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MY HARVEST Home Grocery Delivery Business

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#21 · Posted: 15 Feb 2010 17:35

Good question,

No, sorry, no file is available, just too large with over ten thousands name brand items, and as you may know, in a very competitive industry, grocery stores are always looking for the edge to promote lowest prices in weekly inserts which everyone is familiar with, so prices change constantly, as in loss leader promotions.

Having used the site several times since launched, I am more convinced than ever the savings are consistantly in the 33% less range, many items were 50%, and the loss leaders used are even better as in the case of Bumble Bee Tuna for .20. I have made suggestion to Fred, the CEO to allow for a trial look, but given this could create server issues with so many shopping at the same time, it has to be evaluated. What happened when when launched was an overwelming amout of traffic at once, so all in good time was answer.

As with all new launches, systems have to be beta tested to insure they can handle traffic on servers, and given they already had to move to ten times larger facilites given the overwhelming demand in firt month, growing pains are always an issue, so this is a period of growth that was greater than even I expected. They had scoped out larger facilities and had started to plan for move just in case it exploded, so once move is compete, and servers have held up with volume, I am sure a one day open access to store will be considered for tire kickers. Then again, with so many people posting their results, it may not be necessary, but good suggestion never the less.

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#22 · Posted: 17 Feb 2010 18:45

Hey FreeBusiness,

You are doing a great job "holding your own" in here and I appreciate
that very much.

We've been involved with home business opps for over 30 years now
and full time with both of us "at home" for over 10 of those years.

NEVER has a business with this much appeal and true value to the Member
(who is really just a customer) come across our desk.

For those who say "Yeah ... but!" --- put your pet "Ya-Butt" away.

"Yeah ... but you STILL have to SELL!" -- no you don't. If you are
trying to SELL saving money on stuff people buy every week and
have to drive to the store, pay MORE for the stuff, then lug it back
home and do that every time --- you're talking to the wrong person!

"Yeah ... but they don't have perishables." -- ok. So you are still
going to get to see your local grocer once in a while. When you
compare the perishables in your grocery budget to the overall $$$
you spend on the "Grocery Budget" --- you will see the 2/3'rds you
spend on NON-PERISHABLES will more than cover the $29.95 per

"Yeah ... but how can they do that free shipping? DOOMED TO FAIL."
You know what? I shouldn't even say this, but here's the deal. They
wouldn't "gamble" or "guess" at this one. They KNOW what it
costs to ship. And they also know there will be people who don't
order enough in a month to "eat up" the shipping cost out of that
$29.95 membership ... and they could also be getting subsidies from
partner stores to offset shipping. BUT IT WORKS.

"Yeah ... but they are NEW and you know the failure rate of NEW!"

Hmmm ... so wait until it's over? Wait until ...???

Look. If it was buying stuff I would NEVER normally buy and it was
new and untested, you bet. I hold off.

But hey? One supplier of Energizer Batteries makes me pay "X" and
this one is "X less 20%" ... and delivers. If they aren't around 5 years
from now to do that and I saved all 5 years and made an income
too .. GREAT!

But I can tell you this.

If you are the "I still can't see it .. thanks anyway." kind of person,
you are the person we don't spend a lot of time "selling" to.

There are too many people out there ANXIOUS to save where they
can, and IMMEDIATELY see what's going on here and act.

To those of you in "Group 2" --- let's go get 'em!

Thanks for your ear ... have a great week!

Jim Stevens
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#23 · Posted: 17 Feb 2010 19:36

Hi Jim,

Great to hear your input as well, when you come across a program that saves this much money for people, with no huge outlay up front, no contract, heck, get in for one month, and if you cannot save the cost of starting your business in first order, I would be amazed, shocked, why, because all my poeple are way ahead on savings in their first month, and with MHA, we don't even have to talk about commissions or compensation plans to get people interested.

When a program offers this much value on what everyone is already purchasing, come on, it just makes too much common sense to ignore or pick on little issues which are brought up by some. Sure, some people may like to grocery shop, but most I know would rather spend 20 minutes in a grocery store than the typical two hours we use to spend. What is your time worth is a question I present to everyone since this is a variable one cannot put a value on for others.

Name one MLM where there is zero risk, no possible way to lose a dime, never mind saves you time from what most people don't enjoy, especially those with little children as in young Mothers, or worse, Mothers who are working. Ask them what their free time is worth. lol

Like you Jim, I have been around the home business arena for decades, and I couldn't think of more than a few businesses which offer this much value for this little money, how about you? Anyone, name an MLM that saves an average of $200. in first month and you don't even have to talk about compensation plans? I know I have never seen one, and I have seen them all. lol

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#24 · Posted: 17 Feb 2010 22:00

Hey "M O'Sullivan",

Absolutely. It's funny in a way, because most "MLM'ers" or "biz opp"
seekers are looking for that exotic, specially formulated, super duper
mysterious "Patented" product to join up with because hey .. who is
going to be impressed if it's NOT?

