johnson
CJConsulting Forums Member
Joined: 5 Nov 2010 Posts: 39
#6 · Posted: 8 Nov 2010 11:20 · Edited by: CJConsulting
I wish you could hear me yelling right now. I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!! I signed up with a telecom company thinking it was common sense since we use the phone, have internet and use electricity. My husband and I wanted to get in on something common sense.
We enrolled for around $500. At the end of paying our money, we found out that we would have to go out and buy new phones at around $49 or something like that. We have 5 phones in our home. THEN...the monthly phone service didn't include some perks we have now and will continue to need in the future. if that wasn't enough...we found out we had 72 hours to cancel. That was it.
10 minutes after we enrolled, we called back to unenroll. Why did it take 3 weeks to get our money back???? That thing made me sick because we actually needed that money. Our "sponsor" was less concerned about our financial state...more concerned about getting promoted. She never really told us HOW to get customers/enrollees, etc. She only told us what we would earn for getting some number of people into the business.
That's the kind of thing I hate. I can't tell you how much I appreciate Melaleuca. Our CEO has his head in the right place from all I can tell.
Blessings, Christi J.
CJConsulting Forums Member
Joined: 5 Nov 2010 Posts: 39
#7 · Posted: 8 Nov 2010 11:33
I completely agree with you. I think what makes Melaleuca a company that people want to stick with for the long haul is that they are NOT get rich quick. They do pay some money in the lower promotion levels (Marketing Executive to Director II), but the money starts to change at Director 3. It's like they reward leadership and tenacity...not excitement about money. I like that. I think that's a model that is sustainable. If you work, you get paid. If you try to cheat or only recruit for money, your business will fall apart until you learn better...if you learn better.
It amazes me that people get uncomfortable with Amway. Amway is not a company I would work with for personal reasons, but they have been good to a lot of people, and they have changed and adopted better practices as they have grown. I think that Amway pioneered the industry too, but a nagging voice keeps telling me they restructured and renamed another company that had been around for a little while and came back with Amway. I am not too sure about that though.
Working from home is the goal, and there are many ways to do that. It doesn't matter if it's direct sales, network marketing, party plans, affiliate sales, unique product sales or anything else. If you find something that works well for you from home, go for it!!
As far as your niece is concerned, a few hundred extra dollars a month is a HUGE deal to most people...especially with today's economy. My first $200+ check nearly made me pass out. I cried. I shook my head. I called everyone I know. lol It was crazy. It was pretty funny too, now that I look back at it. It mattered so much because it was more than the amount that we were short each month.
Blessings, CJ
CJConsulting Forums Member
Joined: 5 Nov 2010 Posts: 39
#8 · Posted: 8 Nov 2010 11:41
ronniebranch: As for recruiting customers that could work as well but when sizing the two it is my belief if one uses the correct recruiting methods it can out perform finding customers. You just highlighted what makes me love the company so much. Yes...I guess I could earn more money if I were looking for business builders as well, but I don't want to look for those kinds of people right now. Maybe that will change later, but I am not forcing the issue. My blog deals with recruiting and being an Army wife and a WAH/SAH Mom...but it's only there as a guide and as my personal outlet as I continue to grow my customer base.
Some people have reached out to ask if they can build with me, and one is enrolling today. I don't have to train them, though, and I like that. The company does that. What I AM good at is showing them how to be a bit more hands off with their Melaleuca business even as it is growing. I didn't start this thing so that I can be tied to a business every waking hour. Team conference calls, web conferencing, and automated group emails do all the training if any is needed. I simply qualify them pretty strenuously in our initial chat to make sure they will be good customers over time.
There's something for everyone...even people like me. I am aggressive in a different way and don't mind the work of growing as long as I don't have to stress while growing. lol
MelaTiger Forums Member
Joined: 24 Nov 2010 Posts: 10
#9 · Posted: 24 Nov 2010 21:20
I regret to say that I was in Melaleuca back in 1998 and dropped out (anyone reading this, please note that I dropped out not because of anything Melaleuca did or didn't do). I just recently rejoined simply because we now have our first baby who is 4 months and I basically wanted my health and stamina back. Today I received my Vitality Pack for Men as well as my ProvexCV, along with other great products.
I stumbled on this forum doing a Google search to see what other people are saying about the company and to read other people's experiences on building their business. The locked thread made me join and was disappointed to find it locked because it lit a fire underneath me. Anyway, I'm interested in networking with other successful Melaleuca folk.