Ok. Those are out there, to be sure.

Then notice ... they take $250 to $2,000 (to get to the top of the
pay system) and $120 to $250 PER MONTH to stay pay qualified.

And you have to ask, "What was I doing BEFORE I started spending
money on this stuff that I can't do now because I'm SPENDING my
money on something I DIDN'T spend it on before!"

We did it for years. And again, made great money with some of them
while they ran strong, but like most things ... the dieters plateau,
the health seekers get healthy and stop "feeling it" and with the
newer offers like cell phones, etc. you're gunning against the big
boys who DO actually offer real customer service and you're going
to have a tough time "converting" people away from the Big 3.

Then .. along comes something "every day" --- GROCERIES!

Not just groceries (no patent required!) but ones that cost LESS than
they are spending now .. without the hassles of going to the store,
spending the time (great point -- what IS your time worth?) and gas.

And .... you can earn a PAY CHECK? Now we're talking!

We have single GUYS that save $70 per month ... so they cover the
$29.95 monthly membership and put $40 in their pocket.

How do you think THEY feel they'd be losing even if they didn't ever
sponsor a single person?

It's a business made in Heaven.

Guess what else?

My actual background before full time MLM was 20 years in the
financial planning business in private practice. Can anyone tell
me the ADVANTAGES of having a GROCERY BUSINESS as your

No big sign up costs or big monthly membership or forced buying
of things you would normally never buy ... wow.

I'm thinking .... be prepared for a nice LOW TECH ride!

Jim Stevens
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#25 · Posted: 17 Feb 2010 23:33

Hi Jim,

We are both on the same page, having analyzed this industry to death and having researched hundred of businesses over the years, it is back to basics time. lol

The juice wars, the wireless wars, let them all hype each other to death over whose compensation plan is better, whose ORAC content is higher, etc., and frankly, I am not into juices and the whole nutrition attrition war, never mind the compensation wars. lol

Everyone wants to save money, everyone eats, everyone knows Kellogg's, Campbell Soup, Jif and Tide is the same as they get locally, other than ours is fresher for those who like to check expiration dates like I do, so when comparing all the thousands of programs out there, none come close to MyHarvestAmerica, and when you really look for success, always choose one with zero attrition over the compensation wars. lol

I was pleased with all the selection, not a single item I usually purchase was missing from my online grocery store, and not only that, there were items I could not easily find locally at any price. My last order was amazing, I checked off yes for subsitutes on all 109 items and only one was subsituted, Bumble Bee for Sunkist, now that impressed me.

As I am into organic foods, and in my area, these cost twice as much, I am saving even more with MHA, so on convenience, price and the time I save, never mind the hassle of grocery shopping, it just makes good common sense to check MHA out.

Success to all,

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#26 · Posted: 6 Mar 2010 12:23


Well, the money saved to date is over $320. and I don't know about most, but factoring in average families like I consider mine to be would add up to over $3,000.00 per year, NOT factoring in commisisons, and this my friends is impressive given the severe recession we are all feeling.

How much would saving $3,000.00 help you our in these difficult times with unemployment concerns real for almost everyone no matter how secure you think your job is, you never know. It is all about saving money in this economy, and I don't know of any other MLM deals which have saved me this much in this short of time.

Most MLM deals will drain your funds and most will never earn more than they will burn trying, and to see savings of this much in first two months was really impressive. Now that I have my standing order calculated based on consumption pattern, it is so much easier to order online. Now that the initial volume of small orders testing the system is over, I expect delivery time to improve. My last order took 11 days to arrive, so you have to be tuned to planning ahead, expecially with the severe winter snow storms slowing up FedEx as well.

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#27 · Posted: 6 Mar 2010 12:37

Hey ...

Good to hear!

If you go to the site in my sig file, you will see I actually took pictures
of one of our orders .. the box, which weighed 45 lbs and they shipped
it at no charge, how the stuff looked when we first opened the box,
etc. so people can see .. this is for real.

The stuff was boxed beautifully. And the amazing part .. on this one
small order, we saved $24 on it alone.

Anyone reading this ... check it out. You don't have any choice about
"shopping" --- do you? It's not like you can decide "I'm all done with
buying batteries, toilet paper, canned goods, light bulbs, baking
mixes, aspirin, or any other grocery item that's non=erishible
because I just don't think I need to do that any more!"

No ..... you are stuck with buying groceries.

But are you stuck with having to go to the store and spending
25% to 50% and MORE for that stuff?

Only if you refuse to make someone here PROVE .. based on your
own shopping lists, that it could be better.

Now I don't know about "you" --- but when you can actually get
the facts BEFORE you spend any more and like you're seeing here
with the posts from all of us, you can save literally $1,000 to $3,000
a year on what you HAVE TO BUY ANYWAY ... it's one of the few
really smart deals going.

Have a great weekend ... we'll keep ya'll posted!

Jim Stevens
The Work At Home Guru

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#28 · Posted: 15 Mar 2010 21:11

I have a question... If you join, is there any contract to have to sign that makes you stay in the program for a certain amount of time or can you stop your subscription if you no longer wish to stay in?

I would also like to know the prices for these items as a member of My harvest America...

Iams Healthy Naturals weight control Dog Food 6lb Bag
Iams Active Maturity/Hairball care Proactive health Cat Food 8lb Bag
Scoop Away Cat litter 25lb
Chef Boyardee Ravioli per can
Chef Boyardee Spaghetti/Meatballs per can
Pepsi 24/ct 16 oz bottles
Pop Tarts Cherry 16/ct Box

I am considering everything I have read here and it would greatly help me make up my mind if I could truly compare and see that it would be worth the $30.00 a month for me.

Thank You!


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#29 · Posted: 15 Mar 2010 21:14

have a question... If you join, is there any contract to have to sign that makes you stay in the program for a certain amount of time or can you stop your subscription if you no longer wish to stay in?

Greetings Julsy,

No contract, no obligation, you can cancel any time you want with no penalty. I will check out items for you and post asap.

Success to all, Mike

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#30 · Posted: 15 Mar 2010 21:36 · Edited by: FREEBUSINESSES

Hi Julsy,

Sorry, not every item is yet listed, nor are many heavy bulk items listed as with 25lb. kitty litter. Although IAMS was recently added, not all are listed yet, just the most popular, but they do accept suggestions for items to be added.

As I have learned, the most savings come from knowing loss leader game all grocery stores use, so once you dial into your repeat purchase items, you can maximize your savings. I will say, for it to be of value, you have to purchase more than $150. per month which most do. I am in the $500. a month order range to date, and I am saving 44% so far over local prices at my Walmart and grocery store.

Iams Healthy Naturals weight control Dog Food 6lb Bag
Not listed at this time

Iams Active Maturity/Hairball care Proactive health Cat Food 8lb Bag
Only have 1.8lb. in stock at $3.24

Scoop Away Cat litter 25lb
Sorry, No bulk items

Chef Boyardee Ravioli per can

Chef Boyardee Spaghetti/Meatballs per can

Pepsi 24/ct 16 oz bottles
Soda is loss leader at most grocery stores and alway on sale and not carried for that reason

Pop Tarts Cherry 16/ct Box
$1.30 8/ct

Success to all, Mike

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#31 · Posted: 15 Mar 2010 22:09

Thank you so much for helping me. I really don't understand about the loss leader you mention, but our stores here hardly ever have Pepsi on sale and it is usually pretty expensive. I also spend most of my grocery bill on frozen foods and refrigerated foods. So, it seems that for me, that I wouldn't be able to purchase the things that I buy the most, so I don't think at this time, it would be a good idea. However, if in future they add more items that I buy the most of, then I could look into it again. I would love to be able to shop online and skip going grocery shopping, but as it stand now, I would still have to do a lot of that even if I joined.

Thanks again for your time!

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#32 · Posted: 15 Mar 2010 22:34

Hi Julsy,

No problem, I understand, unless you have a family which eats a lot, it is not worth it for it small orders. As to loss leaders, in the industry, grocery stores all use this strategy to draw you into store, and usually it is coke or pepsi at a lower than usual price, at a loss of profit for store, so I am sorry this is not the case in your store. Try a beverage outlet, but our local store always has soda on sale every other week.

As to how it works out for me, as with most, you still have to shop for your dairy and meet, fresh produce, etc., but it is a matter of minutes instead of hours as before, and we spent average two hours a week, so time is valuable, but everyone is different, for me, Walmart is 28 mile drive, local grocery is 11, and in this winter, brutal, so I was pleased with savings of money, and time, never mind the income, but when we add more Iams and pepsi, I will let you know, with expansion taking place, you never know how soon more items are added.

Success to all, Mike

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#33 · Posted: 16 Mar 2010 09:55

Hey Julsy,

Don't underestimate the amount you spend on the things you buy
that are not in the perishable, frozen, fresh food category.

We've found the average savings for us is over 30% and on many
items it's 50%. On things like apple cider vinegar, tea, canned goods,
nasal spray, batteries, boxed mixes like cookies, cake, bread, foil,
you name it .... and on our last order which was about $70 if we'd
bought it at our regular stores, saved us $24.