Best Regards, MelaTiger
Pay attention; it doesn't cost a dime.
melamom1977 Forums Member
Joined: 8 Dec 2010 Posts: 1
#10 · Posted: 8 Dec 2010 13:46
Melaleuca is an amazing company to work with. I advanced to director with a paycheck of over $400 my first month. Just a note: Melaleuca is not an MLM. They are Customer Direct Marketing. It works very different from an MLM. Plus there is NO RISK! You cannot get burned by working with this company. You don't sell products! Yeah!!!! You just get to be passionate about helping people change their lives and get paid for it! WHat could be better than that??
lonco28 Forums Member
Joined: 10 Dec 2010 Posts: 1
#11 · Posted: 10 Dec 2010 16:01
I have heard about Melaleuca for about 7 years from my cousin who has simply been a customer. She loved the products and for the past 4 years has told me to do the business because she has friends that are doing it with success. I have avoided it because I am not a "sales person".
I recently looked into getting products that were safer for my family because my daughter is into everything!!! Again, Melaleuca came up, and I decided to try it. I loved the products and since it didn't cost me anymore to start referring customers, I did. I began in October, referred 11 customers and received a check for over $1500! I know that is not what I will making right now residually every month, but it was real money and that amazed me. I stay at home with my 2 kids so really any money I can bring in would be amazing!
I was also amazed at the amount of support I was getting. I tried another company a few years ago and basically I had to invest a bunch of money, never saw a dime, was promised support and was left on my own to sink! I have received support from my team and I now offer it to my team, which is something I love to receive and give. I even receive calls from the Melaleuca headquarters to see if I need anything! What??? This really surprised me.
My opinion about the company was designed with the skeptic in mind. There is really nothing to lose. The products are great, but if you don't love get your money back!
I would encourage anyone looking into this business to just jump in and try it, there truly is no risk. Whether you want to put in a little bit or a lot of work, it doesn't matter. You can do this at whatever pace YOU feel comfortable. I hope this helps anyone considering the business. Keep in mind, it has to feel right to you and it has to be the right time for you. There are a lot of companies out there and I know a lot of people have been hurt by some of them, myself included. But Melaleuca is very simple. Try the products. If (or I should say, when) you love them, talk about them with people. If they are interested, show them how want to switch stores, get better, safer products and how they can (if they want to) make some money! That's it!
Hope it helps!
Courtney Higson SAH/WAH Mom of 2
mbasa Forums Member
Joined: 2 Jun 2010 Posts: 98
#12 · Posted: 17 Dec 2010 03:42
Is this business open in south Africa? i tried to opt-in for more info but only a handful of countries are listed.
zippydmm Forums Member
Joined: 22 Aug 2010 Posts: 7
#13 · Posted: 17 Dec 2010 20:58
You definitely need to talk to your support team.
They should be able to help you with proven strategies to be able to get in front of people for presentations.
Good Luck.
zippydmm Forums Member
Joined: 22 Aug 2010 Posts: 7
#14 · Posted: 17 Dec 2010 21:01
Just a side note, when I was posting in August, I wasn't sure if I was going to build a business.
Well, based on how great the products were and the fact that there is zero risk, I decided to get started.
In just over 2 months, I have gone from 0 customers to 14 personally enrolled customers and 30 total customers in my business.
Because I didn't take advantage of some of the pacesetter bonuses by getting started quickly, my last check was about $275.
The best part of Melaleuca, besides the products, is that they reward people who are productive right from the start, as opposed to other in home business where you have to sell and enroll alot of people before you see any money.
Anyone looking for a great in home opportunity should give Melaleuca a shot, if you are connected with the right support team, you willl be successful with consistent effort.
email, if you would like to take a look..... [email protected]
mrbillydee Forums Member
Joined: 15 Dec 2010 Posts: 11
#15 · Posted: 18 Dec 2010 06:56
CJConsulting: I had a couple of people to reach out on Facebook since my first post here to ask me how they can build a business on my team. ??? Don't know how that happened or why, but I'll take it. (Note: Please don't PM me here if you want to sign up in Melaleuca. I am not interested in using this forum for any recruiting or gaining customers. I just want to learn from the community here. It seems like a really safe place to learn, vent, etc.) Christi,
First of all, I want to thank your husband for keeping us free. I would also like to thank you for being there for him. I am a US Marine veteran, and I know, more than anyone, how much of a sacrifice it is. War and deployment is just as difficult on families as it is for the service member. For that, I THANK YOU.