That is nearly the entire $30 on ONE small order.

I told Vickie ... "I don't want anything to do with another business."

She said, "Fine .... I'll just compare prices." and I'm glad she did!

You don't need a huge family to save the monthly fee. We have
single guys who save $70 per month. It's very easy to get our
head wrapped up in the "food" we buy because we tend to shop
and buy in "categories" --- we're out of meat and vegeys so we
remember that last big shop we did and associate it as "what we
always buy."

That's not the case at all. Only about 1/4 to 1/3 of our actual total
shoppping budget is the perishable / frozen / fresh food category
that My Harvest America can't ship.

If you want to look closer ... holler any time.

Have a great week!

Jim Stevens
The Work At Home Guru

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#34 · Posted: 16 Mar 2010 16:47

I do have two teens and a hubby with really big appetites, but my problem is, I am a horrible cook and buy mostly frozen meals, pizza's, and pre-cooked fresh foods you pop in the microwave. Plus, as of now, they don't have a lot of the non-perishables that I use.

Mike, I would much appreciate you letting me know when more things are added because I do love the concept and can see the savings on items such as Chef-Boyardee @ (target) $1.11, (wal-mart) $.89 (MHA) $.65, that I do buy all the time. But at this time, I can't even stop running to the store for all the non-perishables I would still have to do. But, like I say, maybe in future.

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#35 · Posted: 20 Mar 2010 18:47

I signed up on March 8. I placed an order. I have yet to recieve it or has it been shipped yet. I emailed them and they said they are still packing orders from Feb. 18th..

Come on..

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#36 · Posted: 23 Mar 2010 13:43


You joined at the time of moving to larger operations, so you may not have been advised that there was a delay in getting backlog cleared, but like all startups, there will be hiccups and this was one addressed early as we all were surprised at initial growth with over 150K items shipped already. Once backlog is up to date, they will be back on target with new improved shipping facilities, so we all have to be patient a little longer.

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#37 · Posted: 29 Mar 2010 18:43

Once backlog is up to date, they will be back on target with new improved shipping facilities, so we all have to be patient a little longer.


Has this backlog been cleared yet?

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#38 · Posted: 31 Mar 2010 11:04

Hi, I am a single mom of 4 boys and I joined My Harvest America the day they launched.

In my opinion anyone can save $30 a month or WAY more with this company, even a single person.

No, they don't have non-perishables but they have everything you would find in the aisles of the grocery stores and even pet supplies.

Its not only food. I buy my diapers, baby wipes, feminine products, garbage bags, paper towels, toilet paper, deodorant, dish washing liquid, laundry detergent, fabric softener, household cleaners, etc.

We are talking name brand, not generic (unless you want generic because they have that as a choice too).

Now the pay plan is amazing and there are no hoops to jump through. You get paid if you sponsor only 1 person and sponsor 2-3 and you can make some really good money if they do the same.

I am not happy about the waiting time but there is no way I would quit this business! I am saving tons, don't have to drag my 4 boys to the grocery store so often or stay in the store as long, and I enjoy ordering online and getting it delivered to my door.

I highly recommend this business!

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#39 · Posted: 11 Apr 2010 20:52


Good post, and I agree, the money I have saved is more than most will make in most MLM deals in six months if they are lucky. I have saved $339.00 to date, and at that rate, I could care less about the commissions, they just grow and grow, and I do very little marketing other than forums and SEO strategies, so I am pleased all the way around. Once they get caught up from expansion delay, I think this is as good as it gets in MLMland. Where else can you actually save money in MLM?

I have only found a select few which honestly save you money without changing your buying habits. One is MyHarvestAmerica, Organic Acres for safe fresh produce and TamPogo for all their health, nutritional, anti-aging, botanical skin care and weight loss and lean muscle gain products, plus thousands of other wholesale discount products. Amazing, three programs that all save everyone money.

Success to all,

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#40 · Posted: 12 May 2010 19:50

Big News!

The Shipping Center is open again and they shipped our new
order out within 5 biz days.

Let's forget for a moment there is actually a "pay plan" (that can be
very lucrative) and go with this thought.

If you knew you'd save 30% to 50% off your non-perishable and yes,
non-JUMBO sized items (go ahead and use your regular store for those),

Would you save at least $30 per month?

If not --- you're living alone and someone else is buying your groceries!

We are so glad they had the commitment to make this work and
correct the shipping delays.

I have to admit, if I was going to have a business problem, I'd much
rather it was "Holy COW! How we gonna handle all this business?!?"

Rather than, "Ok ... all dressed up and no one's showing up!"

Don't walk ... run to check it out for yourself.

Hey ... it's "Hump Day" Wednesday --- have a great rest of the week!

Jim Stevens
The Work At Home Guru

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