Now, I want to say that I am very new to this. That being said, I would possibly rethink your stance on not using this forum to market your product. You don't have to push it down anyones throat, but just by what you stated, you already got new customers since you posted on here. Just stated your success, and BINGO, more customers. Seems to me you would WANT people to contact you from here? Lots of like minded people with similar goals to share your story with here.
Bill Daniels
I'm new to all this, so bear with me :)
RobWynkoop Forums Member
Joined: 29 Mar 2010 Posts: 24
#16 · Posted: 18 Dec 2010 18:25
Just making sure everyone has all sides to the story... I have heard excellent things about Melaleuca, but when I see what they did with one distributor's $33,000 monthly check, it makes me very concerned.
Might be fine if you intend on making a couple thousand with them, but I don't think I'd be confident in building a downline for the future with this Nasty Melaleuca lawsuit
ronjonesjr Forums Member
Joined: 19 Dec 2010 Posts: 1
#17 · Posted: 19 Dec 2010 13:15
MelaTiger funny you say you was in Melaleuca in the late 90's so was my wife and myself. We got out for reasons I don't know. A friend showed it to me again a few weeks a go and I have already signed 5 people and 14 in my group already. I was always told it is all about timing and you can never show it bad enough to the right person or good enough to the wrong person looking forward to becoming a Director in the next few weeks. [email protected]
MelaTiger Forums Member
Joined: 24 Nov 2010 Posts: 10
#18 · Posted: 4 Jan 2011 18:02
RonJonesJR: Happy New Year. I hear you. To date, I made Director - on pacesetter. I enrolled 1 person in November (coming in myself at the tail end of the month) and 8 people in December. Hope you've become Director by now as well.
RobWynkoop and walkdon: This is for you. Marketing Executives need to know their contracts like a preacher knows his Bible. I can't understand why someone would ruin their 6 figure income career with Melaleuca over being careless.
Best Regards, MelaTiger
Pay attention; it doesn't cost a dime.
brentw Forums Member
Joined: 1 Aug 2008 Posts: 34
#19 · Posted: 5 Jan 2011 10:56
MelaTiger - So you are okay with Mela completely controlling your life? Because if even half of what is in that lawsuit is true, then that is what you are agreeing to.
I've been with a company before that tried to control what you could and could not do. I saw the lives they destroyed. Can't say I support the practice.
MelaTiger Forums Member
Joined: 24 Nov 2010 Posts: 10
#20 · Posted: 5 Jan 2011 16:34 · Edited by: MelaTiger
Brent: Let's put aside the lawsuit thing for a minute, because I'm not interested in arguing fact over fiction over hearsay. I do, however, would like to bring your attention to the comparison of P90X� supplements and the Melaleuca supplements, by comparing the multi-vitamin breakdown:

Aside from differences of the amounts, there are two very significant differences in each supplement. First: only 50% of the Vitamin A in what P90X offers come from beta-carotene (excessive non-beta-carotene Vitamin A has been known to have side effects). Second: Melaleuca's supplements use Oligofructose Complex for the delivery of its nutrients. This is a recent innovation and discovery that increases absorption by 10 x's. Studies show that it is far superior to other vitamin/mineral delivery systems, and it is the only product on the market currently using this complex (patent is pending so they will be the only one's with this as well). Melaleuca has given their customers a 90-Day Challenge for a full refund if their supplements didn't do as advertised. In 25 years, they haven't had to provide any refunds. Price-wise, Melaleuca's supplements is not as much as P90X's supplements either.
I didn't post that with the intentions to belittle P90X because their exercise program is *great*. I'm just not comfortable using their supplements when I have access to something better. I will go one step further and say that Melaleuca has the only workout bar that's patented: "The patented technology in Access was developed by Larry Wang, Ph.D., professor emeritus at the University of Alberta and world-renowned authority on fat metabolism. He discovered that during exercise the body produces adenosine, which slows fat burning and promotes the fatigue, muscle burn, and soreness associated with lactic acid buildup. Access helps block adenosine so you can more easily convert fat into fuel. [source]"
Melaleuca could definitely help your "get fit program".
Best Regards, MelaTiger
Pay attention; it doesn't cost a dime.